- Categories:Female, Television Episode
Season 6 Episode 4
At the beginning the Charmed Ones race up into the attic after
escaping a demon who they claim fire it's teeth out of it's mouth.
They go to cunsult the Book of Shadows but it runs away from them.
The three women are revealed to be three blonde sisters seeking to
steal the real Charmed One's identities.
1. Piper (Holly Marie Combs) ... |
2. ... turns into ... |
3. ... Mabel (Jennifer Sky).
1. Paige (Rose McGowan) and Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) ... |
2. ... turn into ... |
3. ... Margot (Melody Perkins) and Mitzi (Jenny McCarthy).
Threads linked to this entry originally posted by anonymous on 2003-10-13, 4 edits, entryid=3330
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