- Categories:Gender, Age, Movie
- Produced by Siren Tales Productions
Siren Tales is now in the making of the most Elaborate Feature to
date. "Transformed" a suspenseful Action Sci-fi, with humor,
advanced level Martial arts, Sexy women and of course
Transformations. Old to Young, Male to Female...and many other
From the folks who brought you "The Catalyst", there is a new film
in production.
No idea when it will be out, but hopefully soon. While "The
Catalyst" was not an Emmy worthy film, it was better than I could
have done by myself. I was not disappointed, in fact, it had
exceeded my expectations. (Admittedly set low for a independent
film with a $2,000 or so budget)
Transformed looks to be aimed right at those of us who visit this
site. Described as "Feature Length Action Sci-fi, with humor,
advanced level Martial arts, Sexy women and of course
Transformations. Old to Young, Male to Female..."
Hopefully, this one will again exceed my expectations, which are
quite a bit higher this time around.
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originally posted by No One Saw Me on 2005-01-19, 1 edit, entryid=2021
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