- Categories:Furry, Television Episode
- Series: Inuyasha
- Episode: 93
Miroku is accused with selling fake charms, preforming fake
exorsims, and flurting with all the women in a village. The only
problem is that he didn't do it.
It turns out that he is being impersonated by a tanuki
(raccoon-dog). The imposter come to a town saying that he is a
monk, and is sent into a cave to get rid of a demon. The demon
turns out to be a weasel that eats tanukis. And when the imposter
is about to be eaten by the weasel he loses his disguise and turns
back into a raccoon-dog.
There is also a nice scene where the Tanuki has Miroku's head and a
raccoon-dog's body.
originally posted by KitsuneKit on 2005-02-11, 8 edits, entryid=1954
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