In Spirit Walk, Book One: Old Wounds, it's revealed at the very
that Voyager's new first officer, Lt. Commander Andrew Ellis, was
replaced several years before the book's events by a Changeling.
This rogue Founder had his shape-shifting powers taken away by the
Dominion and was "locked" in one human form, but a Cardassian
scientist has helped him to slowly recover those abilities. In this
second book, "Ellis" takes other male forms; he spends much of the
novel impersonating Chakotay, and he also spends time as an advisor
to the leader of a world contemplating seceding from the
Federation. There is also some minor TG in the book as he attempts
to overcome an inability to reduce mass, which has limited his
shapeshifting to humanoid male forms.
originally posted by Dave on 2005-04-12, no edits, entryid=1797
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