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Superman: The Animated Series episode Little Big Head Man
  • Categories:Inanimate, Television Episode
  • Season: 3
  • Episode: 5
  • Overall Episode #46
  • Original Air Date: November 21, 1998


This episode features Mr. Mxyzpylk (don't try to pronounce it, you'll give yourself a hernia (a quote from the show)), a inter dimensional trickster with powers over the laws of physics and such. In this episode he transports Bizarro, who is on another planet, to Metropolis to fight Superman. Before he can enjoy it, however, he is transported to his dimension and put on trial for screwing with other dimensions.
His dull but attractive girlfriend Gspltsnz shows up in a lawyer suit trying to prove that Mxy suffers from an obsessive-compulsive obsession that he cannot get rid of. However, the court gets annoyed and turns her into a tree. Slightly nice transformation where she is zapped and her silhouette darkens and morphs for just a moment, sort of like an elongated poof. Mxy's response - "I'm dead"

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1 Comment: Superman , "Little Big Head Man"
Started by guest
219 months
2 Comment: Superman, "Little Big Head Man"
Started by Taigan*, Last Post by guest
219 months

originally posted by anonymous on 2005-08-14, 1 edit, entryid=1391