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Wallace & Gromit: Curse Of The Were-Rabbit
  • Categories:Animal, Movie


I'm not going to go into the story, or plot points - I'm just going to explain a bit about the TF below (SPOILERS):

A large monster like rabbit terrorizes a small town - and Gromit discovers the monster rabbit is actually his good friend Wallace. Seems Wallace transforms into this rabbit every night, and is unaware of what's happening to him - until Gromit points it out (not to mention Wallace is somehow stuck with two rabbit ears at one point). There are actually two transformations. One is out in the woods, as Wallace tries to lift a tree out of the road, and the other is in their home. There's definitly a bit of an ode to AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON in the first TF, as Wallace looks at his hand, as it stretches and transforms into a large rabbit paw. We see everything from the feet, face, ears, body - to even Wallace growing a large bunny tail.

Anyways... the movie comes out in a month. If you're into animal TF's... you should check it out. The movie is a lot of fun, and is on par with the other Wallace & Gromit shorts.

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9 Comment: Wallace & Gromit: Curse Of The Were-Rabbit
Started by KitsuneKit, Last Post by JayGee
222 months

originally posted by Mako on 2005-09-07, no edits, entryid=1325