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Category: 'Webcomic'
Happy But Dead
Main character is changed into a woman after a genetic test goes wrong.
High School Changed Me
Colin, a student at the school, is a patient who was beaten so badly that the nurse was unable to determine what he was. When she healed him, she gave him a bunny-girl's body. When he complained, he changed his clothing into the standard Playboy Bunny outfit.
Holiday Wars
In Holiday Wars, a webcomic where The Easter Bunny kills Santa Claus and declares war on all the other Holidays, April Fools Day is a shape shifter and the first time we see him shift form is *in this episode, where he turns into a bird.
Holiday Wars
Animal, Male
The second time we get to see April Fools shape shift in "Holiday Wars" *is in this episode, where he transforms from being a zombie dinosaur into a more human form.
Jamie the Trickster
Jamie the Trickster is a webcomic about a person who has the ability to shift from male to female at will. Link to webcomic
Kevin and Kell
A classic webcomic, Kevin & Kell takes place in an alternate universe populated by "furries." The Bermuda Triangle functions as a bridge between their world and ours, while a strange mechanism changes species accordingly. In other words, furries become human, and humans become furries. One of th ...more
Kimono's Townhouse
Furry, Inanimate, Animal
A photographic comic about two quirky roommates. One is a neat-freak who enjoys art and classic literature. The other is a hyperactive geek who loves comics, action figures and sugar. They happen to be My Little Ponies.
Krakowstudios is a webcomic, with a few transformations that occur. ===Case's Transformation=== *Date of Comic: 2004-06-14 This is webcomic about a cute succubus named Kia. In one episode, the guy who summoned her has a zit problem and asks her for help. She tried using magic to devise a po ...more
The Last Days of Foxhound
Gender, Animal, Male
A webcomic written and drawn (in paint) by Chris Doucette on his website Gigaville. It acts as a prequal to the game Metal Gear Solid and portrays the activities of Foxhound (the antagonists of the game), based on cannon material with the author's imagination filling in the gaps. The character ...more
Legend of Bill
Current webcomic follows a recent body swap between two women, one evil and one good
Lok'lira in Stormwind
A webcomic based in the Warcraft universe and utilizing World of Warcraft models and scenery to tell a story. "Lok'lira in Stormwind" is about a villain named Loken (based on Loki of Norse mythology) who is able to transform into a female form that he calls Lok'lira. The comic follows Loken as he i ...more
Lunatic Chaos
A comic by a good friend of mine Barrin. It dipitcs a young girl named Jen as she goes through a normal day at school, untill she goes beserk and starts to hurt people. She then goes home to have Vampires come in to kill her....thats when the Transformation starts.......
Magic Chicks
It is discovered that Rain is in fact a guy who used his powers over body mass to diguise as a girl and infiltrate the girl only school Artemis to get close to the girl he has a crush on.
There is a part where a male character is changed into a female character. The link below is just as the male character is feeling the effects of the change.
Gender, Furry
The cast has numerous brain swaps. Some of these are: Jalea swaps with Ralph, Mayberry swaps with Jalea, Ralph swaps with Sammy (Twice!), and Ralphie swaps with Maggie.
In this web comic, Minus is a little girl with astonishing magical powers. She's like Mr. Mxyzptlk or that Twilight Zone kid, except she's innocent and not particularly mean-spirited. She wanders around toying with her omnipotence, and often changing herself and other people at whim.
Gender, Age
A webcomic about a teenage boy that accidentally gets misfiled in heaven as a teenage girl. There is also a minor age change with one of the other characters. In 2015, a Misfile movie was made, based on this webcomic.
Model Maid
A model wishes for the simple life and gets it when a freak lightnig bolt cause her to switch bodies with her maid.
Murry and Lewy
An expansion on the bonus comics from Naga's Den, the "Tits for Twits" duo of Murry and Lewy now have a regular webcomic, starting with a look into their TG change.
Web Comic about a mad scientist Helen Narbon and her assistants. Many story lines are center around transformations.
Slightly funny sprite comic but with hand drawn sprites. One instance where they are making fun of FF battles and the main person use an attack that turns him into a fan girl. Another part where he teleports with a group and everybody swaps heads. He lands on a girl's body and says that brastraps ar ...more
New World
A powerfull and bored wizard decides to visit another world. As part of the spell to go there, he has to bring someone from that world to his world. The procedure ends up changing a man into a fox girl.
This webcomic takes place in a universe with Furries and Humans alike. The setting is a newgroup that is mainly staffed by furries. In the recent comic the human boss, Lorna has to go to dentist to get her wisdom teeth pulled. After coming out of the dentist, she has become a dog furry and all o ...more
Female, Gender, Animal
In a world where knights and magic coexist with modern science, Lord Ballister Blackheart has been labeled a villain, but prefer to be known as a dissident. Blackheart takes on a sidekick who has her own ideas about villainy. Nimona, a red-haired teenage girl, is a shape-shifter. She can turn in ...more
Ninja Fury
Web Comic
Ninmu Nanmu
Magic and alchemy go awry in a concert. There's some nudity depicted, but not much.