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bodyswap potion
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From: guest (MILO) , 139 months, post #41
..............and it is very much possible to detach the soul from the body by reuniting the distributed energy and then leaving the physical body as a whole!This is what is possible through yogic kriyas practised by spiritual saints over is nothing but the art of gathering your soul and leave your physical body(EXTREMELY TOUGH THOUGH).And when another soul has the opportunity to enter the mind reprograms itself according to the new soul and memories.But the drama is as the astral body along with the soul leaves the physical body it dies almost immediately........and so to have successful swapping a soul must enter the body very much the same time as the previous soul leaving(don't know the exact time lag)!This needs expertise for both spiritually trained candidates.........could be fatal!
Now for those still having doubts mail me at ''.

From: Hank Hill , 139 months, post #42
Good grief.

From: Alias , 139 months, post #43
It's amazing to think in this day and age there are people this gullible..

From: guest (bobby hill) , 139 months, post #44
@ hank hill

hey dad, I just used your credit card to by that there fancy potion, do you want to try it out?

From: Hank Hill , 139 months, post #45
With Ming or Nancy, sure.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 139 months, post #46
MILO, I'd love to contact you. I agree with what Darkfox has said. Idk exactly what you meant, but I think I can reread it and get it later, when I've slept more. I believe the way to make a soul transfer to another body and lock it into that body would be to change the bonding agent of the brain.

The soul attaches itself to the brain, the brain then interprets the soul's personality/essence/memories, and the brain relays all of it to the body, which then proceeds to relay real life experiences and sensory data back to the brain, and then to the soul.

So, whatever attaches the brain to the soul must be the key. I've heard people who've astral projected say that in order to project themselves, they have to pull away from multiple fibers (or is it chords?) that attach said soul to the body. Once those tendrils or whatnot are disconnected, they are free to float about. Maybe if one were to remove themselves from their own, and attach themselves to someone else's "fiber/tendrils" while the other person also astral projected, they'd successfully swap bodies?

From: guest (MILO) , 139 months, post #47
Dear Jayzie,
You got it exactly right in the last para.............for the exact procedure with explanation and safety please contact me at my mail Remember the thing is quite delicate and might be fatal with smallest of mistakes!

And for those who really think me as gullible and weird i feel pity for them as some people just don't have that level of intelligence or urge to understand deep about certain things in this world............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: guest , 139 months, post #48
Come on guys, lets be rational. Body swap potions? How gullible can someone be?

From: Hank Hill , 138 months, post #49
For some reason this reminds me of the time when I was five years old, I thought that I could build a realistic robot that would look and sound just like a schoolmate... but then I realized it was impossible.

The key word there is impossible.

See that word, guys? Impossible.






Got it yet? Impossible.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #50
"You are only limited by what you think you know."

"People determine their realities based upon what they see around them and what they determine as truth."

Honestly, I have to say that nothing is impossible, but it is dependent upon what you see as reality. The very fact that once you start to look at it, reality itself is very fragile. Just think "Why am I here?" Or "Why does life exist?" Sometimes you can examine a fact you are not a fan of enough and come to the conclusion that it's not even real, or that there is a good reason it's real. You ever notice that you don't know a dream is fake until you wake up? What's to say that what you are doing, feeling, or experiencing right now isn't fake? How do you know?

How do you know what's real and what's fake? "Impossible" is a word for feeble minded people to describe the things they can't comprehend. You'd be surprised at what you can accomplish once you remove that word from your vocabulary.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #51
MILO, me and you are already contacts. I found our emails together to be very enlightening and helpful. I'm still practicing the link you sent me, btw. It'll take a while to read it all

From: Hank Hill , 138 months, post #52
By that logic, I can blow up the Earth with my mind because you say nothing is impossible. I can also point my finger at people and turn them into turkeys, because it's not impossible.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #53
Hank, maybe you can. But because you've so severely limited yourself you will never accomplish either of those things. The light bulb was never invented until someone created it, and until it was created it was deemed "impossible" by many.

The reason things like you mention don't happen is because the people who'd think to do such things are largely incapable of opening their minds to such power.
It's also possible that the Universe has a filtration system for things like that. Or maybe even still, I'm still completely correct and that when you actually "blow up the Earth" you unwittingly leave this dimension and achieve your goal in another universe that branches off.

Impossible is a stupid word and I don't believe in it. Good day, sir.

From: Hank Hill , 138 months, post #54
Drats! If only I hadn't set these fictitious limits for myself, I could have already been the supreme ruler of the galaxy.

From: Hank Hill , 138 months, post #55
Since it is entirely within the realm of possibility, I have decided to focus my efforts on turning into a ten legged pig that can breathe fire and poop candy canes. My skin will also be plaid. Yes, plaid. This is entirely possible and I am going to make it happen.

From: guest (zap) , 138 months, post #56
Hank, don't even bother. I've seen people like this, I've heard people literally say that "you can grow a fully functional womb as a man" just be listening to hypnotism. and when someone pointed out to them that this was scientifically impossible they want "WELL PEOPLE THOUGHT THAT THE EARTH WAS ROUNG WAS AN IMPOSSIBLE STATEMENT"

People can, and never have learned how to fly. It's 100% impossible. We've just found tools that give us the convenience of flying that has been around since the renaissance (with de vinci).

do I believe it's possible to trick your body into thinking it's a female? Of course, I'm sure we will get some technology like that in the near future. can we become a spirit and possess other people. lolno. Think about it, if we could do that, do you really think the government would just ignore that power?

From: Alias , 138 months, post #57
While the ability to poop candy canes sounds awesome, I'm not sure I'd want to try one..

From: Alias , 138 months, post #58
Who says they're ignoring it.. who says they're not using that power RIGHT NOW..!


From: guest (Jayzie) , 138 months, post #59
Birds of a feather... idiots will never understand the true nature of the Universe, so why do they ask dumb questions and expect answers from me?

It's too tiresome. I really don't care what you believe, just keep your negativity in your own little bubble of "can't do." You say words like "impossible" and mock every else on something that is actually "materialistically/scientifically" possible (material as in dimensionally, not as in possession-wise), and say "Learn this word. Impossible"

Type it all you want, you'll never change another person's beliefs. The human heart is more powerful than your negative condescending attitude. Sorry, just the truth.

From: guest (zap) , 138 months, post #60
just as an example Jayzie, there are petitions out there to get the video game "Bayonetta 2" out on other consoles (it's currently a Wii U exclusive)

this is IMPOSSIBLE, do you know why? because no matter how many signatures they get, it won't happen. The series was cancelled, but Nintendo gave it funding so it would continue. there's no way that it's going to be on the other consoles. No way at all due to the position.

The human heart can indeed overcome attitude. But that doesn't change the fact that what you are discussing is impossible from too many standpoints.

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