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What fictionmania story(s) do u want to see a sequel for the most?
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From: guest (Gay_Swapper) , 144 months, post #61
Hey Eric, I really really want to see a Body Switched Book 3... I've been waiting and waiting for a sequel, for a long time now. Have you and Caleb had anymore conversations about continuing the adventures of Jason and Jennifer. I also think it would be cool if some elements of homosexuality were introduced... I guess there's a tiny bit since the new Jason and new Jennifer switch sexuality's. I think it would be interesting if Richie turns out gay, and has been lying to himself, and breaks it off with Jennifer. Jennifer upset, and desperate to be with Richie tries to convince Jason to switch back so that perhaps she can seduce and be with Richie in her old male body. The new Jason refuses, and Jennifer ends up swapping bodies with Richie so that she can forever be with him... as him in his body. It would also be interesting to read about Jason losing his virginity and what its like for him to have sex with a penis. Did Jason ever have sex in his old body when he used to be Jennifer, or was Jennifer's body a virgin (cherry intact), until the new Jennifer had sex with Richie? Also I am curious was this story inspired by Todd Strausser's "Help! I'm trapped in my... Sister's Body". The names Jason and Jennifer are eerily similar to that book's siblings Jake and Jessica who swap bodies in that book? Please update us on if there will be a part 3 to the fabulous body switched series, and if y'all have any ideas or plot lines going.

~Your biggest fan

From: guest (Gay_Swapper) , 144 months, post #62
Oh and one more question... Also, I'm curious to know, why does being in a new body so drastically change a person's mind, personality, likes, and desires? Does it have to do with their new brains altering their mind/ soul? Basically why did the new Jason and the new Jennifer become so much like their former body's occupants. Also are the new Jason and Jennifer any different than how their body's former owners acted and behaved while they were in those bodies, or are they pretty much identical? I know it says "Jennifer's body had her acting an awful lot like the old one." I just didn't know to what degree since you don't really get to know Jason and Jennifer as their former selves to well in the story. Thanks Eric. Sorry for all of the questions. I just love this story and its characters so deeply. Please continue it!

~Your biggest fan

From: guest , 144 months, post #63
ElrodW- How about a sequel to office exchange! That was one of your best stories and it would be great for another story

From: guest (him) , 144 months, post #64
A Shocking Experience Part 3 because Part 2 left off on a cliffhanger! lol Also to Gay_swapper i always assume its because the new body they occupy runs on a different level of hormones to what your original mind was used to, making a drastic change would mess with anyones minds, if mind swapping ever becomes possible it would be the biggest consern, if the mind can handle the drastic change.

From: guest (guest) , 144 months, post #65
MAU or Medallion of Zulo ,I want to see one where a teenage daughter takes her mothers life because she wants to be her fathers wife. I think that is an underappreciated switch that you dont see enough of. Its usually mom steals daughters body or mom/son switch. It would also be cool to see a black woman steal a racist white womans body to get it pregnant with a black man. On that note I would like to see stories that have a white woman do the same to a black woman.Even though they changed lives I would like to see them act as they always have even if they have changed identities.I dont want either one to be fat or ugly, I would rather see them do it out of pure meaness. Thanks for listening all of the authors write great stories, I just thought I would give a few ideas to think about. I dont have the patience to write good, readable stories myself but think I have a couple of good ideas.

From: guest (Albatro) , 144 months, post #66
Oh damn, if I only ever could see sequels to The Changeling by Sandy Man or to Spellbound by Dianetv!.. Sadly none of those authors wrote anything other than those stories... :((

From: guest (DaniP) , 144 months, post #67
I'd LOVE to see some more stories written around the "Prisoner's Dilemma" experiment.

From: guest , 144 months, post #68
Off the top of my head, Swishy left two great unfinished stories: "An unusual day" and "unchained"; the first one wasn't fully explored even (the main character is unaware or in denial of his mental change).

From: guest (raven) , 143 months, post #69
I loved the Yvonne Moore stories,... most of them left with a sequel pending,...

From: guest , 143 months, post #70
Didn't see it listed yet but am always on alert to a follow up to Splicer-Just a Loaner. I believe IPkiss is the author.

From: guest (Honest Abe) , 143 months, post #71
I'd really love a "sequel" to Morpheus and Raven's SRU: Lover's (K)not. Really interesting racial change, but sadly it was never completed.

From: guest (guest) , 143 months, post #72
Mr. X, ..........In hollywood!!!!

From: guest (Stu Stanley) , 143 months, post #73
I wish that DAW would write the final story in his Ragnarok Rising trilogy.

From: guest (quiter312) , 143 months, post #74
There is many:
Body Switch book
Just one of the cheerleader
After the talent show
Day at carnival
The Entity
Frenemy Switch
Lasting impressions: The Pregnancy

And so on....

From: D.A.W. , 143 months, post #75
Well, I must be doing something right if someone wants me to finish up the series. :-D

Stu you'll be glad to know that I haven't abandoned Ragnarok Rising. I took a break to write the DRU story Hunger Pangs (I posted the 9th and final part yesterday).

I am now back on track writing "Destiny:Triumph of a Spellbinder", I just got through writing a number of revisions and am approaching 30,000 words. I have a feeling this will be at least 50,000-60,000 words long, seeing as the story isn't even remotely close to completion.

From: guest (Men_is_teh_awesome) , 143 months, post #76
I really want to see a story where two brothers swap bodies, or a gay man who is a nerd finds a way to switch bodies with a hot homophobic jock who is a bully. Antics ensue...

From: shadow4755 , 143 months, post #77
some of us never make these sequel lists though i know my online published stiff sucks, i agree with a sequel to ipkiss' stories would like to see that

From: guest (2spirited) , 143 months, post #78
I REALLY love the story "Body Switched" by Caleb Jones and Eric Holder, however I find it rather unfortunate that the story is chock full of gender stereotypes. Jason and Jennifer's father is a horrible parent as to treat his children so differently and unfairly telling his son he couldn't have the same allowance as his older sister who is old enough to work mind you because "girls have more expenses than guys". If you follow that same logic of gender roles and chivalry then women wouldn't need more money as men would be buying them dinner, and therefore Jason and men in general would actually have more expenses, unless of course he dated men. Quite nonsensical thinking for a scientist. I don't think he should have ever fathered children. I feel really sorry for Jason, Jennifer, and Lisa. Anywho, please do continue the story though.

From: guest (2spirited) , 143 months, post #79
(Continued Comment)... Oh and Jason and Jennifer's mother wasn't too bright or a competent parent either, only giving Jennifer a trust fund, but not Jason. Also following that line of sexist thinking, one would conclude that Jennifer wouldn't need a trust fund as she would have a man (Richie) pay the bills and take care of her. I find it so sad that there are people out there who think like this. Jason, Jennifer, and Lisa's parents seem like horrible and ignorant people. Once again, I love tis story and would LOVE to see it continued, I'm just not a big fan of some of the attitudes and beliefs expressed in the story.

From: guest (hangover) , 143 months, post #80
I agree "body switched" very much needs to be continued. I would love it if Richie swapped bodies with someone in the story, say like a younger brother?

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