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Review: Twice in a Lifetime episode Some like it not
Twice in a Lifetime episode Some like it not
A series on PAX, {U.S.). In this episode, a womanizing dentist chokes to death, and is given an opportunity to redeem him self, by being sent back in time, by an angelic judge, as a woman to convince his younger self to change his ways.
From: Mr. Ram , 281 months, post #1
Poorly done TG with the actor who played the dentist,in drag,as a not very convincing woman. Woodenly scripted, unrealistic plot twists used to reach the scripts final goal.

From: Corwin , 281 months, post #2
Incredibly awful.
And definitely not worth looking for.
The womanizing dentist, and his male "angel" guide both end up dressed in drag and that is definitely it. There they are, two men in drag, period. No transformation at all. One of them even complains about how ridiculous it is for them to be cross-dressing, because that's what happens, nothing more. The episode title is certainly appropriate, because the two guys look even less convincing dressed as women than Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon did in the original "Some Like it Hot" except that the writing in this show is just plain stupid... and no Marilyn Monroe. (sigh)
Pass this one by. Forget it. Expunge it. Disregard its very presence on this list. It doesn't really belong here.

From: caleb jones , 281 months, post #3
Maybe I missed something, but I got the impression that the viewer saw them crossdressed but the world at large saw them as attractive females.

This episode requires the audience to pay attention and use their imagination since there is no budget for additional actresses to play the transformed parts. It's a cheaply produced show with no apparent special effects (You die and go to a heavenly couurt and are sent back to change an earlier version of yourself before they make the worse mistake of your life)

Not one of the younger versions of the deceased ever seems to identify their older counterpart, so some magical disguise is a given. You might not be aware of it if you watched only this episode though, and thus your confusion.

Try watching it again with the assumption I stated that they are perceived as women and not merely crossdressed (sort of like TG episodes of Quantum leap). The viewer sees the aura of the person, not the mask that other characters see. Thus your confusion.

It becomes obvious when you percieve it the way a nonTg oriented person probably would, that they were clearly seen as women, not men, by everyone they encountered, especially the female romantic lead who had a sleepover with them. I don't believe any woman would invite crossdressed strangers to spend the night. Maybe you need to use your imagination for this episode more than some other shows where the change is spelled out for you. (Quantum Leap's use of mirrors for example)

(And there are a few people that think some like it hot is a pretty good movie :)

From: Ron , 269 months, post #4
I suppose this one is less staggering a disappointment if you know in advance that, in this series, the same actor always plays the person getting the second chance AND the identity that person assumes after being sent back.
Too bad, because in this episode, you have a guy who's a womanizing horndog, dies, and gets sent back as....
a transvestite!
...a man in a dress and makeup!
Yes, yes, the rest of the world is supposed to see him as a woman, but really... Requiring the audience to engage in that kind of suspension of disbelief is a stunt for stage productions, not movies or TV!
Maybe the producers wanted to get the most out of their guest stars, or maybe they think we in the audience are too dumb to figure out it's the same character unless it's the same actor the whole time, but that then invites us to wonder why anybody would hit on this ugly woman... or guy in women's clothes.
The story is classical, silly, "disrespectful guy learns a lesson" pablum. The ill advised casting only makes it all worse.
Unfortunate. Could've been worthwhile.

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