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Comment: Ultimate Spider-Man, "Issue 102"
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Ultimate Spider-Man #102
Spider-Man meets the Ultimate version of Spider Woman, and discovers that she gaining super powers wasn't the biggest change her life. (Spoiler Text)
From: guest , 211 months, post #1
Click to show spoiler
Fur'f n qverpg pybar bs Crgre Cnexre, fur nyfb unf uvf zrzbevrf. Gurer ner npghnyyl zber pybarf, rnpu jvgu fbzr fyvtug nygrengvbaf. Va fcvqre-jbznaf pnfr ur tbg na K puebzbfbzr ercynprq jvgu na L puebzbfbzr(vg'f abg zragvbarq sebz jub guvf puebzbfbzr pbzrf be vs vg jnf ratvarrerq). Nyfb fcvqre-jbzna pna fubbg jro sebz ure svatref, fb gurer jrer fbzr bgure punatrf nf jryy.Gur bgure fcvqre-zna pybarf vapyhqr bar shfrq gb n fpbecvba fhvg, n unvevre(jbysyvxr?) oynpx fcvqre-zna jvgu fvk nezf, naq n fcvqre-zna jvgu n irel onqyl fpneerq snpr.

From: guest (Slappy Joe) , 211 months, post #2
No need for the spoiler text, I guess.

From: guest , 211 months, post #3
How do you make spoiler text?

From: guest (Mr Nobody) , 211 months, post #4
text to hide.

You need brackets around the "spoiler' tags, though.

Now that we have the actual page from the comic where the secret is revealed, I suppose the cat is out of the bag, anyway. Oh well.

From: guest , 211 months, post #5
Is this an actual transformation? From reading the spoilers, it doesn't sound like a transformation.

From: guest , 211 months, post #6
Click to show spoiler
Click to show spoiler

From: Lady Sekhmet , 211 months, post #7
Thats a valid point. However, since she has all his memories it would seem, from her perspective, as though she was transformed. Close enough for the catalog :)

From: DaveS , 211 months, post #8
USM #99, Ultimate Spider-Woman's debut issue, might be worth picking up as well, as what was revealed in #102 was hinted at in her brief conversation with Peter Parker in that issue.

From: Dale Ribbons , 211 months, post #9
I never liked Ultimate Spider-Man to begin with, but with the introduction of clones has made me hate it all the more. For many fans, the (re)introduction of the Spider-Clone was the 'Jump The Shark' moment for the original Spider-Man. YUCK.

From: Bieeanda , 211 months, post #10
For me, the 'oh, just fuck off' moment wasClick to show spoiler
Znel Wnar gheavat vagb n qrzbavp greevre. Wrfhf Puevfg.

From: guest , 211 months, post #11
The original clone saga ruined spider-man in the '90s because it went on for years and years and years and kept getting worse and worse because the writers had no idea how to pull themselves out of the grave they dug themselves into. This one just limits itself to 7 comic, and was actually planned out start to finish before they began publishing it.

From: Repulso , 211 months, post #12
I haven't read Spidey in years. What is this Ultimate Spiderman comic?

An alternate universe type thing? Just another Spiderman extension?

Another universe?

From: guest (Mr Nobody) , 211 months, post #13
It's a reboot of the Spider-Man story. It started off be retelling his origin and putting the setting back in high-school. It borrows liberally from the old series, but it generally finds ways to re-imagine and update old villains, heroes and storylines.

They are currently tackling the Clone Saga, but as has been noted, it actually makes sense this time around, and it has a definite end point in sight.

Ultimate Spider-Man fits into the Marvel Ultimate Universe. There are also Ultimate versions of the X-Men, Avengers (The Ultimates), Fantastic Four, Hulk, etc.

From: guest , 211 months, post #14
Ultimate Spiderman is essentially in an alternate Marvel Universe (as a short answer to the question). In regards to Spiderman "jumping the shark," sure the clone thing seems uninteresting (i don't really read Spidey ''all that much'') but, seeing as Spidey's the 2nd deepest/well-made comic next to Batman, I think he has, by now, bounced back. I hear good news about his role in this Civil War thing.

From: Dale Ribbons , 211 months, post #15
Actually, guest, that is all your opinion. Mine defers greatly, but then again, it's only my opinion and doesn't speak for the rest of the world. Personally, my interest in Spidey's adventures has been pretty low since 1997.

From: guest , 211 months, post #16
a cagar a la via

From: guest , 211 months, post #17
i thought i made it clear that was all my opinion (what with me never addressing it as fact...) i... i guess it wasn't clear enough.

From: guest , 211 months, post #18
Ignore that... i'm being intentionally argumentative, so i'm checking myself...ignore it

From: Bisected8 , 211 months, post #19
In response to the TCs opening post. The male gene is made up of an X gene and a Y gene, so the second X gene would be a copy of spiderman's first X gene.

From: Repulso , 211 months, post #20
Comics are WAY too sophisticated/complicated for me now. Too many sub-plots and story lines. I've always liked my comics simple and with out so darn many carry overs.

Just my opinion of course.

The art certainly has improved. I'll give them that.

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