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Sam (2016)
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From: guest (Guestimation) , 91 months, post #41
This line of thinking reminds me of a film that *almost* got made, maybe a decade ago, called THE FLIP SIDE. I remember imdb had a listing for it back then, though it subsequently got removed when the project apparently fell through. The short plot description involved some adult male main character who suddenly had to re-live his high school years (or perhaps just senior year), but this time as as a female version of himself, so you had both TG and time travel/alternate reality stuff going on.

It was just a brief plot description, so it didn't relate how or why this happened to him, and it didn't proceed far enough to have specific actors listed for roles. I did get the impression that this was going to be a Hollywood studio release (likely a decently funded independent production, distributed by a major studio), unlike SAM. Too bad it never happened... although I'm sure the script is (or was) floating around somewhere online (not that I've seen it).

From: guest (Also Interested) , 91 months, post #42
It's on youtube. Hurry before its gone

From: guest , 91 months, post #43
I don't think it's going down unless it's the illegal one. It's available through Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

From: guest (Also Interested) , 91 months, post #44
Correction: there's a free one. The movie could've used some music to help it out. I think it was really boring trying to keep my attention.

From: guest (e5y) , 91 months, post #45
Great movie, the first tg change movie to take it seriously and not be another switch clone which is what all the lalola tv shows are based on, and just about every tg change storyline which never takes it seriously, they just always have the guy turned woman acting more macho then a guy and its just retarded, anyway, thought this was a step forward for the genre

From: guest (Captain Gallant) , 91 months, post #46
I have the movie on order from Amazon (not a bad price; "Hit Girl" costs twice as much). But why scorn Lalola? It's very good. It does have a similar setup to Switch, but it develops the story logically and with sympathy, something that Switch refuses to do. And there is over a hundred hours of this tour de force in most versions. (Re Switch. Honestly, Blake Edwards didn't seem to understand women any better than he understood men. All his movie managed to say is that both sexes are lecherous jerks without brains or feelings.Click to show spoiler
Gur pbjneqyl byq zbivr pyvpur gung V jbhyq vaqvpg vf jurer gung gur ureb gheaf onpx ng gur raq (znxvat gur jubyr rkcrevrapr cbvagyrff), be ryfr ur qvrf. Ynybyn (zbfg bs gur irefvbaf) qbrf arvgure. )

As for the other cliche you mention, I haven't seen an example of that. More common is the typical tv sitcom plot (five to 7 minutes of setup, up to 10 minutes of obvious tg gags [like high heels), and five minutes of denouement after the inevitable switchback.)

From: guest (ghht) , 91 months, post #47
biggest bs is when after being one sex for their whole life they then choose life on the other side after a short spell...I think that doesn't make sense. Unless you are one of the people who feel like you are trapped in the wrong body and would see the switch as beneficial the concept of accepting such a major change is humorous

From: Air Gear , 91 months, post #48
But this is different to real life because a wizard did it.

From: Air Gear , 91 months, post #49
"Can hair samples be used for DNA paternity testing? Yes. However hair samples must have the root follicle intact. For the follicle to remain intact, it generally requires the hair to be pulled directly from the scalp."

The whole DNA "matching" thing was just a bit dubious too.

I'm beginning to think that the science in this film was a bit suspect.

From: guest (Captain Gallant) , 91 months, post #50
I have received and watched my copy of SAM. I would call it very good. I recommend it to all. But a poster or two seems to think that it is different in some important aspect from either SWITCH or LALOLA. I don't agree. There is nothing important in Sam that is not in either Switch or Lalola, or in both. But so what? There is a lot that is good in both of those works, particularly in the latter.

I suppose that director Nicholas Brooks is the son of Mel Brooks (who btw made a cameo). I did not see much Mel Brooks style in SAM (other than an occasional pratfall incident). That is for the best, because the heavy-handed comedy style of Mel Brooks would certainly have done harm to what is better told as a sympathetic romance.

I was expecting SAM to be a very low budget work, like IDENTITY THEFT, but the better physical look of it, and also the association of Mel Brooks, Morgan Fairchild, and Stacy Keach in the cast (albeit they are all past their prime), lends the movie a greater significance. How I wish that some TV company would step up and turn Sam into a series, since no one came through to develop the similar material in Lalola for American television.

Now a discussion of the movie itself.

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Yvxr va YYY, gur zrnaf sbe genafsbezngvba vf gur fcryy bs n zntvp-hfre; yvxr va Fjvgpu, n zna trgf uvf byq wbo onpx ol cergraqvat gb or uvf bja pbhfva; yvxr va YYY, Fnz haqretbrf n tenqhny punatr bs bevragngvba naq npdhverf gur vafgvapgf naq rzbgvbaf bs n jbzna; yvxr va Fjvgpu, Fnz qrirybcf n ebznagvp nggenpgvba gbjneq uvf orfg znyr sevraq; yvxr va YYY, Fnz hygvzngryl unf gb qrpvqr juvpu yvsr ur jbhyq yvxr gb xrrc.

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V jbhyq nqqerff gur vffhr bs gur cbfgre tuug #47. Gur tragyrzna frrzf gb or fnlvat gung vg vf of gb guvax gung n zna pbhyq pubbfr gb yvir va gur bccbfvgr frk, cnegvphyneyl nsgre n eryngviryl fubeg gvzr. Jryy, jr ner gnyxvat nobhg n crevbq bs zbaguf, abg ubhef. Fnz qvq n ybg bs yvivat va gung gvzr. Nyfb, V nterr jvgu Nve Trne; abg nyy genafsbezngvba fgbevrf unir gur ureb jbexvat haqre gur fnzr ehyrf be pbaqvgvbaf. V tenag gung zbfg crbcyr unir n uneq gvzr yvivat nf gur frk gurl qb abg vafgvapgviryl vqragvsl jvgu. Gung vf, va snpg, gur qvyrzzn snprq ol znal erny yvsr genaffrkhnyf. Ohg Fnz (yvxr Ynybyn va zbfg irefvbaf) vf abg n fgnaqneq genaffrkhny. Gur zntvp boivbhfyl tnir Fnz gur bevragngvba naq gur rzbgvbany senzrjbex bs n urgreb jbzna; Fnz jnf yvivat sbe zbaguf nf gur jbzna ur gehyl jnf va rirel svore bs uvf orvat. Pbafrdhragyl, Fnz unq gur zrzbevrf bs n zna'f yvsr, ohg guvf rzbgvbany onttntr qvq abg pneel vgf shyy jrvtug (naq guvf znxrf Fnz hayvxr Nznaqn va Fjvgpu).

Click to show spoiler
Gur jvmneq xrrcf Fnz srznyr hagvy fur unf unq gur punapr gb rkcyber gur cbffvovyvgvrf bs jbznaubbq va nyy gurve qvzrafvbaf. Ol gur gvzr Fnz unf gur punapr gb punatr onpx, fur xabjf jung ure cbgragvnyf nf n zna, nf jryy nf n jbzna, ner. Sebz zl bja CBI, V qb abg guvax gung vg vf orggre gb or bar frk be gur bgure, ohg Fnz'f pubvprf jrer abg rdhny. Gur znyr Fnz unq yvirq gur yvsr bs n ebyyvat fgbar, ful bs zrffl ragnatyrzragf, ohg rzbgvbanyyl rzcgl. Ur unq gevrq gb gryy uvzfrys gung fhpu guvatf qvqa'g znggre, ohg ur qvq abg oryvrir vg. Fnznagun, sbe jungrire ernfbaf, jnf noyr gb snyy va ybir naq ure yvsr rkcrevrapr orpnzr terngyl raevpurq. Nf Fnz, ur unq unq n yvsr gung ur unq tbggra hfrq gb; nf Fnznagun fur unq n yvsr gung fur pbhyq vzzrqvngryl funer naq tebj jvgu. Gur rkvfgrapr bs gung ebznagvp obaq bssrerq Fnznagun n qrrcre naq shyyre rkcrevrapr guna fur unq xabja nf gur znyr Fnz. Onfvpnyyl, sbe Fnznagun, gur oveq va unaq jnf jbegu gjb va gur ohfu. Gb zr, ure pubvpr, snpgbevat va zntvp, vf gbgnyyl oryvrinoyr.

From: guest (1011) , 88 months, post #51
The link in post 43 is not accessible to viewers from some countries I think. Try the link below:

From: guest (Saint) , 88 months, post #52
Did your copy include the deleted scenes? Anything interesting?

From: guest (Ziad) , 88 months, post #53

I thought you were the expert of this movie?

From: guest (Dreamer) , 85 months, post #54
Compared to all the other gender change or swap movies that I have seen, It is by far not the worst movie I have seen nor the best somewhere in the middle so I will give a 3.5

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