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Your reaction to swapping with a female that was wearing
From: guest (Bud) , 94 months, post #1
Lingerie and/or swimwear. Let's say you swap or get transformed into a gorgeous woman but she's wearing some sexy lingerie ie a bustier or corset with a thong or panties, garter belts, thigh highs, and heels and you were right by her boyfriend/husband. What would your reaction be? Would you freak over that or be more concerned with the female body you're in? Would the clothes even matter? Or maybe change it up a little bit and say you swap with a beautiful single woman and she's wearing a t shirt and some sexy black boyshorts/panties? Would the exposure of your buttcheeks and legs and other body parts matter?

Let's say you swapped with a cute woman that was in a bikini, what would be your reaction?

I'm sure this has been discussed a million times before but I'm really bored on here and thought this might be an interesting discussion.

I've also been watching FX and FXX and saw two of the ladies on two comedies appear in some cute sexy lingerie on trailers for their shows You're the Worst and Better Things.

Maybe I'm a weirdo but if I was a cute lady or gorgeous woman, I would want to look nice which means dressing up and showing off the female figure but also being comfortable too.

From: cj , 94 months, post #2
If I survive the swap by not crashing my helicopter or not being ready to react properly to the effect of the stunt she was performing at the moment we swapped... LOL

Anyhow, I think I would be confused at first.. probably very confused if this has never happened before, and if I was not expecting or prepared for the swap. Then I'd try to break-away for some alone time to figure out what happened and determine who I now am and what my role is... where I am, the people around me and the relationships that she has with them.

After that I'd try to determine if I want to come clean about the reality of the situation, and to whom / how many others... or if I want to try to impersonate her... or if I want to go for the amnesia thing.

After I've gotten a handle on all of that... then I would start to contemplate my wardrobe and the sensations and mechanics of my new body.

Being on display and/or showing lots of skin would likely bother me. I'm too modest as it is as a guy... I can't imagine how freaked out I would be if I was showing (or worse, flaunting) "my" physical assets. I suppose it's something I would either adapt or adapt to.

From: cj , 94 months, post #3
... but what you're probably looking for... I would relish the feel and experience of all these sexy and form-fitting items and how they make me feel on an emotional level. Yes, I would enjoy the heck out of it... just not in public. :-)

From: guest (Bud) , 94 months, post #4
CJ, you do realize no one is going to know it's really you in that gorgeous female body right? Why so scared? Why not embrace the adventure?

You're gonna tell me you wouldn't like the compliments and attention you would get from the woman's girlfriend or boyfriend after he/she saw you all sexy upped in either lingerie or a bikini?

And not in public? What a disappointment. How are you supposed to enjoy the adventure?

From: cj , 94 months, post #5
Regardless of the body I'd inhabit, I'd still be me... and that means that I'd be a bit reserved and modest. Sure that may relax or change a bit as I adapt over time to my new life and body. So who knows down the road... but I maintain that as long as I'm me, my core values won't shift much, though my change in perspective is likely to have some influence on everything.

I'm not an attention-seeker, so the added attention (if any) would likely be a turn-off and be uncomfortable. And the compliments... well, my inner cynic, driven by low self-esteem, may call most of them BS; only acknowledging a few as genuine -- so I'll likely come off as a bit of a frozen b***h.

Experiencing the adaptation from old to new... without losing my core self in the process, is the adventure. If I throw away who I really am, what would be the point. :-)

From: guest (Bud) , 94 months, post #6
CJ, that's really sad. I hope someday your low self esteem improves. Not good to be that low.

I think you could still get into the role of being a hot babe and girly girl without losing your inner male self.

Maybe I'm weird or different. Maybe I have a fetish of some sort but I think it would be adventurous and wild to be in a cute female body and be able to show it off and get all girly girl ie wear sexy lingerie or a bikini or a dress skirt suit or dress with some heels and maybe pantyhose.

And the attention would be nice because I don't get that much attention as me. I don't get noticed so a change would be interesting.

For me it 's about playing the part or role.

From: cj , 94 months, post #7
Bud - You don't sound weird at all. Individuals having different tastes and desires is part of what keeps the world from being boring.

It's always fun to imagine what one would do, or how they would react if swapped or TFd, and the how different personalities or tastes shape their ideas.

Oh, I'm sure I could get into the girly girl thing a bit... for a while... once I knew what I was doing. The "hot babe" thing... I dunno - depends on if I actually swapped into an appropriate body for that (not my first choice - I prefer average, girl-next-door -ish). I just prefer not to be the center of attention, especially in public. But for an audience of one (or even just for myself)... it is quite possible that I would vamp it up. Of course, this is all just best guess for initial and short-run... as time passes, these things may change.

Anyhow, don't let me bring the party down, it's just how I imagine I would react. I know that you're not too alone in wanting to show off your new body and such. So hopefully others will join in the discussion and share their thoughts.

Oh, and thanks for the well-wishes. :-)

From: guest (Bud) , 94 months, post #8
I think I'm more enthusiastic about it than others because I have a foot/leg/heel/boot/hosiery fetish. I'm not trying to be a pervert but I love it when a woman wears that stuff. It is my kryptonite.

And for me, I guess it's more about trying to the best out of a probably scary situation. Let's face it. If you're a guy and you woke up in the body of a gorgeous woman in say her 20s, it would be very scary. Why? Because you wouldn't be yourself. Where would your body be? You would have no name and no identity and no money. You would be completely on your own. It would be truly scary.
At the same time, it would probably be better if you simply swapped with a woman than just turn into a blank slate woman that doesn't exist in records.

But yeah, I would definitely try to spice things up and show off the figure. I'm not going to slut it up and be trashy looking. There's a difference between being sexy and gorgeous than slutty and trashy.

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