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Becoming Someone You Hate
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From: guest (Jayzie) , 95 months, post #21
You're not the only one. Sometimes I feel as if I really could shut myself off from all society and just stay like that until the day it's all over.
Things can get hard, especially when you rely on people too much and they continuously let you down.
Hang in there, man.

From: cj , 95 months, post #22
Good to know I'm not the only one.

Thanks Jayzie.

From: guest (a) , 95 months, post #23
Getting back to OP's topic: I would become my ex-girlfriend. She's a gorgeous pale, redhead. Instead of ruining her life, I would just enjoy. The first thing I'd do is put on a short, black dress with high heals. Then, find a mate of ours from high school that had a thing for her. We would have a wild night. ;)

From: cj , 95 months, post #24
That sounds similar to a segment from the movieClick to show spoiler
Qngvat gur Rarzl

Can't say that I wouldn't be tempted to do something like that myself.

From: guest (Set3) , 95 months, post #25
If I had to pick to swap bodies with someone I hated, it would have to be under the stipulation that I can go to a certain point in time too.

The reason being is that I would like to swap bodies with Justin Bieber and say no to the guys who made him what he is today with sub-par bad music and obnoxious attitude of self-entitlement. It would be a step up from the journey he's taken now. After I was sure he wouldn't get picked up, then I would swap back and hope he check out how far he fell since becoming a celebrity while in my body and time period.

This isn't a gender swap but I think it would be worth it.

From: guest (Bud) , 95 months, post #26
If you're going to put on a short black dress with heels, make sure it's low cut and tight and also don't forget black lace lingerie and garter belts and panty hose. And make sure he puts a rubber on because you could get pregnant and I'm sure your ex would be pissed about that.

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 95 months, post #27
Yes Ashu, that would be me, hope you liked it. :)

From: guest (Jayzie) , 95 months, post #28
This one girl used to make fun of me on the internet. She was beautiful but extremely mean. One time she said for me to "kys," and another time she said "If I was him I'd put a bag over my head and never leave home."
I thought to myself "I wish we could switch bodies." That night we both go to sleep and wake up at each other's houses, in each other's clothing, and (gasp!) in each other's bodies! So one of us calls the other one on our cell phones and discusses what we have to do. Maybe we even have a bet to see who is better at being the other.
This has been a good fantasy of mine for a little bit.

From: guest (Ashu) , 95 months, post #29
Luv_To_Switch_Bods i just wanted to say that i am a big fan of your writing.

Can you also link where people can find your work?

From: cj , 95 months, post #30
"Can you also link where people can find your work?"

Perhaps in another thread. Let's try to keep this one on topic.

From: cj , 95 months, post #31
You should write a story about that Jayzie... perhaps several variations based on that one beginning. Sounds entertaining.

From: guest (jill) , 95 months, post #32
or a neighbor lady, who loves spying out the window monitoring what everyone is doing, reporting it to others behind the person's back, Putting her in a position as to how much better she is then everyone else. Yelling at the neighbor kids about staying off their grass, making too much noise or behaving badly compared to her kids who by now are all grown up.

From: guest (Bud) , 94 months, post #33
Others have said it but the best revenge in a swap with someone you hated would just to dress really sexy as them and really play the part especially as the loving wife or girlfriend.

From: eufario512 , 94 months, post #34
Someome I hate... Hmm. Interesting. Going to pick a celebrity. Nicki Minaj. How about instead of being a show-off and a narcissistic jerk, if I were in her body, I would cut the self-centered crap in her music and write decent lyrics. Also, I would like to give some of my money to charity, and become a supermodel, at that.

From: guest (tsn) , 94 months, post #35
Hmm... Someone I hate? I don't really hate anyone that I'd be interested in becoming, at least that I know in person. I think I'd have to choose someone famous, like some of the previous posts. Two off the top of my head, though this is making me think, so I don't know. Both Azealia Banks (known for Twitter outbursts) and Nicole Arbour(made 'Dear Fat People') have done quite bad things just for attention. It's a shame I don't hate Nicki Minaj or Kim Kardashian. I think both of them are people who are under a lot of control and forced into playing 'characters' - Nicki hates her stage name, she didn't get to choose it. Not that these people are fully innocent, but I don't think they're bad people by any means, I'm just neutral on them. I guess I'd probably go with Iggy Azalea, just for money and fame, since she's probably the most rich person I can think of that I dislike right now that also has a nice body to go with it.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 94 months, post #36
When I said "someone you hate" I didn't mean celebrities, for the most part. I meant something more like where you and someone you have a personal issue or feud with would be forced to be in one another's shoes for a bit.
But I do find a lot of these pitched scenarios interesting. I don't have any celebrities that I dislike at the top of my mind whom I would swap bodies with.

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