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Full body transplants in india
From: guest (Jason) , 97 months, post #1
This video seems legit. Apparently in India that already successfully have given people donor bodies thanks to stem cell advances. At 3:40 they talk about a mans head being put on a woman's body because hers was apparently the only tissue/blood type match

From: guest (troll) , 97 months, post #2
Dude... It's a fake.
This video is for April's 1.

From: guest (set3) , 97 months, post #3
It's a well done video but I have no confidence that it's genuine. If they have the technology to conduct full body transplants in the manner they're suggesting then it would still be more feasible to do regular organ transplants since it would seem to suggest that their research lowers organ rejection to practically nil.

The research would also suggest that a side benefit would allow paralysed people to walk again since they can safely reconnect the nervous system.

As much as I'm interested in head transplants and the like surgeries, it's still a more viable system to have a donor body supply the needed organs to a dozen people than to give it all to just one person.

From: guest (Jason) , 97 months, post #4
There's no evidence of it being fake. Just because people in the comments section assume it is doesn't mean you should play follow the leader. Beside if you did more research troll you would have discovered that the first official full body transplant is going to be done some time next year on a man who has a muscle wasting condition and is going to die if nothing is done for him

From: cj , 97 months, post #5
There's even less evidence that it is real.

Even the video... it's not even close to being convincing. The settings and interviews look awkward, the graphics look mostly tangentially related, and there were no images from any procedures or results of said surgery. Like things had to be fabricated, instead of reported.

And you sort of contradict yourself. Either the video is fake, or the "first official full body transplant" is set to be next year. You can't have it both ways.

And the ethics... especially of placing a male head on a female body or of a 70 year old's head on a 20 year old body. Things like that are fodder for fantasy, and a nightmare of exploitation and killing in an attempt for power, beauty, and immortality.

From: guest (That Guy) , 97 months, post #6
Of course it's fake Jason. As one of the comments on the video says - the guy claims to be in a top secret lab but he walks past a shop with mannequins in the window.

Or maybe he's just trying to throw us off the scent.. Not.

From: guest , 97 months, post #7
If it were real it would be on the front of every paper and Donald trump and Rupert Murdoch would be walking round in twenty year old bodies.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 97 months, post #8
The technology is here right now to do a head transplant. What we can't do however is reattach a severed spine. So your head would be alive (for awhile anyway), but you would be fully paralyzed from the neck down.

If anyone had found a way to repair a spinal injury like that we'd see it being used to cure paralyzed folks around the world long before we would see it employed for full body transplants.

From: guest , 97 months, post #9
There are so many cues to it's fakeness it's almost a drinking game. For those whose native BS detectors are easily thrown off, NDTV's own link seems to dispute their own news report when they say in this link:

"Major Breakthrough: Full Body Transplant (This is an April 1 Joke) "

The guy who's planning on doing a head transplant next year has a lot of experts in the field (as opposed the other better experts consisting of anonymous people on the internet) doubting it will happen. The guy admits he hasn't come close to getting any animals he's experimented on to survive the surgery.

From: guest (Jason) , 97 months, post #10
Fake or not successful head transplantation will be a done in the future. And I don't just mean the reattaching process. The bodies will be fully functional. More work just needs to be conducted on fusion of the spinal cord to the new head. Stem cells so far look very promising to getting to this goal.

From: cj , 97 months, post #11
"More work just needs to be conducted on fusion of the spinal cord to the new head."

And anti-rejection, without all the immuno-suppressants.

From: guest (CleoKraft) , 97 months, post #12
Actually, why not disreguard the spinal issue and simply transplant all but that area of the brain? Simple in comparison.

From: guest (Captain Pickle) , 97 months, post #13
@Jason post#10

So what? that's not the issue raised in your first post, it was whether that video is legit or not. Fact of the matter is it's fake, plain and simple. What science may do in the future is speculation and totally beside the point of reporting a current event with real tangible effects and implications. Something which is totally undermined by a fake video.

From: guest (barackobrahma) , 97 months, post #14
In the future, probably, we wont have full body transplants. If we reach a points we society accepts that we need to "reset" our bodies, since ageing can be slowed, but not stopped or reversed, in complex organisms like ours.

What I mean about reset? Well, easy... we will produce specific parts that needs to be swapped, using donated scaffold, or even 3d printed ones, and populate it with some backup cells, that we stored early in life. So, no rejection at all, since the swapped part won't be recognized as an alien, being it composed by the same DNA.
Sometimes a full body reset will be need, but most of the time, just some parts are defective and I dont think it will be advised to swap an "ok, Im still working" part.
I dont think the term transplant applies... maybe autotransplation.

When this come true (so far, only the simpler structures were studied, with high success... bones and veins, I think), people could specify the shape of their backup body. Think about the possibilities. =]

From: cj , 97 months, post #15
"... why not disreguard the spinal issue and simply transplant all but that area of the brain? Simple in comparison."

Actually, IIRC, that would actually be more complicated than a head-transplant. Where a head transplant is dealing with some blood vessels and nerve bundles that handle specific regions or groups of sensors and control, to slice into a brain, you would be dealing with more and smaller vessels and nerve connections.

And the neural pathways in the brain itself are not necessarily exactly the same between two individuals. The general locations of such things are probably the same, but it's in that very fine detail, where the those individuals are unique and the "wiring" may not match up closely enough to get things right. Enough of these mis-matches and differences, and the brain and body might not be able to overcome the learning required for successful symbiosis.

I still have hope that someday this might be possible. But we'll see head / full-body transplants first... and before that, as others have stated, we'll see spinal repair and repair of other nerve damage first.

I do wonder though. I've noticed that I seem to be getting slower at learning and remembering things as I get older. Is that a function of the age of my brain tissue, or just that I've grown accustomed to life and my brain is out of shape from having to learn?

Perhaps even when head or brain or even partial brain swaps are possible... this will be the thing that prevents human immortality.

From: guest (vup) , 97 months, post #16
"Is that a function of the age of my brain tissue, or just that I've grown accustomed to life and my brain is out of shape from having to learn?"

'Plasticity' is term they use for thinking in such a way as to keep the brain more capable of acquiring new skills, knowledge and thought patterns. I've read a few things in the media (got no links and don't remember where specifically) where researchers claim that it does appear to help mitigate the slow inevitable decline of our neural networks. Basically, they give the study subjects a series of mental exercises to perform regularly as well as make them to think in less habitual ways.

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