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China online drama "Go Princess Go" (Time travel m2f) got banned
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From: guest , 97 months, post #21
The dailymotion files are dated before January the 20th so it seems they're likely to be before they were taken down elsewhere.

I'm guessing in episode 6 he doesn't remember much because he was both drunk and not wanting to remember more than he absolutely had to (cue at least a day or two of vomiting at what he could remember of it).

From: guest , 97 months, post #22
Having just finished episode 24, I'm now leaning even more towards this being the original edits of the episodes.

To add to my earlier theories about our lead character having being knocked backwards through time into a past incarnation in his reincarnation cycle, it's also a possibility that the princess was also a past biological ancestor which could also be something that facilitated the transfer.

It also presumably means that if this theory is correct, he's in effect his own ancestor too in a way.

From: guest , 97 months, post #23
I should have checked Wikipedia sooner, they're usually very good with this sort of thing.

"The show was taken offline on January 20, 2016 following a request by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. It has been speculated that this is due to the censors' dislike of sexual scenes, vulgar language[1 and time-travel themes.[2 The show was made available again around January 28, 2016, with a number of cuts, roughly about a third of the show – "seven to eight minutes in each episode".[4 LeTV is considering a movie sequel to the show.[4"

What I saw definitely wasn't missing 7 to 8 minutes per episode.

Just finished watching it all including all the alternate endings. Much enjoyed it, thank you everyone for the recent One Two of Please Come Back Mister and this.

From: guest (Keeper595) , 97 months, post #24
Is this still on Viki ? I'm in the UK and could not find it on the app on Xbox Live.

From: guest , 97 months, post #25
That's where I'm watching it.

From: guest , 97 months, post #26
what eps have the transformation?

From: guest (Justin) , 97 months, post #27
Yes its 37 episodes i found but i need some help also to find the good eps.

From: guest , 97 months, post #28
Episode 27 is an extremely good episode ... which I accidentally managed to skip on the way through and realised I'd missed it when I was reading the summaries here to fill in any things I'd missed (so ... success?)

Episode 2 also has one of the funniest period equivalents of a car chase that I've ever seen.

From: guest (Keeper595) , 97 months, post #29
Maybe i'm being stupid but what title is go princess go listed under on viki? I have looked and i cannot find it

From: guest , 97 months, post #30
I'm getting it under "Go Princess Go"

But anyway, try this.

From: guest (Valkan) , 97 months, post #31
I know Go Princess Go doesn't play when I'm on my mobile device due to viki's legal policy for some shows, but plays on my computer. Maybe you can't find it on Xbox Live App for similar reasons and need to switch to a computer.

From: Bodyswap1 , 97 months, post #32
What is please come back mister?

From: guest , 97 months, post #33

From: guest , 97 months, post #34
If this was made in America or had English subtitles it would be the greatest thing ever. It hits all the buttons on me. The premise, the girl who is stunning, becoming pregnant, still messing around with women as a woman. Everything about this show is amazing to me.

From: guest (Air Gear) , 97 months, post #35
Well, you've seen the Viki episodes right because those are English subtitles and it *is* the greatest thing ever.

From: guest (Zhang Fei Fan) , 96 months, post #36
As I was the one started this thread may as well provide some kind of closure.

In short this low budget online series was an unexpected hit in China and now it has become a trope namer for TF genre in China. For example when people talking about Come Back Mister they would say describe it as Korean version of Go Princess Go. In fact I found out about GPG when I was searching for information of Come Back Mister in Chinese and it was then I found an entertainment article describes CBM as Korean version of GPG. Of course this sounds silly for people like us who are fans of TG, but that's how a trope namers work for general audience, and GPG is really a trope namer for TG in China now...

From: guest , 92 months, post #37
Any new news about my favorite show?

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 92 months, post #38
Anybody know if the Viki episodes are the abridged or original series?

From: guest , 92 months, post #39
Message deleted by cj. Link in post appears to be to a complete copyrighted work, and the site has no clear links or process for content owner to remedy infringement, much less a reputation for honoring copyright. Please see the FAQ page for our policy on links to copyrighted material.
From: guest , 92 months, post #40
Where can I buy this?

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