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Ever feel like what you do in this TG community doesn't matter?
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From: guest (Disgruntled) , 100 months, post #1

I'm gonna come right out and say this, and be controversial, without being denigratory to any one particular person. So mods, please allow me to vent this one time.

I'm a person who has been a lurker to TG, and then later a contributor. Or so I thought. Maybe sometimes I think my interests in TG is way too taboo for acceptance from the people here that care about this niche fetish. I will say I have contributed some captions and stories and I always feel like I am left behind, in the lurch.

It's made me think to a point that maybe I should just go back to lurking and appreciating (or in my case, resenting) what amazing things people are able to create, but more importantly, what sort of relationships and praise people pass on to each other. Because it certainly has not been passed on to me.

Ok, rant over. Discuss. Or don't. I'm sorry to waste a message board post.

From: barackobrahma , 100 months, post #2
Dude, haters gonna hate. Don't let them affect you. If you feel good writing/captioning/etc about something that you like, do it... but do it for yourself. Don't do it for others. It's not selfish... it is just how things works.

Some authors have a big audience, with less shy fans that can share their own feelings without fear our remorse. As far as I can see, a great amount of people in our community doesn't wanna to commit with it because of their own internal fears... usually, the fear of it becoming real... people outside our community knowing what they do, and like, here. I can see a lot of them who doesn't consider being transsexuals at some time, or even having sex with one of them IRL, but they fantasize about it... it is just a fetish and need to be that way. So they don't talk. They just come and lurk, as you said. Don't be so harsh on them...

Reasoning about you said, if you like something narrowed inside our community, probably your audience will be lesser than others who have broader interests. Doesn't mean that you don't have your loyal and shy fans. I tried to talk to my idols in our community, saying that I was really amazed by their work... but after years following them without saying a word. I decided that this is just a fetish, it is just part of my life... and won't be whole, like a vicious and cancerous stuff. I love SciFi, but I won't let SciFi dominate my entire life, like TG.

So, don't be sorry, don't feel bad. I talk for myself, but I think that others will agree with me, even if they are those shy ones... as a community, we help each other! ;)

Hope I could make you feel better... if you wanna talk in a more private fashion, obrahmabarack at gmail it's always at your service!

From: barackobrahma , 100 months, post #3
Just saying... I did a joke on our board yesterday. But, I assume that some didn't catch it... or just caught it, but didn't have any interest in going on with it, for a multitude of reasons... like disliking it, or being shy about doing it.

Do I feel bad about it? A little... but that won't stop me doing again someday... unless, you know, mods asks me to stop it, or people say that is too annoying.

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #4
Okay so you're mad that people are giving you credit for what you've offered or not enough?
That's sounds a bit childish to be honest. It's like a little kid looking for attention who gets mad when they don't receive it. Sorry just my opinion

From: guest (Disgruntled) , 100 months, post #5
Not mad...frustrated. And tired.

From: Repulso , 100 months, post #6
TG too taboo? In this day and age? I really don't think so. If you feel bored frustrated or whatever perhaps a new or addtional interest might help. Or...a vacation away from TG? You're probably not alone in your feelings and no doubt you're recognized it's just that people may not respond the way you'd prefer or not at all.

Hope you stick around but whatever you decide the best of luck.

From: guest (Guest) , 100 months, post #7
Truthfully, I've found everyone in this community to be really nice/supportive.

From: guest (Guest) , 100 months, post #8
From my own experience, I sold 50 copies of my book in one day. With no "name" or previous support. You should just make content that you want to make. Some people will enjoy it and some people won't. That happens with anything creative though, that's not unique to the TG community.

From: barackobrahma , 100 months, post #9
Unless you are Wren Addams and do a TG video. Then everyone will like and enjoy it.

From: cj , 100 months, post #10
First of all... Thank you!

Thank you for lurking and reading and then feeling confident and comfortable enough to share your stories and thoughts with us.

Now... This is a very large world, and we are only a very small part of it. You indicate that your interests may be "taboo" even for this community. Perhaps they are, but even so... it's highly unlikely that you are alone. Your specific kink or interest may be a very small niche, but it's probably shared by others, and that is fine... as long as nobody is getting hurt (without their consent).

You should know from your lurking days, that some people are happy with just doing that. In fact there are far more lurkers than those who share... and the number of those who share actively and frequently are even fewer still. That goes for reviews and comments as well as content creators.

I think that's just human nature... perhaps we all have a voyeuristic part of us that just likes to watch. :-)

As an author (yes, I've written a few stories... just amateur net fiction), I've felt that despair that comes from the lack of reviews... but after awhile you realize that everyone else is just as busy as you and their attention is being pulled in a thousand different directions. Even a few eyes on your work is great thing.

I always look for new reviews on my older work... but they rarely come after the "new" wears off. And when I go back and read my own work after reading some of the constructive reviews... I can see why. I'm not that good of an author... my stories aren't ready for prime-time, they're not great... not really even that good... but that's okay. The concepts reverberated with a few people that seem to like what I do. And I know where I need to improve in my story-telling. :-)

I cranked out a few stories over a short time before I realized all of that. Now, I'm set to re-visit my story ideas... when I have time to sit down and write again. And I'll still be disappointed when I don't get many reviews... but I'll enjoy every one that I do get.

I think that the best goal any content creator should have is to enjoy their creative efforts. If you're not getting something out of the effort, you're doing something wrong... and it might be time to try something new. :-)

I hope that whatever you choose to do, be it lurk... or create, do it because you enjoy doing it. :-)

From: guest (Disgruntled) , 100 months, post #11
Thanks for the encouraging words of advice. Honestly real life has made it extremely difficult to really follow-through and contribute. And thanks to those people who have commented and gave me negative comments and discouragement about how I'm not as good as other established people in this ridiculous TG world. Even better, thanks to all the "idols" who I cared about..I emphasize that in quotes cause obviously my opinions of them are inclined to be in the negative.

I guess my final decision is to indeed lurk.

From: barackobrahma , 100 months, post #12
Advice: create a history where those haters are part of it. Be the last one to laugh! :P

From: guest (GuestyGuest) , 100 months, post #13
Im confused, Where are all the negative comments and discouragement you just mention? Are they on this thread or on your blog? I only see one negative comment on here and the rest are supportive, thought out answers. Same with the "idols." Did someone you idolize say something negative on here? Have you reached out to your "idols" and they've been mean or shut you down? Cause that seems a little extreme

Ive been a lurker for a long time, mainly here and on caption blogs, and from what I can see not a lot of people actually comment on blogs at all. Most people are pretty silent. So if you enjoy making caps than you should make caps! Sometimes it takes awhile to build an audience.

From: guest , 100 months, post #14
Not really, it's the scientists and engineers that change the world not bloggers or artists, I just hope one day they "cure" identity disorders, it would be amazing to be able to just swap people into bodies they would be happier in. Or even better grow new ones...

But I enjoy TF fiction and while it doesn't really matter on a grand scale it's providing a small number of people a fictional escape for a bit. So you should congratulate yourself.

From: guest (Dolphin) , 100 months, post #15
I'm too shy and embarrassed to register a real account this site. I might never have the courage to write and post a TG story. I'm often too embarrassed to even comment on one and say I enjoyed it. It's hard to imagine this is unique. Maybe you're better-appreciated than you think?
In politics, after all, they say that one letter or one phone call is equal to one hundred voters (the ratio varies). I imagine there's an internet equivalent for content creators.

From: MissMako , 100 months, post #16
I think that feeling comes with the territory. My best advice I can give like some other have said here - create the content you make for you. Not for others. If you are first and foremost looking for praise rather than doing this for yourself - I believe you are setting yourself for disappointment.

Especially considering this is the INTERNET. Where safe anonymity for Trolls can destroy people's egos and self confidence if you put too much worth in what strangers spout out. I should know. I've had my fair share over the past 20 years of creating TG stuff and sharing it on the internet. Every once in a while you'll get a diamond of praise - but more often than not - you get coal if anything at all.

- Miss Mako -

From: Weirdoid , 99 months, post #17
I know what it is like. I didn't create much. A couple stories and an overly spammed yahoo group. But since my tastes drifted too male and gay for TG fans I get many insults when I mention them and feel both unimportant and unwanted.

I am also feeling the term TG community is a misnomer. Why? A few times on this board I seen posts implying FtF and possession by nongendered entities was TG. I saw a few YouTube videos the other day that called FtF transformations MtF TG. FtM cannot be posted without hateful replies. I often feel this is not a gender transformation community, it is a female appreciation one.

From: cj , 99 months, post #18
Weirdoid, you mention "this board" in relation to "TG community" . I think that the OP was speaking about the actual TG community, which makes up only a portion of the community. This site deals with transformation (and related) material, of which gender (TG) is only a part... albeit, a seemingly majority part.

Still, I do understand where you're coming from with mislabeled / misidentified clips, "hateful" posts on non-MtF stuff, and the "female appreciation" vibe.

From: guest (rhaokja) , 99 months, post #19
Hey Disgruntled, I'm sorry you're feeling under appreciated. I don't know what sort of work you do or where your tastes lie but I believe creating things is one of the finest things a person can do. Please keep going, because as long as you're contributing and growing your life will have meaning.

From: Hank Hill , 99 months, post #20
I've never felt that way at all. Maybe "almost" depending on what sites I choose to share anything I produce on, but I've never actually felt like I was doing anything pointless. When I stumble upon a manipulation or something of mine being shared on a site I don't visit? It at least tells me that I'm doing something right, at least to some extent.

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