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Femininity In Women Is On The Decline
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From: guest , 45 months, post #61
Who dug this old chestnut out of the vault, send it back to hell where it belongs lol

Seriously Men’s fashion has changed, we no longer where tights (Mostly? Right?). Women’s fashion has changed they now where underpants (mostly? Right?).

Fashion changes, men have worn skirts, women have worn trousers, the modern world is different an FB I expect fashion to have change multiple times before I die.

That’s just the world we live in, if you want to wear a dress in your wedding day go for it, but don’t force others to.

From: guest (youropiniondoesnotmatteratall) , 45 months, post #62
no kidding it is....women are told to act like men and men are told acting like men is toxic...ridiculous the way they are twisting society

From: guest (9 2 8 2) , 45 months, post #63
With the way things are changing, don't hold your breath expecting for a reboot of I Dream of Jeannie happening anytime soon.

From: guest (Guest) , 45 months, post #64
No offense but that sounds somewhat drug induced, it's completely nonsensical.

From: guest (kifili) , 45 months, post #65

Well I am against reboot in general. So nothing of value was lost.

From: guest (Amused onlooker) , 45 months, post #66
I feel like the OP doesn't understand how hot girls in suits are. Holy fuck so hot.

Also how feminine people dress isn't strictly tied to how feminine they are as a person.

Also some places you'd have to be mad to wear skirts and dresses as I learned to my detriment, constant high speed cold wind threatening to trip you with your own skirts or expose your underwear to everyone around you (also way tooo cold). That and long hair not tied up in a bun or tucked into a beanie is going to whip you in the face and get in your mouth.

From: guest (julm) , 23 months, post #67
I think the thing is people are just becoming lazy nowadays. When I first boarded a plane in 1960s we all dressed nicely for the occassion but nowadays going with slippers and shorts will do.

From: guest (tanned) , 12 months, post #68

I think it's not that we have "becoming lazy" (whatever that means). In the 1960s only a small minority of economically well-people could afford to board the plane. Of course they were gonna dressed appropriately for the occasions.

From: guest (2 4 5 8) , 12 months, post #69
julm, regarding slippers and shorts, may I also add flip flops and crocs to the mix as well?

From: guest (Alicia) , 12 months, post #70
I'm going to also add that the experience of going on a plane has shifted dramatically since the 1960s. As a for instance, maybe you wear slippers/flipflops/crocs based on them being easy to take off, because you now have to take off your shoes.

From: guest (9 5 5 1) , 12 months, post #71
Don't take this personally, despite being comfortable crocs are one of the most ugliest looking shoes ever invented and BTW Guest from post #64 would you be more comfortable if I said Bewitched?

Anyway, I heard back in 2022 (a.k.a. last year) that Virgin Atlantic are allowing gender neutral uniforms for the flight crew including skirts and heels for men.

Any thoughts?

From: greendoubleaught , 12 months, post #72
Femininity is not a static thing. It’s social — like fashion, like language, like the economy, like artistic trends in literature and music and architecture and many other aspects of our collective culture. We learn how to be from our parents and our peers. We rebel against those bits we don’t like. We revolutionize the bits we do. Perhaps you could say “women this days have a different idea of what femininity means to them than women from back in the day.” But that’s so bland and obvious a statement I don’t know why one would bother to say it, except as a grouchy and misanthropic “kids these days!” complaint of the elderly. Change is constant.

From: guest (7 4 8 2) , 12 months, post #73
Man, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that this is going to feel like a weird episode of The Twilight Zone where little girls play with G.I. Joes while little boys play with Barbie dolls as the "new norm".

From: guest , 12 months, post #74
Jesus. This is all in your head, there is no such thing as feminine or masculine, it’s all made up. Do you see any other life form wearing “gendered clothing”

NO because it’s a load of nonsense! Made up to keep men and women as slaves to the church / state.

I’m not saying we should all strip off and act like animals, but just keep in mind that anything you may consider normal is actually just made up garbage.


From: guest (LPN) , 12 months, post #75
Love how a question like this brings out the activists.

From: guest (okay buddy) , 12 months, post #76
In a way it's kind of inherently tied to activism given how gender identity and gender roles are something still being explored. Certain groups will have certain views and will advocate for those views. It shouldn't be surprising that a question like this would bring out more charged commentary.

Feminity and masculinity aren't rigid structures. They're constantly changing to fit the views and ideals of the current society. Feminitiy in the 1800s is different than that of the 1900s and now in the 2000s it's changing again. That's just how it has always been and how it's always going to be. 100 years from now feminitiy is going to be completely different than it is now.

From: guest (Tee hee) , 12 months, post #77

It's always insecure men who are saying "Act like a man" or define what men and women are.
I notice when men do drag.. dress like women, they don't dress like a woman on her way to Walmart.. they crank it up to 11 of feminity.. with giant well groomed hair, a ball gown and high heels..5 coats of make-up.

I think Ammosexuals.. the proud boys, the Andre Tates.. the Rambozos are doing the same thing.. they are caricaturing what they think it means to be a man. They are male-male impersonators.
Most men spend zero time thinking about "what it means to be a man"
It's all the insecure ones. The guys wearing camoflauge when they live in a city. lol

From: guest (3 2 9 3) , 12 months, post #78
If "Femininity In Women is On the Decline" or "Define What Men and Women are" then can somebody please explain to me about Dylan Mulvaney?
Don't worry, I'll wait.

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