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Have you told anyone?
From: guest (Silence) , 107 months, post #1
Have you told anyone about your preferences/ fetish? Or do you keep it to yourself? I'm curious because I'm pretty transparent about most things in my life with my closets friends, but this is the one thing nobody knows about me, not even my ex girlfriend knew I had this fetish (although, to be fair, I was really curious with her and would ask questions especially in bed).

From: Repulso , 107 months, post #2
I don't announce my idiosyncrasies, or preferences, to others but I don't conceal them either.

I don't care if anyone knows it but...the topic never comes up with me.

From: guest (Gypsy) , 107 months, post #3
Never told anyone.

Not a person that dresses up, or even fantasizes about dressing up- that sort of thing is far from an interest to me.

What I am is a fantasy role player- a table top gamer, and quite a few of my characters have been magically altered, or have been body swapped, or what ever. I use it in almost all of my campaigns.

There are a few people that I suspect- that probably think, but its not really a thing, they know my ultimate interest is in the female body- okay, so if I was gender swapped I would find me a lady friend very quickly (pretty sure my wife would not), as guys just do not interest me.

From: Polover , 107 months, post #4
Hell no! I'm taking this to the grave if I can help it! I used to have aspirations to do acting or some form of entertainment but now I'm paranoid about it because I'm afraid of becoming a news story for what I like if someone finds a paper trail.

Most people who know me in real life find me to be weird but in a charming way; I'm well regarded in most social circles but this is something to make people look at me as WEIRD, like "you're not wrapped right". I only plan on three people ever knowing my interest in life and that's me, myself, and I.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 107 months, post #5
Honestly, no. Do I want to? Yes. I would love to have long discussions about this sort of thing with my best friend or some girlfriend who just gets me, or with a well trusted acquaintance who happens to have their own paraphilia.

What I am is very much akin to what they now call a "cross dreamer." I fantasize about being in a (genetic) woman's body, either through a body swap, magical transformation, or something like that. That is my biggest one. And that's the one I feel I can't even tell my best friend.

It's not because I don't trust him or feel that he wouldn't get me and be empathetic about it, but it would definitely change how they think of me. It would make them see me in a different light.
I love to fantasize about being in a woman's body, it gets me off in the most wondrous ways. But I don't want people treating me as if I like to be identified as a woman in my day to day life (while possessing a male body). I'd rather play the role I look like for the time being, especially as I seek out girls to be in a heterosexual romantic relationship with (where I am the guy).

In essence, I am a paradox. I don't think anyone would truly get that. If I were to tell someone the best I could probably hope for is to have them treat me like they would a genuine trans person. I just don't see myself that way though...

From: guest (Cloaked) , 107 months, post #6
I actually told a girl I was dating in the past I was into "bodyswapping/possession".
I'm not entirely sure how the topic came up, I believe we were both revealing our sort of 'fetish', but I was EXTREMELY nervous and unwilling seeing as she was the first person I've ever told.

Her ex was actually into gore, so my thing felt pretty normal in comparison. She was extremely open minded about these sorts of things, which is primarily why I even told her in the first place, but overall I seriously don't think anyone would really judge you for being 'into something.' Everyone has their own little fetish and, honestly, genderbender-y stuff is pretty tame compared to a lot of stuff.

From: guest (Alojz) , 107 months, post #7
I was going to make a post but it would be essentially a recapitulation of yours so I won't.

There really should be reali life meeting places for people like us.

From: guest (RikJohnson) , 107 months, post #8
Are you crazy!
I get enough flak for being a Martial Artist, kayaker, medieval recreationsist and inventer! Letting people know baout this will absolutely convince them that I should be locked away.

On the other hand, I have writtenand published a lot of meta stories that include werewolf, gender and alien changes.

From: observer , 107 months, post #9
@Jayzie @Alojz same here and I agree.

From: guest (tsn) , 107 months, post #10
Similar to Gypsy, I shove TFs and swaps into all I do. I think my friends are aware of it, but don't know it is a fetish or think of it as weird. I haven't told anyone I have a transformation fetish, but I don't think the reaction would be too bad. It's not something you can really do. If it's just TG I think the reaction would be a bit more varied.

From: guest (Lisa_L) , 107 months, post #11
Only my wife and best friend from high school knows
of my interests.

From: guest (Pat) , 107 months, post #12
Only my wife. Very accepting, though I still keep most of my thoughts private.

From: cj , 107 months, post #13
I have a feeling one of my friends has an idea about it, but I've never told him. A gay acquaintance who didn't know had his "gaydar" "kinda'" go off on me once - he now knows.

First to know, my therapist... then my shrink, then my new shrink. One old doctor (who's since passed away). My sibling and both parents, two cousins (and the wife of one), two second-cousins. A handful of my closest friends, including two ex-g/fs. Though I haven't told them, possibly one friend's little sister and another friend's wife. And I suspect that everyone close to me who finds me "weird" may be suspicious of something along the lines of the truth.

I won't deny the truth if confronted... I just expect that A. Most people don't want to know; B. Most people don't need to know; C. Those who do know won't understand. -- so I don't advertise. But I have confided in some of those who closest to me... and obviously those professionals who might be able to help.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 107 months, post #14
Not sure I fit into the usual category of folks here since I'm more of a horse gal and people already think we're crazy. Folks tend to think we're just crazy cat ladies with a a little more money :) But naturally, everyone knows I love being around horses, we have several of our own and I can tell you my own little dreams are not at all uncommon, just fun!

From: guest (Dude) , 107 months, post #15
Actually... Yes. Despite my total WASPy, fine upstanding, patriotic, healthy normal American boy professional persona, pretty much all my friends know my, shall we say, peculiar habits and interests (TG and TF). It started with confessing to a (now ex) girlfriend when I made it back from Afghanistan and felt I had nothing to lose, and it just spread. True, I hadn't planned it to spread as such, but once it did... It turns out it really wasn't anything to worry about. And it eventually turned out that letting people know has been cathartic; none of my friends are surprised around Halloween, that''s for sure, lol. In fact, at this point, I think my friends would be disappointed if I didn't show up crossdressed or wearing an animal costume in October (or any other month for that matter).

The key is not being ashamed about it- and you shouldn't! Why? Because IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL. My current GF knows, and though she doesn't exactly understand it, she sometimes indulges me for fun by wearing kitty or bunny ears and painting on a nose and whiskers. Don't build it up! Think about it like you think about your favorite ice cream flavor. Trust me, EVERYONE has sexual secrets, so when they hear ours, it's really not all that shocking. Some people like latex, some like bondage, some like assplay, some like Jell-o, some like (insert random fetish here). Everyone has one. It's a kink, and nothing more. To wit - "Oh me? Well, I actually have a transformation fetish. I find the idea of changing physical forms sexy and liberating and exciting." See? Really not a big deal... Trust me folks, your life will be more fun when you realize that our kink, though admittedly unique, really isn't anything to get twisted up over.

From: guest (Gypsy) , 107 months, post #16
Thanks, Dude, for your service.

Its not an embarrassment to me, its just there is nothing to say about it. Seriously.

I do not dress up- the idea kind of turns me off, as does the idea of a relationship with a guy. I have no desire to get anyone else involved, there is no part of this that would be enhanced by involving anyone else.

I appreciate and thought that people like to dress up and kiss guys, and involve others, and furries and all that, I think its great that people follow what gets them going. It is just.... there is nothing there for me but reading stories, writing them, RPG, comics, and so forth.

Sorry, guys/gals, no offense was intended, I just- and Dude, if I read it wrong I am sorry, but I felt that Dude was saying something about courage in facing up to people in our lives knowing. I don't care if they know, I just see no reason to say anything about it, my fetish is all imaginary and that is where I like it (until I can have a day- only a single day, then I am good).

From: DB Cooper , 107 months, post #17
I've tried to in the past. Usually goes something like this.

Her: Comment about her clothes
Me: Half joking request to borrow her clothes
Her: Continuing with the joke, describing outfits I should try on
Me: Still pretending to joke, but really over the moon, describing her taking me shopping and out for girls nights
Her: Randomly changes the subject
Me: sigh

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