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Last Week Tonight - Transgender Rights
From: no1 , 107 months, post #1
John Oliver did a piece on Transgender Rights this past Sunday. Its worth a watch, if you haven't seen it yet.

From: Repulso , 107 months, post #2
Just watched it. I think it is worth watching as many good points are brought up however, you have to realize that this is a comedy show and is done in fun as well.

It's never disparaging though and maintains respect for transgender individuals.

From: cj , 107 months, post #3
Thanks for the post.

It's amazing, the number of people who clearly lack reason, logic... and respect.

I will admit though... there was a time when I would have asked whether a person was pre or post -op. I chalk it up to sheer curiosity, especially considering my own desires... and about that little part of me that wondered if I wanted to, or even was...

Anyhow, the community here gave me a new perspective on such matters. While I'm now more aware and respectful... I'm still adjusting to a more correct way of thinking.

From: Repulso , 107 months, post #4
Same here cj. I am always genuinely curious but I would never venture to ask unless the topic was brought up.

Thankfully the 21st century has produced a more open way of thinking, about many things.

From: guest (hey buddy) , 107 months, post #5
I just don't get the trend that America has with comedians trying to be news anchors/commentators. You've got Colbert, Stewart, Oliver, and Maher that were all failed comedians that turned into parody news anchors/commentators. I mean yeah I get it, you have a liberal bias. But what else do you have to offer? Answer: not much.

And no, I'm not a Republican. I voted 3rd party in 2012.

From: guest , 107 months, post #6
Satire is as old as human civilization. There's nothing new about what Jon Stewart and his followers are doing. I guess the fact that The Daily Show and its spinoffs are formatted as parodies of news programs is new, but that's just a matter of format. Satirizing current events is as ancient a phenomenon as it gets.

It's also worth noting that The Colbert Report is a direct spinoff of The Daily Show, and Last Week Tonight came about because John Oliver did an awesome job of filling in for Jon Stewart for a few months. It's not a trend so much as a family of closely related shows. As for The Daily Show itself, as I understand it (I haven't watched the earliest episodes, so I can't swear to this), it began more as a spoof of entertainment news shows like Entertainment Tonight; it didn't become a show that was primarily political in its focus until the 2000 election (which, let's face it, was totally ripe for satire).

From: guest , 107 months, post #7
And, of course, these shows are a trend because they're successful. The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Last Week Tonight have all been phenomenally popular, so it's not surprising that there have been so many of these shows. It's the same reason there are so many reality shows, or so many police procedurals, or so many movies adapted from novels written for teenage girls. Success begets imitation.

And multiple studies have actually shown that people who watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are as knowledgeable about politics as people who get their news from any other source... indeed, they're much more knowledgeable than people who get their news from certain sources. So Stewart et al aren't "trying" to be news anchors; they ARE news anchors. (Although they would tell you that they aren't trying to be news anchors; rather, they're trying to be comedians, and any education or commentary that happens in the process is purely accidental.)

From: guest (Common Sense) , 107 months, post #8
Transgenders don't have any more rights than anyone else. You have the right to have you own individual liberties and live your life as long as you're not affecting other people. However many transgenders don't just want to do that, they want to impose laws on other people as well.

From: cj , 107 months, post #9
"You have the right to have you own individual liberties and live your life as long as you're not affecting other people."

You should have stopped at "... and live your life." There isn't a person alive who has not affected other people in some way. We are not clones or slaves or animals or robots, we are human beings. It is our right to live, to be who we are. Who you are is NOT a choice. Those who are transgendered did not choose to be trapped a body that contradicts who they are, anymore than you choose to be who you are. Do those who suffer from cleft palates or blindness or hemophilia or autism or Downs Syndrome choose their bodies?

The problem isn't those who don't neatly fit into either of the only two boxes that society has defined for everyone... the problem is that society only allows for two choices: men who must marry women and reproduce; and women who must accept marriage to a man and bear children to him. There are so many more roles in the world than traditional society allows... even science cannot sort all the variation in genetics and/or anatomy into just two boxes... it allows for intersex conditions.. which are naturally occurring.

It sounds perhaps, like main-stream society, and traditional / conservative views (and perhaps you?) are actually the ones attempting to impose their antiquated and ill-informed laws on other people... well, everyone.

Sometimes the popular (or traditional) choice is not the right one. Sometimes the right choice is not the popular one.

From: guest (Common Sense) , 107 months, post #10
Sorry CJ let me rephrase myself what I mean by "affecting other people" is infringing upon their rights.

Besides "being transgenderd" is a metal illness and should be treated like one. Again if people want to do it that's cool with me I don't care either way. But their right to live a fantasy ends where others rights begin.

Demanding to legally be given treatment as a certain gender that they aren't or to gain access to areas only accessible to that gender at the expense of other's rights, that type of stuff sickens me.

From: cj , 107 months, post #11
"... "being transgenderd" is a metal illness"...

I don't buy that it is an illness. I could buy that it is a birth defect in the chromosomal makeup of the body, or wiring of the brain... basically that the body is one gender and the brain is another. And that's just dealing with those who conform to society's idea of male or female.

The thing is, we are still learning about gender dysphoria and transgenderism.

"Demanding to legally be given treatment as a certain gender that they aren't"

What about being forced to conform to a gender that you are not? I'm not comfortable being leered at by men who prefer other men... but that doesn't mean that I demand that gay men not be allowed into the men's rooms. What about a pedophile who likes boys, should he be banned from the men's room as well? Where do you suggest that we send these "deviant" men? How would you enforce it? How would you even know?

A woman is a woman, and a man is a man... why should we force any woman to use the men's room? And why would we even want to allow a man to use the women's facilities? Is the new public bathroom requirement for using the facilities going to be a government agent standing guard outside the door, requiring every person to show their genitals before being allowed entry?

We again fall back to the important question... how do you define man versus woman? Again, two tidy boxes fail to describe the truth of nature. When society limits itself to only two options, there will be many who do not neatly fit the mold... and many will struggle to try to fit into the one that best defines them.

I think perhaps the best way to address public facilities... make them individual... and unisex (or omnisex). It seems that the fear of having men in the ladies' room is the biggest thing on the agenda of most who oppose equal treatment of the transgendered. Wouldn't un-gendering the facilites make that fear moot.

From: guest , 107 months, post #12
With the liberal comedians pretending to be news anchors, they have to draw a line and pick a side. What are they going to be comedians or news anchors?

What ever happen to human rights? Why do we as humans divide people into groups and then have attach the word "rights" to said group? Why can't we just have human rights which cover all humans?

From: guest (An American) , 107 months, post #13
Grow weary of the way the word "rights" is tossed around

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