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F2F Potential Spoilers for a Popular Show
From: tehswitcher , 108 months, post #1
This is about Game of Thrones, so please avoid if you're potential vulnerable.

Click to show spoiler
Fb Neln unf orra pyrnavat gur obqvrf bs gur qrnq sbe gur frnfba, genvavat jvgu gur snpryrff crbcyr, ubcvat gb orpbzr snpryrff urefrys. Gurfr crbcyr frrz gb or noyr gb funcrfuvsg vagb bguref, gur znva thl univat n srj Z2Zf va guvf frnfba naq gubfr va gur cnfg.Va gur ynfg rcvfbqr, rcvfbqr 6, Neln jnf pyrnavat gur obql bs n lbhat tvey jub unq tbggra fvpx naq qvrq. Ybat fgbel fubeg, ure zragbe gbbx ure gb n unyy bs gubhfnaqf bs snprf, jurer vg ybbxf yvxr gur obqvrf bs gur qrnq jrer orvat hfrq gb fbzrubj genafsbez vagb gurz. Nsgre Neln fnj guvf, fur jnf gbyq ol ure zragbe gung fur jnfa'g ernql gb or "snpryrff", ohg fur jnf ernql gb or fbzrbar ryfr.Nyy gur fuvsgf bpphe bss-fperra, ohg gur vqrn bs guvf punenpgre jnyxvat nebhaq va fbzrbar ryfr'f obql vf... irel rkpvgvat, gb chg vg yvtugyl.

From: hskfmn , 108 months, post #2
Message deleted by hskfmn. Me am spel gud.
From: hskfmn , 108 months, post #3
There are speculations...but with Game of Thrones' recent departure from the canon of the books, who knows what will end up happening in the series?

From: Hank Hill , 108 months, post #4
There are some pictures of Maisie Williams wearing what looks to be a pretty peculiar outfit, clothes that Arya probably wouldn't be caught dead wearing in her daily life. Definitely leads me to believe that they're sticking to the books and that Arya will be taking someone's face soon. Probably to kill Meryn Trant when he shows up in Braavos with Mace Tyrell (assuming Meryn doesn't kill Mace on the way over).

Anyway, here's the outfit she'll be wearing soon.

Looks like she'll be posing as a semi promiscuous woman judging by the clothes. A Braavosi prostitute is a popular theory.

From: hskfmn , 108 months, post #5
Oh my God! Meryn Trant needs to die so bad! I hope you're right!

From: Hank Hill , 108 months, post #6
Sarine Sofair, who played a Braavosi prostitute last season, said that she's in this season as well. I hope it's her face that Arya takes, because Sarine Sofair is one cute lady.

From: tehswitcher , 108 months, post #7
Oh my gosh... all of these things have made me very very excited for the weeks to come (not that I wasn't already excited). We aren't likely to see this until about two weeks from now though, since the promo for next week had no Arya, and I know how the show loves the slow tease...

From: guest (Siren Tales Productions fan) , 108 months, post #8
So, was it any F2F in last-aired episodes?

From: guest (not yet) , 108 months, post #9
Not yet...

From: guest (stag) , 107 months, post #10
season finale


Arya wears a mask of another young girl when that one guy who molestes and beats children bring 3 girls into his room. she's the 3rd girl. not a transformation as much as a mask/disguise

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