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Vivid dream
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From: guest (him) , 110 months, post #1
So I had a very vivid dream last night where I was a small blonde woman, it was amazing and felt so real, I've literally been questioning it all day, like two memories taking place at the same time.

Felt like sharing it with you all :)

From: guest (CleoKraft) , 110 months, post #2
Lucky you! TG dreams for me are rare. I've had only a few in my lifetime that I can remember.

I read an article on how the subconscious mind processed in information at a much rapid pace than our conscious mind receives it. The subconscious takes in *everything*... then filters it like a movie editor and shows you, the audience, only what the subconscious deems necessary at the moment.

This seems to help explain how our dreams can be so vivid and real that unless you're lucid dreaming you can't tell the difference from reality. Which is why I think the ultimate in virtual reality would be to somehow tap into the subconscious mind and paint custom scenes in dreamlike worlds.

My own subconscious mind (The Director, if you will, for that is what I call mine now after the dreams its given me), seems to be a big fan of Alfred Hitchcock and H.G. Wells, giving me jaw dropping twist endings I'd never in a million years expect.

Like one dream recently had me go through the tortures and torment of basic training, then at some point decided I'd had enough, revealed that the camp was near the shore, brought in a dinosaur age epic title wave and wiped out all the tormentors but also the victims to end the dream but... impressed as I was The Director sort of said to me "oh yeah? you think that's neat... watch THIS." Then gave me the director's cut version of it by sending me back a scene. I was now conscious enough to know what was about to happen and tried warning people of the impending disaster. A few listened and ran for higher ground (as did myself) but when the wave arrived we, on higher ground, thinking we were safe, really weren't... and, just like in an H.G. Wells story, the wave had deposited sea monsters up on higher ground, just out of reach of the angry sea and these gigantic beasts began devouring people up alive. One was like a giant spider-squid with hundreds of little shooter-arm tendrils on its sides wriggling around, shooting in and out of its body, grabbing up people and pulling them inside little digestive traps in there to slowly eat them up in acid. I was by this point simply a spectator somehow, seeing these scenes as though now not part of the movie but now just watching it. Afterwards, after the waves retrieved the monsters and subsided leaving empty streets and missing buildings on the little seaside town, all seemed strangely quiet... except for the sad, sad calling voice of a fellow looking for his pet.... "Doggy?......Here dog...... Doggy?....... Here dog....." Over and over again like that. OMG! What an ending! And that's just ONE of the kind of crazy dreams The Director provides me.

Unfortunately for me, TG isn't to The Director's liking these days, which is a pity. I think he must think it petty and rather dull and uninteresting compared to the H.G. Wells and Alfred Hitchcock type stuff. Or maybe The Director just likes to shock me and sit back and enjoy my, the audience's, reaction.

If we could somehow mix virtual reality technology with tapping into the subconscious mind's amazing way of painting realistic scenes and worlds, then I think that would be the way to go for experiencing TG transformation or other transformations as well.

From: guest (hpdovecraft) , 110 months, post #3
i've only been a girl once in a dream. if you want more like yours you might like

From: cj , 110 months, post #4
I've had a handful of dreams that were TG in nature. Most of which I've had the joy of re-experiencing... only to wake up disappointed.

Recently though, I've been in more than a few semi-lucid dreams where I've had plenty of futile attempts to try to push myself into a swap (mutual, but never successfully completed), possession (I was third-person observer attempting to switch to first-person), or transformation of an AR and TG (and sometimes human to animal with TG) nature. I just never seem to be able to complete the dream in a satisfactory way... much like in real life. Perhaps that is my subconscious mind forcing me to get real IRL.

Cleo, I really do love your mind. :-)

From: guest (CleoKraft) , 110 months, post #5
Thanks CJ

Unfortunately I can't take all the credit for it as my subconscious steals from other sources. In the dream above I know for a fact that The Director took from the movie Cloverfield for the concept of one of the monsters. Then there's the incidental music in my dreams (epic also by the way). Where did this music come from? I must have heard it before, right? I don't know but it's in there and on one dream long ago The Director was so big headed he ended the dream in movie credits! LOL. I wish SO much I could extract him and send him off to Hollywood to direct movies.

My most recent dream was me chasing after a corrupt sheriff in an old and long forgotten zoo. The sheriff went in there and started riding around on an elephant. I went around there scouting it out on a jeep, then outside I found a boxed up old WW II tank and was prying it open when the dream ended. I could only imagine how the dream would have ended if I'd gotten into that tank. With me in there blowing up an elephant most likely. Imagine that. LOL.

From: cj , 110 months, post #6
That would make for a very interesting movie, that's for sure.

I'd love to see the tank vs elephant scene though... would be unreal.

From: guest (CleoKraft) , 110 months, post #7
Yeah with the sheriff going "Gonji, faster, faster!" as explosions happen all around.

From: guest (set3) , 110 months, post #8
I've had a few dreams where I cross dressed in a women's one-piece bathing suit. I'd run around a bit but that was it. I do recall having a dream where I had a vagina. I could recall actually feeling it and such as if it were part of me. Needless to say, it felt pretty convincing.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 110 months, post #9
Ever have a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?

Why am I the only one who has that dream?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 110 months, post #10
TG dreams are rare for me as well. I remember the one where I swapped bodies with my cousin (an extremely feminine girl) very well, while the others seem to have faded out a bit with life preoccupations and such. I'd remember more in-depth details if I kept a dream journal.

Set3, I've also had a dream where I had a vagina. It was weird, but the clit was a bit enlarged too so it was only semi-tg (think a cold penis, minus half an inch and with a different head).

My subconcious much more vehemently likes to make me feel helpless, hopeless, and weak during most of my dreams. I say and do things out of character, sometimes a lot more cowardly than I would irl, and sometimes just things like me not standing up for myself or just going along with someone else's plan just because.
I had a dream where I was a vampire, and I was living with other older, suicidal vampires. I didn't want to die but for some reason I didn't want to fight their decision to end their own lives and even was about to end my own just to not offend them.

I hate the dream me, he's most of the time the opposite of who I try to be.

From: cj , 110 months, post #11
"Why am I the only one who has that dream?"

Because those aren't pickles that they're throwing at me. :-P

From: cj , 110 months, post #12
Almost all of my lucid / semi-lucid dreams have me trying to quickly get somewhere... and being unable to move fast (enough) and/or end with me never reaching my destination. Very similar to how I feel with most things in my life at the time they occur. (see post #4)

At least my dreams seem to consistently portray my current state of mind... well, unless they put me on the good drugs - those dreams are wild... and often terrifying!

From: guest (tsn) , 110 months, post #13
I don't think I've ever had any fully lucid dreams, but I've had a few semi-lucid dreams, including one where I could swap bodies with others (for some stupid reason my brain only chose a girl's one last >:c ) Fortunately though, about a month ago I had a great TG dream: I was floating in the sky naked and surrounded by nothingness and a genie like entity, that seemed to be a lot like how I imagine God, was granting wishes for people and granted me a wish and I felt my biological sex change as I could and can still remember how my penis shrinking felt. It was a short dream and it wasn't lucid, but it felt incredible. I hope this dream is somehow a metaphor of my religious beliefs being acceptive of me or something. I also really hope I have it again!

From: BuckyBo , 110 months, post #14
Dreams of being other people/creatures are indeed fascinating and mind blowing. Being able to walk in someone else's shoes in a literal sense is indescribable when the dream is vivid to the point of being lifelike. Even in my more detailed writeups I only capture maybe 60% of the experience.

That's a fairly easy thing to overcome cj. It comes down to a matter of dream control and understanding why things manifest in our dreams. I'd be happy to help you out if you end up wanting to lucid dream more.

From: guest (carlitos) , 110 months, post #15
i myself only have had a few tg dreams, not quite lucid, one where i briefly changed unto kirsten dunst, another one where i used the wand of change to little by little change into my ex girlfriend and cant realy remember all but yeaj iv'e had at least three or four more

From: guest (Oceanvvave) , 110 months, post #16
Fascinating dreams.

I once had a dream I swapped bodies with this hispanic girl in my college class, we've always been friendly to each other so it was funny having us be each other. It was so vivid being her, I briefly reached down my (her) pants to touch my (her) vagina, but quickly pulled away because I felt like I was having a heart attack from the shock.

I also remember specifically playing with her long dark hair between her fingers. I even remember speaking in her voice talking to her in my body (that was so weird).

From: BuckyBo , 109 months, post #17
That's a really interesting one, Oceanvvwave. I had a similar one, it was a lucid where I accidentally transformed into a friend of mine. It's way too large to share here but it ended up being pretty fun!

From: cj , 109 months, post #18
"I'd be happy to help you out if you end up wanting to lucid dream more."

I'm good for now, but I'll keep your offer in mind. Thanks.

From: BuckyBo , 109 months, post #19

Sure, the offer stands anytime.

Here's one of the lucid's I've had, this is the one I mentioned above with accidentally becoming my friend. It's pretty lengthy but detailed and was vivid.

From: guest (Oceanvvave) , 109 months, post #20
Interesting stuff and easy to read^

Forgot to mention that dream I had is actually what first got me curious in (fanfiction) body swap stories, I didn't know there was as many people interested in this sort of thing as there are. (Youtube body swap videos get thousands of hits, plus the caption sites get crazy views) I guess people are private about it though. :/

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