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REVIEW: "He's Stuck as a Schoolgirl: A Novel of Transgender Sugar and Spice"
He's Stuck as a Schoolgirl: A Novel of Transgender Sugar and Spice
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Novel about Joe, a wanna-be warlock who loses his job and decides to get revenge on his boss by casting a spell to turn him into a little schoolgirl. But Joe messes up the spell, gets stuck as a little girl himself and ends up having to go back to school.
From: cj , 112 months, post #1
I purchased a copy of "He's Stuck as a Schoolgirl: A Novel of Transgender Sugar and Spice", and I'm not unhappy to have spent the money (just over $4) to read this story.

The author took the time to spin a yarn that would appeal to a wider audience than just those who enjoy a good tale of a man turned female by magical means. The characters were varied and most seemed to have a great amount of realism to them. The main character was drawn out in a successful way to show both his own flaws, and his personal growth throughout the story. While our main character here was not someone you would initially want to become friends with, I still found myself gravitating towards his plight -- perhaps a bit of wishful thinking of putting myself in his/her place.

The supporting characters added to this story, helping him to learn his own shortcomings and grow in maturity past them... to rise to the occasion and overcome his past failings. They helped him discover his true self and accept responsibility for his own actions... and the consequences, as well.

If there were any errors in the writing technicalities, they were not memorable, nor did they detract from my enjoyment of the story.

All in all, a decent story. I found myself becoming so engrossed in it, that I often spent more time reading it than I had allocated.

I recommend it! I give it a 4 out of 5 overall, a 4.5 out of 5 for the AR, and a 3 out of 5 for the TG.

From: guest (guest2) , 112 months, post #2
Thanks for the review. Can you post some spoilers of your favorite parts?

From: cj , 112 months, post #3
I'm not sure that I can really separate out any "favorite" parts, it was the story as a whole that won me over. Watching the main character develop by necessity... and realize as he discovered more...Click to show spoiler
gung uvf vanggragvba gb qrgnvy zrnag gung fbzr bs jung jnf unccravat gb uvz unq yrff gb qb jvgu gur npghny fcryy naq zber gb qb jvgu uvf gehr angher.

Also,Click to show spoiler
jngpuvat uvz tebj va znghevgl, nf ur orpnzr n orggre crefba birenyy, naq znxvat n qvssvphyg qrpvfvba gung zvtug nssrpg zber guna uvf bja shgher.

From: cj , 112 months, post #4
As for spoilers for the TG stuff... I'd have to pour through the story again to glean some, but the story didn't really place too much focus on the TG part... it did however adequately address the TG element for the story that it was... but it wasn't anything "graphic", nor did it dwell on the TG stuff. That's why I only rated it a 3 for that aspect.

Personally, I would have loved to have seen more attention paid to the TG aspect... but then, I feel, it would have ruined the story and made it less enjoyable (and more awkward).

From: guest (LJ524) , 112 months, post #5
Just finished and though it had some good moments, it glossed over what happens right after the change and the ending was no were close to what I enjoy.

Had I paid $2, I would feel it were a more fair trade.

To others it will be a masterpiece

From: guest (Mindi Flyth) , 112 months, post #6
Thanks for such a thoughtful review, CJ! It's always a treat to get positive feedback from an intelligent reader. Of course I'm grateful for every good review I get, but the smart ones are a special thrill.

I agree with you, that it would have been fun to get even deeper into the TG aspects... but I was writing with the knowledge that Amazon is very touchy about TG stories involving minors. I've had them reject TG AR stories before, and if they do that enough they'll shut down your account! So, there were some things I could only suggest without going into detail. But I'm actually a little surprised how far they did let me go in this book! The whole transformation scene is pretty graphic, for example; we're right there every step of the way with Joe as he loses his manhood and shrinks down into a little girl.

Guest (LJ524), I'm genuinely curious to hear what sort of ending you were hoping to read. It sounds like you had something specific in mind.

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