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Could Mantra be set to return?
From: guest , 115 months, post #1
It's been revealed the Ultraverse (Marvel purchased Malibu comics some time ago) will be part of the marvel Secret Wars event next year.

Could Mantra be set to fight Spiderman and others in the upcoming event.

Best share a link... Umm

From: guest (Icolanagain) , 115 months, post #2
When Marvel took over Malibu they took out the TG. Mantra is a girl named Lauren now.

From: Random , 115 months, post #3
Also, that article doesn't say that they'll be using those realities in Secret Wars. It is saying that those realities exist and should be considered. Also, I think there's some rights issues involved that prevents the Ultraverse characters from being used at all, which is why they haven't appeared since the initial crossovers back when Marvel originally acquired them.

From: guest , 115 months, post #4
Wow didn't know that, that's depressing

From: guest , 115 months, post #5
The only "rights issues" is that they have to pay some royalties to the creators. They're just that cheap.

The only reason they bought Malibu was because they wanted their color process. Marvel then mismanaged and ultimately defecated on the Ultraverse line before killing it.

But that was a long time ago. It might happen.

From: guest (Aladdin) , 115 months, post #6
There's a lot of myth about the end of the Ultraverse, and why Marvel bought it in the first place. When I was writing Mantra fan fiction (they're at Fictionmania) I'd go back to it in a snap if I had the time), I interviewed by net or phone several people from the old Malibu, including Mantra's editor and writer. I got a lot of insights about Mantra and her backstory, but I asked many questions about the Marvel deal and the end of the Ultraverse, too.

Myth 1. Marvel bought Malibu for the presses. Never happened. insisted on was that Malibu make more money. Malibu built its business plan during the superheated period of the learly 90's when comic titles were selling a 100,000 each. That was just a bubble and when the sales dropped for all the companies by about 75%, even Marvel started a slide to bankruptcy and Malibu couldn't cope. Malibu put itself on sale and Marvel bought in, wanting to show the stockholders that they were growing the business. They never wanted the color presses of Malibu. They never used the color presses even when they had them. They were getting cheap press work in Ireland and stayed with Ireland. Where did the press story come from? It was the sort of disinformation that lots of companies tend put out to conceal the facts of their confidential dealings.

Myth 2. Marvel pulled the plug on Mantra. False again. It was the top management of Malibu, held over from their independent days, that wanted to completely reorganize the Ultraverse into a money-making enterprise. Thinking they were geniuses, they concocted the Black September fiasco and did not consult, or ask from input, from the writers of its super-great titles. The company brass talked only to each other and gave arbitray orders, killing some titles and dictating the form that surviving titles would take. Even though Mantra was one of their contining most successful comics, the management was always very squeemish about offering a tg hero. When they reorganized, they were quick to make tg a scapegoat and ordered the comic to continue with a 100% female Mantra. Although the whole Black September nonsense was blamed by fan press on Marvel, it was done by the same suits who had always been running Malibu. All Marvel was demanding was to stop losing money, but the suits had all the wrong ideas about how to do that. The then top CEO of Marvel, a man who had pressed for the purchase, was eager to have Malibu thrive. Marvel sent no storyline orders nor sent any boss to dictate storylines to Malibu. That CEO (his name is in my notes) was removed and a new man, one who wanted to make the actions of his predessor the scapegoat for Marvel's trouble, ordered Malibu personnel fired and brought in new people to reorganize it with resources to put out very few titles.

But I learned from on of these people what their story really was and I was pleased to learn that they had their heads and heart in the right place. They, too, thought Black September was a mistake and they wanted to start rebuilding the Ultraverse based on its early days. But they were down to just 2 or 3 comics by then and didn't have much to work with. Then the new Marvel management, facing even worse times at home, decided to totally put an end to the Malibu label.

There is a rights conflict that keeps the UV out of print. False. The rights to the Malibu characters belonged fully to the company, and all rights are Marvel's now. But there is a small royalty for the use of each character. These could have been renegotiated, but Marvel was in no mood to give an inch, or pay a penney. There had always been an animosity in Marvel aimed at Malibu; the "talent" there resented Malibu as an interloper to the corporation. They thought of themselves as the kings of Comic Land and everyone had to be rolled over, by means fair or foul. In this case, the means were foul.

From: rugal , 115 months, post #7
I'm guessing the CEOs you're thinking of are Ron Perelman (whose company bought Marvel in, I believe, 1989) and Ike Perlmutter (whose company, ToyBiz, bought it in 1997 because of the bankruptcy which was when Marvel killed Malibu). Perlmutter's notoriously cheap, there's stories out there about the way he's run Marvel right down to making people re-use paperclips from the trash because he doesn't want to spend money on buying new ones, so if Malibu's never coming back because he doesn't want to take the extra money to pay royalties I'm not surprised.

Steve Engelhart's the one who's said the royalties are why the Ultraverse stuff won't come back but Brevoort's denied that and said the real reason is something he can't reveal because of NDAs (personally I'm inclined to believe Engelhart).

>When Marvel took over Malibu they took out the TG. Mantra is a girl named Lauren now.
The comic landscape, and society's views in general, have changed a lot in the two decades since Mantra vol. 2. Marvel especially is a lot more diversity-minded (some times to a detriment I think where it can feel forced but whatever). If they ever brought back the Ultraverse characters I have no doubts that they'd roll Mantra back to being a transgender heroine because that's great PR and will undoubtedly create buzz much like the current female Thor or muslim Ms. Marvel.

From: guest (Zeven) , 115 months, post #8
I looked at the video but couldn't pick out anything that I recognized from the Ultraverse. But the opening still shows in the background a heroine who could only be the original Lukasz Mantra. Well, I left Marvel behind about the time they killed Malibu, but if they feature Ultraverse characters in some of the stories, and I like what they do with them, I can see myself buying those issues.

If a little use of the Ultraverse in Secret Wars primes the pump for future appearances in the books, well and good. But these miniseries featuring mobs of heroes, not giving much time to any one, are not a good way to present heroes from any universe.

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #9
the original Lukasz Mantra appeared in the 2nd mantra lauren's series as an on and off advisor, he/she didn't die, so easily could come back. They fired the malibu creators when they relaunched them, and Marvel was in total control, not any malibu staffers. (some might have been kept on.

I suspect the coloring system (not presses, but computer coloring) really was what was wanted because Marvel could not have done more to kill the malibu revamps than the odd changes (lauren) and poorly written stories that followed,the marvel takeover. Marvel had a ton of comics being published and tried to kill any other comics by flooding the market back then. What better way than to buy what they liked - coloring programming - and ruining the unwanted comics for quick cancellation. Even now they (Marvel) are cancelling Fantastic four in april 2015 so they will give no support to the movie in the following months and are making no movie FF toys either.

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #10
and marvel comics were printed in canada not ireland. Shipping across ocean would consume time and money.

From: guest (Comic book guy) , 115 months, post #11
When it comes to fantastic four, who can blame marvel. Have you heard the interviews with actors involved about doom etc and read the leaked script? It could be the worse film ever made, it sounds like Catwoman did when that was in production.

Also the toys wouldn't match what is in the comics so would solely be advertising for fox and I'm pretty sure Fox get a large chunk of the revenue from toy sales, marvel just controls if the stuff gets made or not (that is for toys that look like the film variants not the toys made to look like the original versions).

But this is about Mantra, who I doubt they will bring back, unless it's to kill off the Ultraverse completely along with all their unwanted worlds. If this is a case I can see them destroying the xmen film universe (marvel used to make tie in comics for foxs xmen universe back before Disney purchased Marvel) as well as all the many other universses and what if worlds created over the years. If the threat is big enough then these universes will be cannon fodder.

So I'm doubtful Mantra will even get any lines if she does show up and will just be killed by whatever the big bad is not year (probably Ultron as I have little faith in new charecters being created for big events)

From: guest (Aladdin) , 114 months, post #12
I hope that things won't be as bad as you suggest, Comic Book Guy, but I am worried that this was the case, too. DC did that very thing back in the 80's, when they eliminated many of their best alternate worlds. Considering the animosity that Malibu employees sensed from the Marvel staff, there may be some die-hards still there, pulling the strings, who, like Empress Agrippina, cannot be happy just sending an enemy to a miserable rock of a prison, she has to send a headsman later on. It may be time for Malibu's headman. Does anyone think that the Marvel hardcore would not like to stick it to Malibu fans one last time, after keeping them waiting for the return of the Ultraverse for 15 years? What do they care for such people; they read Malibu because they couldn't stand Marvel and all its works, after all.

Addressing Calbeb Jones, I rechecked my report of Marvel getting color separation in Ireland and I found that I seem to be wrongly remembering that my Malibu interviews had been the source of that information. I must have found that tidbit on some net posting board, or some fan article. Fan news/gossip is usually unreliable. Just remember that the color separation story is fan news/gossip, too, and no one need believe it. Here are the quoted words of Malibu editor Roland Mann on the subject of color separation, speaking for the record:

ROLAND MANN: "A lot of people say the purchase was for equipment only. I can assure you, that is the MOST BS I have EVER heard! It used to make me laugh, but I've heard it so much it ain't funny now. If all Marvel wanted was equipment (and/or the coloring dept), they could have gone to computer city and hired colorists (even those AWAY from Malibu‑‑lord knows, IMAGE did) for less than a tenth of the reported purchase price. What Marvel wanted was intellectual property‑‑something they could sell rights to: toys, animation (UltraForce had both), lunchboxes, McMeals, etc. Their OWN properties have been merchandised to pieces. You can't do a "first" Hulk movie, but you can a first PRIME movie."

If such an insider, a man who worked closely with the people who sold Malibu to Marvel (and honestly admitted to me that he had told M. Barr to drop Lukasz on their bidding), can't put the "color separation" myth to rest, nothing can. I can only wonder why fans cling to it, since it never made any sense in the first place, and no knowledgible source ever cited it. What makes sense is that Malibu was a masterpiece of comic imagination, the best thing that was being done in those days. But the Marvel people who had plans for Malibu merchandising were soon ousted from power (due to the comic book market crash, an event for which they were made fall guys), and their successors put the Malibu universe in the lock box. What was the use of merchandising characters that they had themselves banished to oblivion, especially if the creators were owed royalties? (I think this was more inter-company hostility than a true policy, a mere excuse, not a valid reason. Marvel paid royalties for Conan, Red Sonja, Anita Blake, and others. Marvel made a pretty profit off those licensed characters, and could have done the same with the Ultraverse characters.) I had hoped that the sale to Disney would lead to the firing of the Marvel old guard. Any hundred people picked out of the phone book could probably manage creative properties better. Maybe that was too much to hope for, considering what Disney has become.

How different things might have worked out if Malibu would have sold to DC, as originally planned, instead of being seduced by Marvel promises, which were torn up as soon as they had their hooks in the company.

From: guest (DeathToMarvel) , 111 months, post #13
Actually, marvel bought Malibu because DC was going to buy it. At the time, Malibu still held about 12-13% of the comic sales, and marvel was afraid that if DC bought Malibu, it would make Marvel the second-largest comic company in the world. The sales of the Ultraverse titles was high enough that it would have put DC/Malibu at a higher sales per cent than Marvel, and Marvel couldn't have that happen. Whether marvel really tried to make the Ultraverse work or not, I do not know, but in the case of the sale, Marvel purchased Malibu out form under DC at the last minute so that Marvel would not slide to the second-largest comic company in the world.

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