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Ploneis L'Incertain
From: guest (Vision) , 116 months, post #1
Is this worth a buy? Anyone have any more info on it?

From: guest (Saint) , 116 months, post #2
I found it online and downloaded it. I don't understand French so it was worth the free download but I wouldn't pay for it. The guy changes back at the end.

From: guest (Saint) , 116 months, post #3
I'm not for illegally downloading and I'm all for supporting artists but I miss being able to go to a bookstore, flip through a book, and then either buying it or putting it back on the shelf. Most of the time online purchases never give you an accurate picture of the material with the sample pages they provide.

From: guest , 116 months, post #4
Download it, watch it, if you like it buy it. That way only good films make money and bad ones die, it's how capitalism works.

Basically if you don't illegally download your a communist, you might as well give every film maker money regardless of how good their material is.

From: guest (Me) , 116 months, post #5
It's a comic book not a movie silly boy

From: guest (Lyrissa) , 116 months, post #6
I checked it out. Sadly I don't read French either so I'm probably missing some of the subtleties of the story, but overall it's easy to follow.

Click to show spoiler
Gur cebgntbavfg vf yherq vagb gur oebgury bs n ornhgvshy fbeprerff naq raqf hc genafsbezrq vagb bar bs gur jbexvat tveyf gurer. Ur/fur dhvpxyl rfpncrf naq jvgu gur uryc bs n sevraq naq fbzr angvirf (gur jubyr guvat gnxrf cynpr va n whatyr sebagvre glcr frggvat) gurl fgntr n envq ba gur oebgury gb trg uvz/ure punatrq onpx. Gur fbeprerff zrnajuvyr genafsbezf bar bs ure zvavbaf, fbzr xvaq bs orne/tbevyyn yvxr uhznabvqf, vagb n srznyr nf chavfuzrag (abg irel frkl). Ng gur raq gur fbeprerff vf orngra naq fur punatrf gur "tveyf" onpx, naq gurl ner nyy unccl gb or zra ntnva. Sebz ernqvat gur ynfg gjb cntrf V frrz gb trg gur srryvat gurer'f fbzrguvat zber gb gur fbeprerff, creuncf gung fur jnf n zna urefrys ng fbzr cbvag, ohg fur arire punatrf funcr urefrys. Nyfb V guvax fbzr bs gur tveyf qrpvqr gb fgnl srznyr, ohg vg'f bayl bar cnary naq vs vg'f gur pnfr gurl'er arire frra ntnva va gur raqvat.

Hope that helps.

From: Greg , 116 months, post #7
Well it's from editor Soleil so it's not exactly known for its use of subtlety but you got the gist of it right. The humor is quite puerile, with jokes on waxing and girls having cold feet...Those are comic books for teenagers so there won't be straight out nudity (by French standards),


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Gur orne/tbevyyn guvat vf n gebyy va gur havirefr gur fgbel gnxrf cynpr va ("Ynasrhfg qr Gebl" sbe gubfr jub ner phevbhf), naq vf abj "unccl gb svanyyl or jub fur nyjnlf gubhtug fur jnf". Ohg gung'f cynlrq sbe ynhtuf. Bayl n yvggyr zber guna unys bs gur genafsbezrq zra pubbfr gb punatr onpx gubhtu lbh bayl frr gurz bar bar cnary V guvax. Gur "fbeprerff" pbhyq bayl hfr ure cbjref juvyr fur jnf univat ure crevbq, fb gur cebgntbavfg sbeprf ure gb genafsbez urefrys vagb n zna, rffragvnyyl ybpxvat ure va ure arj sbez (lbh qba'g frr ure znyr obql).

From: guest (Lyrissa) , 116 months, post #8
What a horrible thing to do to someone. I guess the so-called "hero" is more of a dick than the "villain" in these comics.

From: guest (Vision) , 116 months, post #9
Does anything sexy happen to Ploneia at all? the cover is promising, but the summary sounds rather tedious...
And I agree, what a horrible fate for the witch! Even villains don't deserve such fates.

From: Greg , 116 months, post #10
Click to show spoiler
Vg'f ab qvssrerag guna jung fur qvq gb qbmraf hcba qbmraf bs znyr pncgvirf, jvgubhg gur frkhny freivghqr va n oebgury naq gur guerng bs encr ol gebyyf vs lbh rire gevrq gb rfpncr.

From: guest (Gypsy) , 116 months, post #11
The art work is pretty, the story sounds interesting, is there an English translation out there somewhere? And, is it worth the purchase in English (if there is one)?

From: Greg , 116 months, post #12
I doubt there is one. This particular story was a one-shot taking place in the universe of Lanfeust of troy and I can't find official translations that you can buy, even for the main series.

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