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Queen Elizabeth The first
From: guest (Jc) , 118 months, post #1
I just learned that Queen Elizabeth I, might have actually been replaced with a boy. It is believed by some they the original Queen Elizabeth The first died and her care takers found a boy who resembled her to take her place. I need to look into it more but I just seen it on a conspiracy documentary last night and found it very interesting

From: hskfmn , 118 months, post #2
Funny idea...personally I never put much stock in conspiracy theories like that. Same with ghosts, aliens, or secret societies. It's just a lot of speculation and conjecture with little proof.

(P.S. - that's not to say that I don't think alien life exists somewhere. To believe that Earth is the only planet in the infinite reaches of the cosmos with intelligent life is pretty arrogant, IMO)

From: Mr. Ram , 118 months, post #3
That is the Bisley boy conspiracy theory.

Here is a good article about it;

Mr. Ram

From: guest (History guy) , 118 months, post #4
Lol, rubbish. I tell you now if she had been replaced at all someone would have noticed and she/he would have had her head cut off. Conspiracy theories shaw do like to imagine people are stupi / blind or kind, in reality most can be dismissed simply by asking if anyone would have had anything to gain by pointing it out. In this case yes, plenty of people would love to have been on the throne of England.

From: guest , 118 months, post #5
Also, even if it were true (always struck me as wildly unlikely), it'd hardly be a metamorphosis.

From: JayGee , 118 months, post #6
I'd heard the theory before but it doesn't make a lot of sense. For one thing, the "virgin queen" was known to not always display the highest realm of modesty, and on occasion, I've heard, "flashed" diplomats, even when she was too old to be sexy (but too powerful to be told so).

From: cj , 118 months, post #7
~off topic~
"To believe that Earth is the only planet in the infinite reaches of the cosmos with intelligent life is pretty arrogant"

I'm still not sold on the fact that there's intelligent life on Earth.
~/off topic~

From: hskfmn , 118 months, post #8

From: guest (hmm) , 118 months, post #9
maybe it was a rumour spread back in her day by men who were sexist, oh and I believe in ufo's because I had a close encounter with one, truth can be stranger then fiction

From: guest , 118 months, post #10
I'd guess if they poked through Bisley Parish records they'll discover the fate of the stone coffin
with the tudor girls skeleton in it.Likely the reverend reburied her and
that location is recorded somewhere.

find the skeleton,try the dna tests and solve the mystery

From: guest , 118 months, post #11
This theory is absolute bullshit. It is nothing but slander that was thought up because in those times it seemed impossible to many that a woman would 1) Voluntarily abstain from marriage 2) Be such a prominent and powerful ruler as Queen Elizabeth I was.
It was fueled by Elizabeth's clear command on her death bad that she forbade for any kind of autopsy on her body. However she did so because 1) Back then Christian Faith held theories that preforming such surgeries on a dead body would make it unfit for resurrection 2) To hide the fact that the "Virgin" Queen was everything but a virgin by the time of her death. The idea that she had been sexually active despite not being married would have been a colossal scandal and would have marred the legacy she had worked so hard to build.

From: guest , 118 months, post #12
From bram stoker ' famous imposters'

in the Bisley boy chapter
"In one way there is a duty which the reader must
not shirk, if only on his own account : not to refuse
to accept facts without due consideration. Wildly
improbable as the Bisley story is, it is not impos-
sible. Whoever says, offhand, that such a story
is untrue on the face of it ought to study the
account of a death reported at Colchester in Essex
just a hundred years ago. A servant died who
had been in the same situation as housemaid and
nurse for thirty years. But only after death was
the true sex of the apparent woman discovered.
It was masculine !

Which i suppose places the drag queen around 1810 or thereabouts

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