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Disturbing Thoughts - If We Got Our Wish
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From: cj , 122 months, post #1
You found a costume gun, and used it on the prettiest girl you know. You wear her as a costume and decide to keep her life.

You find a cute co-ed and swap bodies with her and run off with her life.

You just have to have her pretty face, her perfect breasts, her cute feet...

Now, imagine that you have that which you most desire...

Another guy or girl discovers the same secret or power that you used to gain your body / parts / traits... and that they are lacking scruples...

What if we were lost when we were transformed into a costume, only to give way to becoming someone else's skin for the rest of our lives.

... or were stuck in the unhealthy and ugly body of some guy (or gal) who stole your (new) body.

... or had our pretty parts / traits stolen from us by magic... or mutilation.

I always seem to read the happy side of these exchanges. But I rarely see the unhappy side of the exchange discussed or acknowledged, or the latent fear of being the pretty girl in a magical world that you could have these things taken from you, or that you could suddenly be nothing more than a skin to wear... or in the real world that envious or damaged people may want to collect you (or your parts).

I know that rape is something that most women are aware of, but that most women don't let it rule over their lives. It is something that I imagine would preoccupy most of my thoughts when I was around men if I were to be TF'd into my ideal female form.

I have just begun to wonder about (again, if I was TF'd into my ideal female form) envy and otherwise being targeted. What if another woman wanted to attack me because she thinks I'm more attractive than her, or what if some crazy guy thought I had cute feet and wanted to add my feet to his collection, or what if some magical spell was used so that some fat, old, dying man wanted to be a cute a girl (me)?

Then I got to thinking... if viable brain transplants become a reality... I could finally get the young, healthy body I desired... until someone else who wanted that same young healthy body came along with a plan to remove me from it.

There are some really dark things out there in the world. Maybe it's for the best that we can't magically swap bodies, that there are no costume guns, and that brain transplants aren't fully here yet. We, as a species, have a bit more maturing to do.

Still, I would take those fears... and hopefully adapt to a more realistic view of them over time, than to give-up wholesale on dream.

From: guest , 122 months, post #2
No the disturbing thing is that you would kill in the 1st place to look like someone else. Not that you're the one being worn. Get help.

From: guest (guest) , 122 months, post #3
Hi CJ,

Thank you for the thoughtful post. What you say has merit and is a reminder not to get too caught up in the thoughts that drive our desires. I have come to this board on more than one occasion to cast ideas out there and to see if there are others that feel the same way.

I feel inclined to declare that I would not want to hurt someone else and that the thoughts I might have are intended to relieve some of the daily pressures or angsts that I carry.

I enjoy the costume gun stories and medallion series because they provide escape. My imagination enjoys the questions and situations that arise, especially when the topic is somewhat risqu� or forbidden.

The golden rule, treat others as I would want to be treated is something that I try to live by. I struggle with it from time to time. I'm human, as they saying goes and I get frustrated and angry and am slow to forgive and quick to judge.

Perhaps I should place a greater emphasis on more positive thoughts. Rather than consider fantasy situations, it might be more rewarding to consider how I could be a benefit to those around me, for the sake of doing good and not expecting anything in return.

That seems like an ideal situation and one that I would like to strive for.

But there are the moments of frustration, retreat, and guilt that creep in. And I self-medicate with the thoughts that I enjoy and that amuse me. The costume gun and medallion stories fulfill a need of sorts and I find it difficult to escape the pattern.

From one perspective, the thoughts aren't hurting anyone, but myself. I might be limiting myself to a degree by allowing them to consume my attention.

I feel you put it best when you mention that you would rather adapt a more realistic view then to give up wholesale on the dream.

Perhaps we could all give that a chance and focus on more positive outcomes.

From: guest , 122 months, post #4
Be only natural for someone who'd become a pretty girl by effectively murdering her original to fear a similar fate. It'd make a good story and maybe a bit of a corrective...

From: guest (Kara) , 122 months, post #5
I specifically avoid those kinds of stories (costume gun) unless the protagonist is intended to be a villain precisely because of the implications of murder. It's one thing to temporarily take over someone's identity or life. It's another to deprive them of those things forever and I can't get behind stories where the "hero" does that. Wearing someone's actual skin as a disguise is best reserved for monsters and demons. There are plenty of ways to write a story about costumes without resorting to using actual skin and killing them in the process.
For me, that takes the fetish into dangerous and demented territory.

From: guest , 122 months, post #6
We all looks the same when were dead, so I'd not be to bothered

From: guest , 122 months, post #7
See this is something I dislike about a lot of TF stories where somebody gains at the expense (death or otherwise) of somebody else. First of all; what type of person would really turn somebody in a costume, absorb another person or turn them into an object? And second; what about the feelings of the transformee?

Now I know that the vast mejority of TF stories are just fantasy and that there's a huge difference between having a fantasy and desiring something IRL. Yet reading stories where some dude nilly-willy kills/vores/transforms others without remorse like a freaking sociopath, to me, takes away the enjoyment.I can't take the story seriously anymore. Unless, as Kara, Post #5, pointed out, the character doing so is supposed to be a villain, sociopathic characters can be hugely entertaining villains (just look at Ramsay Snow/Bolton from ASOIAF or Demona from Gargoyles, those two crack me up every moment they are on screen/the page)

From: guest , 122 months, post #8
That's exactly how I feel "i'm post #2" You guys wrote it in a better nicer way I apologise. Just that those kinds of stories bother me too.

From: guest , 122 months, post #9
I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, I would never take over someone's life forever but I would definitely enjoy being them for up to a week. If I had the ultimate power and was the only one with it, I think I'd be quite devious.

From: cj , 122 months, post #10
Thank you all for validating my belief that a majority of people, if given the opportunity, would weigh their decision with decency and respect.

I recall that I used to be a bit more self-centered in my TF/swap iterations - that I was less concerned about the other party(ies) involved... as these were not real choices, just fantasies. It was a discussion (or maybe several) here on Metamorphose (or with another user or three on IM/chat) that prompted me to internally question that aspect of my fantasies and re-shape my desires to reflect a "mutual" agreement in swaps or other type of TFs that directly involved another person(s)... to what more closely resembles my own personality/conscience.

I think what prompted this was watching the depravity depicted by some TV cop drama - and realizing that the world can be a dark place, and that some of our own fantastical stories seem to ignore what could be the darker side of the "what ifs".

I guess I would like to see that darker side explored a bit more... maybe as a pre-cursor or litmus of the problems that could arise if such magic or technology were available.

I also want to apologize to Blot / dis_guise if this thread directly stirs up bad memories/comments of the costume gun thing. Honestly, with a willing partner and lots of mutual trust, that dang thing could be tons of fun.

From: cj , 122 months, post #11
"If I had the ultimate power and was the only one with it, I think I'd be quite devious."

I'm afraid I may end up leaning that way too, given the same circumstances / parameters. As they say "Power corrupts; Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

From: cj , 122 months, post #12
RE Post #10

"I think what prompted this..." should read "I think what prompted this thread..."

From: guest (penguinattack) , 122 months, post #13
I wouldn't actually want to be someone else. It's nice to fantasize but if I were actually given the chance I wouldn't do it. On the upshoot yes I agree I dislike stories that involve people permanently taking someone else's body and or traits it's very dusturbing. Whilst there may be rotten people in the world nobody deserves to be tormented in that way not even the nastiest people.

From: guest (penguinattack) , 122 months, post #14
  • disturbing (sorry for the mistake)

From: guest (uhhh) , 122 months, post #15
From the majority of costume gun stories I have read........ if you zap the person again dont they get restored or did I miss yet another writer corrupting a decent genre yet again?

From: guest (Kara) , 122 months, post #16
I see strips on DeviantArt all the time that show someone using the gun to become someonr else and then getting married. That implies they're not giving up the "costume" ever even if the process is reversible.

However, just the ACT of doing so is so.. invasive.. that I feel it's worse than any rape or identity theft due to its very nature. I can't even imagine the other person giving permission for that. If it's just a silly little comic strip, I guess I can excuse it as the same reality-disconnect I associate with watching cartoon violence (ie: Wile E Coyote) but not for "serious" stories that are set in the real world aside from the gun's existence.

From: cj , 122 months, post #17
"... if you zap the person again dont they get restored..."

IIRC, that's how it works. But that is subject to the wearer stepping out and someone then using the gun to restore the person-turned-costume back to normal.

From: guest (tsn) , 122 months, post #18
I'd never kill, and if given the powers to body swap, I would only do it with permission. Heck, even if I became female I probably wouldn't "explore" myself out of respect for female friends and family.
Costume gun stories feel darker because they aren't forced or agreed to (usually). The "hero" wants to be that person. What also puts me off is that if I was wearing someone elses skin or living their life, I wouldn't be around my friends and family. I'm sure that would raise a few questions.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 122 months, post #19
I don't usually do costume gun stuff. Mostly because it's not a real transformation, but also because it would be very sleazy to do.

In the body swap scenario, I'd probably try to find a way to swap back, but not before ruining their life if I could do so without them realizing it. I'd ruin their relationships, I'd withdraw all of their money and put it into my own accounts or just donate it all, I'd probably even hurt the ones they loved just so that the hatred they felt would be magnified towards that person after he/she walked out of their life, and if I couldn't get the swapping device back, I'd kill my old body. I'd rather it be dead than to have someone else making a fool out of me.
I'd likely chain them up and burn them though. Set the fire at their feet and say "tell me how to swap us back or else." Hopefully they'd comply.

Then I'd probably do myself in because I'd hate to be someone else, especially if that person were hideous. I'm not the best looking guy around but I mean trading down? Yeah....... no.

From: guest (hmm) , 121 months, post #20
its fear of the uknown and there are people out there that will play into your fear for there own amusment, there would be nothing more beautiful then reilising your dream, it would not be a nightmare, not for me only a nightmare for a straight person that thinks everyone should be straight, if you have been subjected to content over the years that has twisted your mind into thinking that the gender change option is bad idea then i feel sorry for you, some people think its ok to twist a tg comic or story so its a nightmare, bad things happen, like you turn into an insect or an animal instead of the gender you prefered to see in the comic, it opens up ideas to the gender confused that if they were to get there dream they would turn into a monster instead, this conflicts a gender confused person, they end up not wanting to change gender for fear of ending up being a monster insted by some tricky person doing the operation who is a bad person, how many people have had there minds fucked to the point of no return? more then you think, 90 percent of you actuily, only the people who dont have gender disphoria dont get effected by people mixing tg content with horror, I will say this one time to those this is directed at, some of you may want to help, but you are doing more damage then help, why? because you dont realise the power over people you have, you can destroy a persons dreams and replace them with nightmares, im guising you artists dont know what you have done, now you do, change your ways, you now know you can destroy people by mixing up the message, dont play the fool, this is no community of straight people, your pool of people are very sensitive, why? because its the gender disphoria, no one understands how important it is in our lives, dont think you have the freedom to mix the message in comics that are tg and mix the tg message and make it a nightmare, sure the people or artists have been putting there foot in there mouths for 15 years but now they know, i forgive them for making there mistakes, im sure they had the best of intentions, but now you have been informed, if you continue to make comics that fuck with gender disphoria peoples minds after reading this then im afraid to say you are then a piece of shit that will be flushed down the toilet

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