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What's your most bizarre transformation fantasy?
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From: guest (Alojz) , 122 months, post #1

Hi all! So, for most people fantasizing about being transformed into a different form is weird enough. Not here though!

I was wondering, what's YOUR most bizarre transformation fantasy, something which would be considered unconventional even here.

For me, for a while, it was being transformed into a girl, and then having my speech taken away from me by my mouth sealing up, filling with flesh inside and a single breast growing out of my face, with my lips transforming into a nipple. On top of that I also imagined it lactating, which would make kissing gain an entirely new meaning...

From: guest (Dew) , 122 months, post #2

I've always liked the thought of being turned by a girl into her vagina. I'm still able to see and hear and feel everything that happens to me.

From: guest (Guest) , 122 months, post #3
Not sure if this qualifies but what the hey...I would love to become a copy of a girl and live her life for a day or more, perhaps going to her classes and after school activities such as ballet or piano lessons. The thought of fooling everyone into thinking that I was her would be fantastic. Of course I would want to wear the same outfit that she had selected and be able to recall important details when needed so that my impersonation was flawless. I suppose it would be even more fun if I had someone that did the same so that we could speak out of character and compare thoughts on the experience. Afterwards, the original would return none the wiser. No harm no foul!

From: guest (James) , 122 months, post #4
Like Dew I often have fantasies about being turned into a vagina. Very hot.

From: guest (Sash) , 122 months, post #5
Guest@Post #3

Sounds like you've got things well worked out. Interesting fantasy... I've definitely thought along similar lines...

From: guest , 122 months, post #6
Agreed #3! Impersonating an attractive girl at the gym, doing her workout and flaunting my ass in tight pants is my version of your fantasy! That's hot.

From: cj , 122 months, post #7
Hmmm... being milked as a dairy cow / living as a cow for a day or two.

Or, being a anthro-canine (female, of course) and having puppies. Physically (mostly) a dog, but with very human characteristics and personality (and wearing dresses, etc.)... oh, and although spending most of the time moving on four legs, could stand on hind two and use front two (with opposable thumbs) like a human.

Both of these were when I was a child. Before I even knew of the concept of anthomorphism or had a good grasp on the knowledge that animal minds are not as complex as ours (intelligence and thought-wise).

Not very bizarre in the grand scheme of things, but they are what they are.

From: guest (guest) , 122 months, post #8
trading places with my dog, and then she corners me and has sex with me. Me as the female dog getting screwed with what was my own dick.

From: guest (Sash) , 122 months, post #9
  1. 3 and #6,

Maybe we should start a club!

From: guest (tsn) , 122 months, post #10
Well, I'm not that into animal tfs, but as cj said, being milked as a cow would be pretty interesting.

However, I've also wondered what it would be like to be a doll and live as a toy. Somewhat linked to that, I'd like to be a female mannequin.

From: guest (Shifterinside) , 122 months, post #11
I always thought it'd be awesome to wake up in my ex-girlfriend's body, and as I call her on the phone thinking we swapped bodies I then find out I became a clone of her, but before I say anything I hang up, sneak out to her place and after she leaves for work put on the cloths she was wearing for the day, so I could fully get her scent. Possibly grab any toys, have a bit of fun, and the fantasy never really finishes (or that it changes depending on my mood) I never know if I'd want to just steal some of her cloths, have maybe her new boyfriend come over (if she had one), or just wait till she comes home and play it off as if I was the real her.....or what would most likely happen is I'd tell her what happen and see where it goes, maybe living as her twin or finding out she was secretly really into herself and well, we'd go on from there.

Or the other scenario is of us actually switching bodies and her having her way with me in my body....what else can I say except "I'd do me!"

From: guest (Guest) , 122 months, post #12
Adding more to the mix of Posts #3, 5, 6

I'd love to be in a position where I could impersonate a girl for an extended period- maybe she goes on a trip and asks me to watch her place. I would want to use the medallion to become her twin and pose as her, living as her and keeping up her routine. Going to her coffee shop, driving her car, and of course raiding her clothes. But then maybe that is not enough, I would want to BE her for good... Not sure how that would work out. But it is just fantasy! Some professions I would love to try include flight attendant, sports bar waitress, soccer mom, victoria secret salesgirl, or maybe just the cute girl next door.

From: guest (Sash) , 122 months, post #13
Guest @#12,

Soccer moms, sports bar waitresses and flight attendants? Oh my!

From: guest , 122 months, post #14
And I'm the odd one out because my most bizarre tf fantasy does not involve transgender. Rather I like the idea of being absorbed by another man, being added to their muscle and strength, but still being sentient and fully aware that I'm trapped under someone's skin. The idea would be to have my fate and life completely in the hands of somebody else who *could* release me from his body but simply *won't* because he likes me being trapped in there.

From: guest , 122 months, post #15
This is probably not bizarre but I think it would be interesting to be an attractive female in her 20s or early 30s working an office job and wearing dress skirt outfits or dress pants suits to work with heels and possibly black hosiery. I'd swap with her somehow possibly by bumping into her and help her pick up her dropped purse and our fingers touch and bam swap and I would know that I'm still me but she would believe that she was me in my body. Flight attendant or French maid would also be on there for me.

From: guest , 122 months, post #16
Not sure if this counts as bizarre for this board, since I've seen a lot of related posts, but I have a strong preference for mother-son body swaps. I also enjoy swaps, possessions, transformations, etc. that involve other family member (father-daughter, brother-sister, aunt-nephew, uncle-niece), but not as much as I like mother-son ones.

Furthermore, a more disturbing (?) aspect of this fetish (I guess that's what it is?) is that it's essential that the son does the swap intentionally and is of age (I dislike it when the son is five years old and all he wants to do is play and boss his mother around); in fact, I prefer it when he actually steals his mother's body, rather than has a mutual agreement with her to swap. He then proceeds to impersonate her around everyone in her life, especially her husband/his father.

From: guest (Guest) , 122 months, post #17
@ Posts 15,16

I love the deliberate aspect of a replacement- wanting to be her and having her life and fooling EVERYONE. Somehow it seems like it would be fun if the original was out of the picture so that she could not spoil things.

Getting to wear the same outfit that she had on and using her personality or special abilities would make the experience that much better. I've tried to analyze why it is such a pleasing thought. Perhaps it comes down to jealousy/envy and wanting what she has.

So after a while of walking in her shoes, I imagine someone else would catch my eye. And then I would have the perfect disguise: a female body to get close to the target and eventually start the process all over again and collect experiences.

I'd love to be the cute cheerleader, the shy nerdy girl, a mif, a bank teller, a pregnant woman, a hot wife, a beautiful bartender... and perhaps an exgirlfriend. As I write this, I'd really like to be the woman that got away to see life from her perspective *while retaining my own, of course* and better understand why I wan't her choice. I'd like to mock her in the mirror and tell her that I have her body and life and that if I can't have her, being her is much, much better.

From: guest (guest from post 16) , 122 months, post #18
Oh, yes. I forgot to mention the mocking/taunting. That's one of my favorite parts! As sick as this sounds, I love imagining the son telling the mom all about the plans he has while he's in her body - dressing up in her clothes, having lunch with her girlfriends, having "fun" with her unknowing husband (it's very important to me that no one ever finds out about the swap, especially the closest of relatives) - all while she's powerless to stop him. He could either do it by blackmailing her or maybe lock her soul inside some sort of magical artifact, etc.

I totally agree that it's probably driven by jealousy. What confuses me, however, is that despite these unusual fantasies, I have a very good relationship with my mother, and would never actually do any of these things to her.

From: guest (Guest 17) , 122 months, post #19
Mocking and taunting is on way to get back at the one that leads me to feel jealous or envious. She should not be able to undo what is done- fantasy-wise, this is just wish fulfillment but it would be nice to have her someplace remote and unreachable by others. That would allow some private meetings where the taunting could be conducted using her voice and mannerisms to explain what has been done in her absence.

Compelling her to give up important details might be fun, but it would be better to have her complete knowledge and experience. Using her thoughts and memories against her would be grand. She would be crushed to learn that her husband/boyfriend/significant other could not tell us apart.

Performing her day to day rituals and experiencing the moments/situations once reserved for her would be ideal. She does not have to be perfect. In fact, if she has some wrinkles or is slightly overweight, I would be happy to experience those things. The idea of having a mature form is as pleasing to me as being younger. I'm very curious to know what it would be like. How I would be treated and how I would interact.

Using a magical means is fine by me- I'm mostly interested in the situations and experience that I could afford by BEING HER. Having the love and affection of her friends and family and the sensations of wearing the clothing seem high on my priority list.

That said, I would not want to harm anyone and given the opportunity to experience these things in reality I would have to decline. But fantasywise I think about it often and wonder what it would be like!

From: guest (guest 16) , 122 months, post #20
Wow, I the exact same way! Would you be open to discussing this more via chat or e-mail, or something? I don't really use Yahoo much these days, but if you're interested, could you add me? My e-mail address is

As an aside - I wish this site had some way of sending private messages, so we wouldn't have to post private contact details in the public space. An IRC channel devoted to the site would be great, too.

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