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Writing.Com's anti-adblock crusade
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From: guest , 122 months, post #21
The only part I hate is when using the site on my phone, I suddenly get switched from browser to App Store to be offered Kandy Khrushchev Kollective Farm or some other free game app. Otherwise the ads aren't too bad.

From: guest (Guest) , 122 months, post #22
Ad blockers are a matter of security for me. Many attacks nowadays are coming through online ad services. Even if the site itself is secure, the online ads could be infected. Installing an ad blocker is just one little thing I can do to protect my computer.

From: guest , 122 months, post #23
ill just click an extra button, does not really bother me, 2 extra seconds to click twice ... aint gonna make me disable adblock,

From: guest (guest) , 122 months, post #24
Since Storymaster is fast to try and shut down criticism, I'm not surprised he's trying to do it on other sites too.

Here's a simple solution to get around the adblocker crap on the site, modify your hosts file, like this:

This re-routes every known ad server on the internet to your own PC, and since your PC doesn't host ads, the ads don't appear. Occasionally you get "page cannot be found" blocks in a webpage you're browsing but it stops popups and can't be blocked by most of the anti-ad blocker routines (Most of which are honeypot anyway).

No ad blocker, no ads, easy...

Although (and especially since storymaster is now trawling other sites to try and terminate criticism of his decisions), I would recommend using HTTrack now to back up every interactive you like on that site. IT's really the only way to be sure.

From: cj , 122 months, post #25
" I kind request the admins of whatever site this is supposed to be to close this thread immediately."

I'll pass your request along. Be advised that this is a message board open to the public. We would gladly add a link to this discussion to the appropriate page on your website that addresses the issues discussed in this message thread, so that any readers would be able to read all about your point of view. As with life the truth can only be seen when all the facts (from all sides) are understood.

I cannot speak for this site or its owner (or its visitors).

IANAL, But I will however state that if people are blocking ads because those ads are infecting people's computers - you need to find a different revenue stream before you find yourself facing a lawsuit of some sort. I also understand the reason you use ads (running a website can be an expensive thing... the more traffic you get / more popular your site is, the more it costs to run). If you are experience lots of backlash, perhaps you should review the comments you are getting, gleaning them for more details and suggestions for alternative solutions. But I'm not you, nor aware of all the information that you have about your website and it's operation.

Again, I'll pass your request along to the site's admin - I would expect him to address your request as quickly as he can.

From: guest (SylVal) , 122 months, post #26
The guy is certainly within his rights to attempt to put up ads on his site, though I'll be the first to admit he seems to be dealing with criticism in less then ideal way.

I question whether it's wise it to antagonize someone like that who doesn't seem to have any qualms about dropping the hammer on people. The ads suck, but I don't think they're all that annoying on anything other then a mobile device, and even then it just adds some latency. I would hate to see all of the complaining leading to a complete removal of the interactive stories section, and especially the stories by Seuzz.

From: rugal , 122 months, post #27
My problem is this: as has been said people are blocking ads for safety reasons. As the guest at the top of this page said, they were getting hijacks opening the app store on his phone to get them to download an app that could, potentially, be dangerous. Things like that are why people use adblockers.

Do I get the need to make money? Absolutely. Do I begrudge someone for wanting to make it? Unless it's in an unethical manner, of course not. But at the same time I'm not going to risk the safety of my computer or phone or anything like that, or risk my personal information, to stop a message that just makes it the site slightly more annoying to use.

I understand that has to be money but I don't like the feeling that I'm being strongarmed and could possibly have something I enjoy (reading and contributing to the interactives) taken away and then called derogatory names because I'm choosing to take steps to protect myself.

From: guest , 122 months, post #28
The reason I had to switch browsers on my phone and INSTALL an ad blocker is because every time I went to it would either redirect me to the Google play store to download Candy Crush or forward my browser to another site. Ads I don't have a huge problem with. Ads that attempt to hijack my browser or install things I don't want are a different story.

From: guest , 122 months, post #29
The ads on are obtrusive and awful or people wouldn't mind disabling their adblockers for just that site. On if you have an adblocker on you see something on the side that asks you nicely to donate 5 dollars to disable ads. I think that's a much better approach.

From: guest , 122 months, post #30
Use AdBlock and NoScript and you will not be bothered neither by the anti-adblock message nor by the ads again.

From: guest (Common Sense) , 122 months, post #31
As someone who works with ad-revenue and ad agencies on a daily basis I understand Story Master's position.

A lot of you are letting your personal feelings get in the way of your common sense. He has to pay to host the content that you want to view. You aren't going to get any viruses from an ad from the particular ad service he is using. If your computer is properly protected you won't have to worry either way.

The ad's that will give you viruses are on much more fishy sites and typically porn sites.

Are some ad's annoying? Of course they are but those of you who are complaining about the ad's and using ad-blocker, yet still want to view the interactives are shooting yourselves in the foot.

He has to pay for the site somehow and you're not making it any easier by encouraging people to take the service for granted.

If I was storymaster I would remove the interactives immediately based on the feedback the community is giving. He seems like a more reasonable person even though you are threatening his livelyhood with your ad-block campaign.

From: rugal , 122 months, post #32
People IN THIS VERY THREAD have talked about ads engaging in browser hijacks or opening the app store on the site. I've been to other sites, even places like GameFAQs of all things, where I've had to deal with bad ads in the past. One site/forum I regularly visit (non-TG related) has had problems with its ad service, which is/was an apparently reputable service, putting through nothing but the worst of the worst giving its users viruses and other stuff. The staff's solution? Outright tell people to use adblock. They have other premium content you can pay for. should look into getting rid of the ads and moving to more of a subscription/premium content model. Preferably by consolidating the paid accounts features into one cheaper model: people will pay a smaller price a month for a premium account far more than they'd pay $400+ a year for one (as the highest tier is) and chances are they'd see an increase in people going to paid accounts if they were a.) ad free and b.) more affordable.

Some times bad ads get through no matter how reputable the site is. Common sense is realizing that people are not going to risk their computers or other devices and adjusting accordingly, not strongarming people. If anyone is threatening's livelihood it's the staff of the site by relying on a service that causes people to resort to adblockers in the first place and the taking actions to blame the victims and angering the userbase.

From: guest (guest1) , 122 months, post #33
the post where storymaster twice makes reference to "kinky fetishes" should be removed. He is making it sound like viewers of this site are freaks and we are lucky he lets us post "this type" of stuff on his page.

It is offensive to everyone that enjoys this site!!

From: guest (Syberia) , 122 months, post #34
I see his motivations at least, but it's a cyclical problem. He hosts porn, so most advertisers avoid him. The ones that aren't bothered by that tend to be the ones which are more annoying and are more likely to have malware - the ads users want to avoid most. That said, some method of convincing users to disable adblockers are better than others, and his actions and response to criticism aren't going to get me to turn mine off.

From: DivineBandit , 122 months, post #35
I understand the dealio, and I would typically disable adblock for sites I enjoy, but's ads are super intrusive. Every time I visit on my tablet, I get pop-ups claiming my device is infected with a virus. I don't trust the ads.

However, I do understand the problem with the specific content we're interested in is the very reason WDC is forced to rely on those nasty ads. If there's another way I can support the site, I'd like to. Do paid memberships remove ads?

From: DivineBandit , 122 months, post #36
It makes me really sad to hear about things that hurt's interactive community. I've been reading and adding to stories there for probably over ten years at this point. Sure, there's a lot of crap that happens. The forced sex scenes can be super intrusive, and a lot of contributors that are perfectly content to repeat the exact same scenarios over and over.

But I'm nostalgic for it, darnit.

From: guest , 122 months, post #37
In my honest opinion, is a great site. But it is going to be VERY hard to get people to do what you ask them to do if you basically tell them "tough shit, deal with it." It's his site and he has every right to do so and every right to try and make money off of it, but sometimes explaining things to people and politely asking for some cooperation or giving them incentives to cooperate with you goes a long way.

From: guest (Brayn) , 122 months, post #38
Funny thing to consider too, from reading a few new posts in the technical support forums, the half-assed implementation of the ad blocker is finding a false positive for anyone who runs without javascript (ie: hardened browsers). So you have to turn javascript on to browse the site or you get the ad blocker error.

So not only is the "ad blocker disable" function intrusive for most, but is also badly implemented and disrupting other users, and it effectively means older mobile devices will not be able to visit the pages at all anymore since earlier implementations of Opera and whatnot (ie: Nintendo DS), can't use javascript.

From: cj , 122 months, post #39
"the post where storymaster twice makes reference to "kinky fetishes" should be removed. He is making it sound like viewers of this site are freaks and we are lucky he lets us post "this type" of stuff on his page."

It breaks no guidelines or laws. I felt a bit put-out by the post myself - but it is a public forum. Probably not the smartest idea to start to question/alienate an unfamiliar forum / message board, and then ask for the conversation to removed. But then that's just my opinion.

Again, since it doesn't break any "rules"... is open to public discussion (currently)... and allows his side of the story to be told. I'm voting to leave the post in-place.

From: guest (Common Sense) , 122 months, post #40
This is what I find so ridiculous.

StoryMaster Inplements the anti-adblocker and he explains why he did it because of the high costs behind it and people using ad-block while browsing them.

The community then back-lashes by encouraging more people to use ad-blocker and it isn't until after storymaster threatens to remove the interactives that you guys want to negotiate with him and offer your suggestions for alternatives.

Yes he could do a paid ad-removal membership or less obtrusive ads but the community didn't lead with suggestions instead we lead with rage against him for adding an extra step of inconvenience to read fiction with ad-blocker, and we've left him with no alternatives other than if he leaves the ad's we'll use ad-blocker.

Also the idea of getting a virus from an ad is stupid. You WON'T get a virus from an ad if your computer is properly protected like it should be anyway. Get malware-bytes if your worried and browse with chrome which has some built in protection. This is common sense people.

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