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Sam (2013) possible update?
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From: guest (rush) , 123 months, post #281
His interviews seem to usually be between 8 and 9 pm EST meaning that, if it's going to happen, it's probably happening right now. He actually interviewed John Gallagher a year ago on February 21 and posted it February 23 so it will probably be posted on Saturday if it's going to be posted at all.

From: guest (Saint) , 123 months, post #282
Good call. Too bad they're not live streaming.

From: guest (Saint) , 123 months, post #283
Crap. Another 2 weeks of waiting.

"March 13th In the Life with Steve Stanulis will have 1st of 10 shows."

From: guest (rush) , 123 months, post #284
That's what I figured. Steve Stanulis also said on twitter that he attended a Sam wrap party on Friday. Not sure how many people were still in NY to attend that.

From: guest (Guestimation) , 123 months, post #285
Stanulis also posted a couple of wrap party photos, the other day, on his Facebook page. Just Nick Brooks and a couple of other guys in them, no Natalie Knepp. I was poking around, and the film's editor posted that he had completed a rough cut of SAM a little less than a month ago, so they may well have watched that at the wrap party. Or, it may have just been eating and drinking and living it up. Knepp did post something (a few weeks ago) about looking forward to seeing the rough cut in February, though.

From: guest (The saint) , 123 months, post #286
That was a rough cut of her previous project. The editor of Sam is a woman.

The girl that plays Stephanie the model posted pictures of the wrap party. She was singing kereoke with Doc.

From: guest (Saint) , 123 months, post #287
Now begins the long wait.

In the meantime here's a new pic of Original Sam and Doc.

From: guest , 123 months, post #288
Is this the most anticipated movie on this board in a long long time?

From: Tuggy24g , 123 months, post #289
Yes. There has not been a really big mainstream body swap movies since I would say switch with Ellen Barkins.

From: guest (thesaint) , 123 months, post #290
I feel like Paradox Alice was the most anticipated movie. Sam feels like the same 4 people (myself included) just posting a bunch about it.

From: cj , 123 months, post #291
It's anticipated by others. Some of us just don't have anything important to add to your wonderfully dense (in a good way) and informative conversation. :-)

From: guest (Avido373) , 123 months, post #292
Was Switch a body swap? It seems that Goodbye Charlie and Switch both featured divinely created bodies. Amanda explicitly had a living body and a dead one. But sf or magical transformation,reincarnation, or divine intervention, is just a detail that gets a scriptwriter to the same rich place for storytelling. The significant mainstream tg movies were Turnabout 1940, Goodbye Charlie 1964, Switch 1991, and Sam 2014 (presumably). That makes 23.7 years between each production. That means only about 3 movies will appear per person's average lifetime. After Sam, we can expect that the next quality TG movie will not appear until about 2038. I sure hope that a few people who enjoy sites like this one will some day become motion picture moguls and remember their roots. We need product for what is a neglected market. A few TV shows wouldn't hurt either. How about an American Lalola? With another title there's no reason to pay royalties to Dori Media (these are the people who haven't condescended to give the world an English dubbed DVD version, despite obvious commercial reasons for doing so). Their high concept is really a take on the old Goodbye Charlie plot, by way of Switch, whose influence upon LLL is undeniably strong. Conceptually, it has to be public domain.

From: guest (thesaint) , 123 months, post #293
Who knows what Switch was. It didn't make a lot of sense how he is shot and his body is dumped in the river. Then he wakes up in bed and then he is transformed. So . . . if the Devil didn't make his bet with God would Steve's other body still be found?

As for 23.7 years between Hollywood movies . . . . that sucks! Sam better be awesome.

From: guest , 123 months, post #294
I just want to see the changes that Sam goes through when turning into Samantha. I hope it doesn't go the Switch route. I want to see Sam in his female body get dressed ie put on a bra, heels, pantyhose, a skirt, etc..
I want to see Sam struggle to deal with men checking him out in his female body and having to deal with womanhood. It will be interesting to see.

From: guest (aronimink) , 123 months, post #295
Regarding post #288, is SAM the most anticipated movie on is board ever, I can't say for certain. The fact that its post #288 I think says something. On the other hand, as per post #290, it feels like the same 4 people posting about it.

I personally am anticipating it highly because its a genre I'm interested in, and a genre I believe many more people would be interested in, if a compelling story goes along with it. To me, character development is at the heart of an enjoyable story, and what greater character development could there be, than is possible with a tg story?

How well that character development is executed will determine whether my great anticipation was warranted. So far I like everything I've seen and heard.

From: guest (rush) , 123 months, post #296
I just realized that Steve Stanulis is Lou the Doorman in the film. Ha. No wonder he's going to do an interview with John a Gallagher.

As far as it being the most anticipated movie, I guess it probably is. All the elements for a great TG movie seem to be there but will it be a great TG movie. I dunno, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding this film which I guess only adds to its anticipation.

From: guest , 123 months, post #297
I know I and some others keep saying this but I just want to see how long Samantha will be in pantyhose. I think it's cute and sexy when a character gets all dolled up when they go from their male body to their female body. I would love a scene in which Samantha walks around in her room in maybe pantyhose, a bra, and heels. That would be awesome. I know it borders on fetish stuff but I can't help it.

From: guest (guest2) , 123 months, post #298
Yeah . . . guest. I hate to admit it but I'd love to see that too. I can't help it either.

Here's another movie Natalie did with her wearing hose. Curious if it's her choice or a coincidence or pantyhose is back in fashion.

From: guest (Houston) , 123 months, post #299
Most of us on here is due to some sort of fetish. Nothing to be ashamed of.

From: guest (Saint) , 123 months, post #300
A little birdie told me a "rough cut" will be done by April.

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