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new upcoming movie called RPG
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From: Nptox18 , 130 months, post #1
Here is a trailer i saw of a upcoming movie called RPG...

it seems it has somekind of body/mind transfer and age regression...

Anyone has more info about it???

Thanks and Regards

From: guest (bla) , 130 months, post #2
wow, looks really good. their website:

unfortunately, they do not give away any specific release date...

the domain the movie is registered under seems to be portuguese, hmm

rpg is the abbreviation for "real playing game", its listed under imdb as such:

According to imdb, the movie is gonna be released on August 29, 2013

"In a not too far future, Steve Battier, a multimillionaire elderly and terminally ill, accepting the offer of a company - RPG - that in return for a high monetary value provides to a very restricted group of clients the possibility to become young again. During 10 hours, 10 millionaires around the world, men and women with fame and power, will be transferred to younger bodies, attractive and healthy to live in a temporary rejuvenation game, very real thrills, where in that every hour someone will die. In the body of a man of 23 years, returning to enjoy the pleasures of sex and experiencing the adrenaline of violence and power over life and death, Steve is willing to do anything to keep young forever... But not always what we have experienced is what appears to be."

From: guest (PeachPit) , 130 months, post #3
If I had to guess. I would say that the black girl is actually a guy judging by one or two clips.

From: guest (Responder) , 130 months, post #4
I'm not actually sure the black girl is a guy. The trailer shows the Asian guy pushing her out an opening, but the next scene shows a guy falling from the roof (and I believe it's actually the Asian guy himself). There are 5 young guys and 5 young girls - I was trying to see what the gender breakdown was for the holograms in the trailer that represented their elderly self, but it never shows all 10.

From: guest (Curious) , 130 months, post #5
A curious part from their facebook page -

I wonder why they're modeling the young on the elderly. If that's the case, then it would seem to just be a younger version rather than allow you to pick whoever you want (which seems contradictory to the trailer where he's before a gallery of 3 men and 3 women - though noticeably by that time his choices were down to 6 out of an original 15 or more models).

From: guest (Curiouser) , 130 months, post #6
Also, Player 4 (Christopher Goh) kind of looks like a younger version of the Gamekeeper.

From: guest (PeachPit) , 130 months, post #7
  1. 4

I guess I thought of that since there's a scene of the girl looking a male hologram and extending her arm to it in disbelief. Then there's also a girl on girl makeout.

Could be wrong but looked like a maybe to me.

From: guest (PeachCanyon) , 130 months, post #8
Yeah, that would be interesting - similarly there's a scene with one of the young guys right in front of an elderly woman hologram though it seems to be more in angst. Maybe both girls in the girl on girl are guys. lol

From: guest , 130 months, post #9
If, as the trailer implies, part of the competition/story is figuring out who each person used to be, then it seems like an obvious twist for at least one, if not more than one, of the competitors to have previously been the opposite sex.

From: kennedy , 130 months, post #10
I have to admit, I'm kind of excited about this entry. Maybe it's the evil facial expressions on the actors and actresses but there seems to be a high likelihood of deception and double crosses and one would think there is a high possibility of a TG twist. But I have been disappointed before....

From: Nptox18 , 130 months, post #11
I am interested since i saw the trailer...

And i dont mind even if they all are in their right gender...

Just the idea of "possession" of a younger body makes the firlm appealling to me...

And simce the film will be on theathers here in my country, hope (if possible) i'll be able to see it...


From: guest (rush) , 130 months, post #12
Seems a bit like the movie Avatar. So the winner gets to keep the body?

From: guest (Oy vay) , 130 months, post #13
The plot sounds astoundingly stupid. Why not just give all the rich people shiny new young bodies for lots of money, without the whole death match? You'd get way more customers that way. The whole fight to the death shtick shows that Hollywood has guacamole or worse for brains. To actually face the implications of rich people getting fresh lives is beyond their wits.

Then again, I find The Hunger Games stupendously unlikely too.

But we live in a world where Dan Brown not merely gets published but thrives.

From: Nptox18 , 130 months, post #14
Stupid why???

In the point of view of the company if you kill all customers besides 1, it wont attract much atention to the company, and since you already been paid...

But we will have to wait for the movie to come out to see if they explain the reason behind killing them...


From: guest (T100) , 120 months, post #15
RPG is now available online to watch.

From: guest (fdg) , 120 months, post #16
Message deleted by hskfmn. Spamming.
From: guest (jdreamer) , 120 months, post #17
you can watch the entire movie on you tube type in >>> real playing game 2013

From: guest (astronaut) , 120 months, post #18
i dont get this movie

From: guest (Guest) , 116 months, post #19
Any one watch this?

From: guest (Juan) , 116 months, post #20
looks good, going to watch it

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