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Meeting the person that you swapped bodies with
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From: guest (3dog) , 135 months, post #81
What if the woman you swapped with was an overweight 43 year old?
What then huh? What if you become a not so attractive woman?

From: guest , 135 months, post #82
No deal. But seriously, what straight male would swap his male body with that of an unattractive female?

From: guest (3dog) , 135 months, post #83
Im not saying shes a hideous monster but shes not a super model I guess.
Lets say attractiveness is on a scale of one to ten. (one being nasty)
How many ranks would you go down to swap bodies with a female before you said
"Ugh no, thats too ugly."
I think I'd go down 3 ranks personally

From: guest (Johnathan L) , 135 months, post #84
Good question, as long as it's not perma and I can get back to my original body then I'd probably swap.
I'm at the point where I want to body swap just to see what it's like.
It's all about perspectives too, I can see how life is like for her and maybe learn a lesson.
Movie to be made later :p

From: guest , 135 months, post #85
What kind of guy would want to be a female super model? Female super models are freakishly tall and that's not always a good thing for females. If I had to face womanhood for a day or two, I'd want to be as attractive as Sophia Bush, Sarah Shahi, or the woman in the Belgium Lalola. I'm not an expert on beauty but I don't think any of those women would live up to a 10 ranking.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 135 months, post #86
As a male I honestly believe that I'm somewhere between a 3 and a 7, so I would not go down in rank at all. It wouldn't pay off because I'm already near the bottom of the barrel.

I'd say a high 7 is about as low as I'd go on a scale of 1 to 10. As a woman I'd be quite vain, especially if I was beautiful. I always found that quality both admirable and attractive for some reason.

If the swap occurred between me and a fat 43 year old woman, I would try to do everything possible to swap back. If I found myself unable to swap back, I'd begin doing spiteful things to get back at her or the higher beings that be. I'd ruin her relationships (which would be fun to see the looks on their faces), quit her job, sell her car and house, and then I'd juice up on some illegal things that I've always wanted to try.
(which in turn would cause an OD ending my rampage)

From: guest , 135 months, post #87
I'm probably between a 3 and a 5 so being an ugly woman would definitely not be good. Since I'd want to be able to dress sexy and nice as a woman, I couldn't be a fat ugly woman. How could I fit into Zatanna costumes and tight dresses that show offed my female curves and hips if I'm fat and ugly? I'm sure the woman that had swapped places with me would be horrified at losing her cute womanly body and occupying my not so handsom male body.

From: dis_guise , 135 months, post #88
Younger, healthier, and no less attractive, and in not much worse a situation in life, and the woman won't be getting her body back: this is why I'd rather transform than swap. Not fair on the ex-woman, the swap.

From: guest (3dog) , 135 months, post #89
Wait so your trapped in a 43 year old womans body, she refuses to swap back, your stuck being her, so doesn;t it stand to reason that you;d only being spiting yourself at that point? lol or is that what your trying to do? The old "Screw it" philosophy.

So nobody could go down in rank?
Okay what if you had to choose between a
Pretty attractive girl, but she'll only swap for like a day or a
Somewhat unattractive girl who would like to be you for a year?

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #90
What if the woman you swapped with was an overweight 43 year old?
What then huh? What if you become a not so attractive woman?

I'd try to lose weight.

From: guest , 135 months, post #91
I couldn't go down a rank because my rank as a guy is already low enough. I'd rather be a pretty attractive woman that an unattractive one. I would possibly blackmail the pretty woman into being her for probably a week. Maybe take some naked pics of myself while in her body and use the pics as leverage. I wonder if meeting her while wearing a Zatanna costume would be blackmail? I mean I would be showing off her butt cheeks and thighs in the costume.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 135 months, post #92
3dog, yep, pretty much. I mean, if you recall I did say an OD would end my rampage i.e. my suffering.
Going down in rank is a huge no-no to me.

I'd rather be the attractive girl for a day tbh. That one day would fuel the rest of my fantasies for my life, or partly be responsible for the change in them.
I'd much rather be her for longer though, but meh.

From: guest , 135 months, post #93
I'd still be curious to see how she would react to seeing me wearing something sexy and/or slutty in her body ie Zatanna costume or short tight dress. Would she be mad? Would she give me a slap on the butt? How would people react to seeing me in a Zatanna costume or a short tight dress in her body?

From: cj , 135 months, post #94
"Okay what if you had to choose between a
Pretty attractive girl, but she'll only swap for like a day or a
Somewhat unattractive girl who would like to be you for a year?"

I'd try for both... pretty for a day, somewhat unattractive for a year. If I could only choose one, I'd go for the year - would give me more experience and knowledge... and would leave me stuck like that for a year - more akin to what it'd really be like to be her. It'd probably be easier to deal with passing as a woman when not all eyes are on you too (highly attractive or unattractive people tend to be more noticeable).

Strangely though, I think it'd be easier to talk the very attractive woman into swapping over the slightly unattractive woman, whether it was a day or a week or a month or a year - seems that they are more critical of their own appearance (IMO), and a slightly unattractive woman may simply have more confidence in who they are (as opposed to what they look like). Though I feel that some of the comments above illustrate why most women would be reluctant to swap with a man - the thought that their body/trust would be violated by the visitor... that their body would be tasked to doing things that the owner doesn't approve of.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 135 months, post #95
I'd enjoy seeing my old body doing things I wouldn't as much as being the woman. That's definitely part of the thrill for me.

And being dressed sexily and getting smacked on the butt by my old self, that's something I'd actually attempt to lure him/her into doing.

From: guest , 135 months, post #96
How would the woman that is in your former male body react to seeing you in her former female body wearing something really sexy or something daring like a Zatanna costume? Would she feel embarassed, angry, or turned on? I don't know if I'd want her to slap or grab my butt or pick me up and give me a little spanking on the butt.

From: guest , 135 months, post #97
Or maybe she would catch me on the beach and I'd be wearing a sexy black one piece and she would run up and slap me on the butt.

From: guest (Tyler Durden) , 135 months, post #98
Would you be mad if the woman in your former male body wore a speedo on the beach? And what would be your swimwear selection as a woman? Thong bikini, bikini, or classic one piece?

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #99
Would you be mad if the woman in your former male body wore a speedo on the beach?
Not at all. She could be naked, if she wanted.

From: cj , 135 months, post #100
Would you be mad if the woman in your former male body wore a speedo on the beach?

Only if I had deal with the repercussions of it later (embarrassing photos, court appearances, etc).

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