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Meeting the person that you swapped bodies with
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From: guest , 135 months, post #21
I didn't mean to be rude or condescending. I was just saying that men would get to see what it's like to be a piece of meat sometimes if they were in female bodies. Personally, I think it would be kinda hot if the woman in my former male body slapped and/or grabbed my now female butt.

From: guest (Lassitude) , 135 months, post #22
@ #21

I agree... I think that would definitely be hot, if it happened to me, especially if the body I currently occupied was appreciably smaller than my old body; say, 6-8 inches shorter. :)

From: cj , 135 months, post #23
A gay friend of mine got drunk one night, and began to hit on me. I had no desire for what he was after - but got a nice taste of what it must be like for an attractive woman to try and fend off unwelcome advances from a drunk guy.

From: guest (Lassitude) , 135 months, post #24

Yeah, I could easily see that... but if it was a situation where my old body walked in, wasn't drunk, and made it clear to me (somehow) that the woman whose body I was now wearing was wearing mine, and got a bit frisky... well, that's a somewhat different kettle of fish to me, even though it would probably still be unwelcome and uncomfortable. :)

From: guest , 135 months, post #25
So would you just adapt to the sexual orientation of the female body you were occupying? Would your now female body do that to you or would you still like women while in that female body? And if you were in the mood to have sex with your former male body, would you insist that the occupant in your formale male body wear a condom? I know it's a lot of questions but they must be asked because they would come up if you were in this situation.

From: guest , 135 months, post #26
What would you talk about? That would have to be a very strange conversation to have.

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #27
What would you talk about?
About clothing. About make-up. About some body ailments. About how we adapt.
About people each of us know: what to tell about them. About swapping back. About sex.

There would be a lot of things to say.

From: guest , 135 months, post #28
Wouldn't you feel embarassed? You would be talking to a person that has seen you naked and that has handled and used your equipment.

From: observer , 135 months, post #29
Why be embarrassed? They would be in the same position. Adding to #27, I would imagine that they might have tips on hair and what works/doesn't work for their old body. There may be medical things to discuss too.

From: guest , 135 months, post #30
It would be embarassing because they would know you very intimately if you think about it. What if they didn't want to swap back or they wouldn't want to swap back unless you got pregnant and had their baby or you went on a date with them and wore some sexy hip hugging dress? It would just be an unbelievable situation to be in.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 135 months, post #31
Hah! For me that'd be fantastic. Do I go on a date and wear some sexy clothing or do I refuse and keep her body?
Maybe I just leave town altogether.

But Forestier makes a fantastic point. Talking about hair tips and body ailments and ect. That'd be an ideal thing to do, it could even be the deciding factor of whether you want to change back or not.

Also, it'd be unwise to learn about these things through trial and error. Especially if you find and epi-pen in your purse and have no idea what it's for.

From: guest , 135 months, post #32
So you would be okay with a woman occupying your former male body running off with it and leaving you in a woman's body? You wouldn't miss your manhood, man strength, and basically numerous advantages over women? I think it would be neat and fun for a day or two but it would probably get boring after a while.

From: guest (Jessica Drew) , 135 months, post #33
I would be very happy - providing she was good looking. Sure I would miss a lot of things but that would be a dream come true to be female permanently.

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #34
To guest 32.
A. You should at least get a nickname.
B. I might miss all the points you mention. But I might also like being a woman. I might even do both: miss advantages of being a man and enjoy those of being a woman. Of course, if I were to transform into a woman in Africa or Saudi Arabia, THAT would be far less enjoyable.

From: guest , 135 months, post #35
Are there any stories with this plot?

From: guest , 135 months, post #36
Call me Tyler Durden. I just think some of you may be jumping the gun. You have no idea how life is in a woman's body until you experience it so it might be unwise to think you would love it without even trying it first. Just think of all the horny men that yould be checking out your butt and breasts. I'm not saying it would be 100 percent bad but you have to take the good with the bad.
Here are some of the pros and cons I think men would experience if they were in a female body.

Possibly more beautiful, sexy, and attractive.
The ability to get men to do things for them.
Being able to get out of physical labor because you're a female.
Having a large variety of clothes, shoes, and lingerie to wear.
You would be a minority which can come in handy in certain situations but not always.
Probably a lot more pros but can't list them all.

Decreased strength, weight, and height
Loss of manhood and the ability to pee standing up
Have to look nice and smell good for men
Increased chance of getting raped
Loss of respect by men and women
Chance of getting pregnant
Having men constantly look at yourself especially your butt, breasts, and vagina.
Having a vagina.

From: Forestier , 135 months, post #37
To the pros, I'd add:
having more sensitive skin;
having breasts, a clitoris and vagina;
having more fun while having sex;
being able to fake having fun while having sex;
not thinking always about sex;
being less prone to get involved in a fight or in violent death;
being less prone to mental problems;
living longer;
being able to carry, deliver and nurse a child.

To the cons, I'd add:
having periods;

But I'd remove:
having to look good for men. Nobody has to do so, and I'm sure women want to look good first for themselves.

From: observer , 135 months, post #38
The pros outweigh the cons to me but one eventual con would be: menopause. :)

From: cj , 135 months, post #39
Possibly more beautiful, sexy, and attractive.
Possibly, but not a pro if you're not
The ability to get men to do things for them.
Not all women have that power over all men
Being able to get out of physical labor because you're a female.
Ha. I know women who work harder (physically) than the men around them
Having a large variety of clothes, shoes, and lingerie to wear.
This can be a con too, budget and time & effort spent in wardrobe selection... and if you're not quite up to par on styles and fashions, this could really be a con instead
You would be a minority which can come in handy in certain situations but not always.
There are more women than men on the planet - so being a "minority" would be a subjective thing

Decreased strength, weight, and height
Loss of manhood and the ability to pee standing up
I could debate the "pee standing up" thing, but that'd be pedantic of me
Have to look nice and smell good for men
Not "for men" in particular - and I prefer to look nice and smell good regardless - but for me.
Increased chance of getting raped
Loss of respect by men and women
I'm not so sure this is true in all case. I feel respect is an earned attribute. A certain respect is given to anyone - and more can be earned or lost by the person's interactions with others. Then again, I've heard that some men show less respect for women - but how widespread this view is, I don't know
Chance of getting pregnant
I know that this may be a burdensome thing for women, however there are men (and women) who would give anything to experience pregnancy / childbirth
Having men constantly look at yourself especially your butt, breasts, and vagina.
Having a vagina.
Some men would view the trade as a pro instead of a con.

From: guest , 135 months, post #40
So having men constantly checking your butt and breasts would be a pro for straight men?

And what would make sex more fun or enjoyable? You would have to make sure that if you had sex with a man that he would wear a condom.

What's the reasoning behind having a vagina labeled as a pro? Is it because if you get excited, you just get wet and don't have to worry about something growing and getting stiff?

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