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Possible tg in next ep of almighty Johnsons
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From: guest (guest2) , 146 months, post #21
I agree, Mykidneys. It was very well done for an hour long show. I wish they took a break on the B-plot so the whole episode focused on Axl, but that's t.v. scripting 101. I wish there was 1 more costume change, considering she wore the same clothes two days in a row, but otherwise it was a lot of fun : )

From: guest (DC) , 146 months, post #22
For those wondering.
No process. The change is same as many shows/movies.
Goes to Sleep.
Wakes up, walks to bathroom, reaches down doesn't find anything and run to mirror.

Only two outfits.

Ok, some funny moments but nothing great.

Also, if you google the title "A Damn Fine Woman" you can find it.
Also there is a good summary at:

From: guest (Newman) , 146 months, post #23
what other episodes of this show has possession or transformation themes or ones of the male gods coming back as a women

From: guest (Me) , 146 months, post #24
Where I can see the episode I tried looking online but couldn't find it :(

From: guest (me2) , 146 months, post #25
ok. I just saw ep 5 of season two

It is almost all tg related via the odin character waking up changed into a woman. He only changes back at the last minute or so so it has a lot of tg moments while advanceing the overall plot. I haven't seen the rest but it was fairly easy to follow after reviewing wikipedia for the series info.

There were a number of good moments...Click to show spoiler
gur hfhny qvfpbirel va gur onguebbz jvgu n shyy oynqqre va gur zbeavat. Gunaxshyyl ab fpernzvat erfcbafr! Pbaivapvat gur bguref jnf rnfl nf gurl ner hfrq gb tbqyvxr cbjref. Gurer jrer n srj pbzzragf ba uvf arj obql gung frrzrq serfu pbzcnerq gb fbzr bs gur svyzf rgp gung unir gevrq gb gnpxyr fvzvyne fvghngvbaf. Vg urycf gb unir n ernyyl tbbq npgerff va gur ebyr. Fur unq whfg gur evtug zvk bs znyr nggvghqr va n srznyr obql. Fur nqwhfgrq fjvsgyl gb qerffrf naq urryf, jvgu ab znxrhc nccnerag. Gurer jrer fbzr arngyl cynprq ersreraprf gb sernxl sevqnl, ovt naq 1 be 2 zber obql punatr svyzf. Nccneragyl ur arrqrq gb yrnea nobhg uvzfrys naq uvf eryngvbaf jvgu jbzra orsber ur pbhyq punatr onpx, cnegvphynevyl uvf sbezre(?) tevysevraq. Birenyy vg jnf avpryl jevggra naq npgrq.OVT FCBVYRE&tg;&tg;&tg;&tg;&tg;orybj...Gurer jnf na vzcyvrq frk fvghngvba nsgre n xvff jvgu nabgure tbqqrff gung erirefrf gur traqre punatr.

From: guest (me2) , 146 months, post #26
i tried to put spaces in the spoiler but it came out wrong as >>>>>

But you know you would have looked anyway ;)

From: guest (rush) , 146 months, post #27
For me this is the best tg episode in a television show that I can ever remember. It's better than 90% of the tg movies and television shows out there. The acting is good and the concept of the "god" actually subconciously wanting to turn into a woman while conciously being opposed is an interesting twist. And it's so refreshing to have a transformation (even if it's offscreen) than a cheap switch episode. Definitely worth the trouble of finding online. The actress was so good that I think and hope there is a good chance they'll bring her back.

From: Bodyswap1 , 146 months, post #28
Does anybody happen to know where I can watch this episode?

From: guest , 146 months, post #29
You can find it you type S02E05 on google and take it from there

From: guest (argentino) , 146 months, post #30
Loved the transformation! Off camera and simple but still nice.

From: Bodyswap1 , 146 months, post #31
At what time does the transformation take place?

From: DaveS , 146 months, post #32
The transformation takes place early on about three minutes in (right before the opening credits), and doesn't reverse until the very end.

Click to show spoiler
Nky tbrf gb orq va qerff naq jvt, naq jnxrf hc n jbzna. Ab zbecuvat, ohg gur npgbef jrer va gur fnzr cbfvgvba va orq qhevat gur "snyyvat nfyrrc" naq "jnxvat hc" fprarf.

I watched all of Season 1 and the episodes up to Season 2 to get a bit more understanding of the back story, and I've enjoyed the show. I plan to keep watching even if "Mia" doesn't make another appearance. However, having watched the show up to now, I feel there is one quite disappointing bit about this episode (Season 2, Episode 5)...

Click to show spoiler
Fbzr bs gur inevbhf frk fprarf va gur frevrf fb sne unir unq dhvgr n ovg bs ahqvgl... ohg va guvf rcvfbqr, jr frr abguvat ncneg sebz gur xvff orgjrra Zvn naq Zvpuryyr/Fwbsa. Creuncf vg pbhyq or orpnhfr gur npgerffrf jrera'g xrra ba svyzvat n yrfovna fprar, juvpu vf haqrefgnaqnoyr. Ohg jura lbh pbzcner guvf fbzrjung cvibgny frk fprar gb fnl, jura Nky ybfg uvf ivetvavgl be jura ur unq frk jvgu Tnvn, naq vg'f dhvgr qvfnccbvagvat.

From: guest (rush) , 146 months, post #33
One thing that gives me hope that this female character will return is in the trailer they say "guess who is joining the johnsons?". If it was just one episode, I'd expect them to say guess who is visiting the Johnsons. Hope the Axl uses this power he has just like the boy in vice versa.

From: Bodyswap1 , 146 months, post #34
Mia is one beautiful character.

From: guest (Pappelmousse) , 146 months, post #35
Yes it's a good show- well written and enjoyable in its own right.
There is likely to be other interesting twists as it goes on.

It is the Norse gods after all.

From: Bodyswap1 , 146 months, post #36
Does anybody know what the name of Mia is in real live?

From: DaveS , 146 months, post #37
The actress who played Mia is Siobhan Marshall.

From: Bodyswap1 , 146 months, post #38
Thank you DaveS.

From: guest (argentino) , 146 months, post #39
I think today is the next chapter, maybe someone from NZ can keep on eye on the show, maybe Mia returns

From: guest (j) , 137 months, post #40
is there any more mf or possession on this show

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