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The Evermoor Chronicles "Being Bella"
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From: Bodyswap1 , 100 months, post #21
Why is this show hard to find. Somebody out there somewhere must have full episodes.

From: guest (Guest) , 100 months, post #22
It is really incredible because US Disney airs an episode of a show like 5 times during the stretch this has aired.

From: guest , 100 months, post #23
We will not give up this is also a cool series even though i cant understand what is being talked. Also if anyone form that country can help out that would be welcome.

From: guest (Phil) , 100 months, post #24 has the entire series available for free legally but it is region blocked.

Does anyone from the UK or have a VPN want to check it out and through the rest of us a bone?

From: guest (Loveless) , 100 months, post #25
To watch TV from Sky online you'll need to be a Sky TV customer. And I think this service is not free.

From: EthanGrace , 100 months, post #26

So, seems fate wanted me to see it!

I was in the supermarket after work getting a healthy dinner when I saw the queue was out the door.

Tired and hungry I thought fuck it, and went to the McDonald's instead. Unbeknownst to me, McDonalds had started another Monopoly game - but thought nothing of it.

Buses were jammed so it ended up taking 30min to get home -- tired, grumpy and the McDonalds was now cold -- I peeled off my stickers and low and behold I serendipitously won 2 months FREE of Sky TV OnDemand! (It's normally about $40USD a month -- something I wasn't going to pay).

I thought it was a pretty interesting coincidence anyway.

SO, signed up tonight and watched the episodes :)

First need to clear up -- the Stone TF is not in this episode -- just the revert. The TF is in Episode 18 "Operation Lights Out", and there is a Male and old woman stone TF and revert in Episode 17.

However, there are 3 on-screen F2F morphs and one off-screen F2M TF in this episode.

Unfortunately out of all the TFs, Bella into Stone is the briefest and partially off-screen -- she is tricked into touching a magic lamp by the girl in my previous post -- and quickly freezes and gets a stone texture -- this all happens in less than a second -- then it cuts and goes to a shot of her miniaturised statuette on the floor.

The morphs are alright, your typical shimmer and shrink/grow types with clothes changing as well. There is one scene after the off-screen F2M TF with the guy sitting facing a mirror and the reflection of the girl.

The final statue revert TF occurs from a kiss by a boy and is also a partially off-screen shimmer effect (not a morph just shimmer and she's normal again).

Randomly there is also a brief on-screen Weight Gain morph and revert by a young boy after eating a rotten berry. Not my sort of thing but there if you're interested.

Working on screenshots and *maybe* video (maybe a GIF perhaps). But I'm still hungry since my Big Mac was cold -_- lol.

From: guest (Guest) , 100 months, post #27
Thanks EthanGrace! Excited to see the FtFs and the mirror scenes.

From: guest (cudi) , 100 months, post #28
The TF is in this low quality promo

From: Bodyswap1 , 100 months, post #29
If anybody has kodi tv they might be able to see it.

From: guest , 100 months, post #30
i have kodi tv how many eps are TF's and what eps are thay.

From: guest , 100 months, post #31
Thanks EthanGrace if u can get a video of the transformations and add it on youtube that would be great.

From: EthanGrace , 99 months, post #32
I come bearing Gifs *boom tish*

Each Gif is about 2mb each with the final Statue Revert one at 8mb. Apologies if this affects any data caps.

I'll try upload the scenes to YouTube but I already have 2 strikes so don't know how reliable that will be.


FTF #1

FTF #2

FTF #3



From: EthanGrace , 99 months, post #33
Final frame of Bella Statue TF:

From: guest (Guest) , 99 months, post #34
Thank you!

From: cj , 99 months, post #35
Thanks Ethan Grace!

I suggest that you just do the short clips, state that they are FAIR USE clips and that you don't own the rights to the full content. Of course... you may want to check the copyright laws and "Fair Use" doctrine where you live.

As long as they are just clips... you'd be fine posting links here to them (the clips) wherever you choose to have them hosted.

And thanks again for the clips!

From: guest , 99 months, post #36

From: guest , 99 months, post #37
Thanks Ethan Grace u are amazing. If u know of any more transformations from this series can u do more gifs?

From: m2mpossession22 , 99 months, post #38
you can always try uploading the full episode on google drive

From: guest (Yeppins) , 99 months, post #39
Please do ethan grace! we would be so appreciative of google drive upload!

From: Bodyswap1 , 99 months, post #40
Can't wait to see the clips. Good work ethan grace.

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