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Inequality in TG genre
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From: guest (halfharpy) , 88 months, post #1
Why is it there are many male to female transformation stories but so few of female to male transformation. This is not fair.

From: guest , 88 months, post #2
What is fair? It's not like MtF fiction writers are trying to hurt somebody because of their sexuality or fetishes....

From: guest (Dan) , 88 months, post #3
Maybe you should write some FtM fiction of your own, balance the scales. Nobody owes you anything, nothing unfair about it.

From: guest (ef) , 88 months, post #4
Inequality? you got to be kidding me, the people that are in the tg community that enjoy this site and others are a minority of people that have very few avenues to turn to for embracing there sexuality, so using the word Inequality is a bit rich. I just hope your not another troll creating drama, I see it a lot with threads created with a touch of flame

From: Weirdoid , 88 months, post #5
It does suck and feels unfair but their is nothing you can do about it without changing culture. I like girly acting FtM and other things that give a male body female behavioral or physical traits and often get depressed on its absence. It feels as if the world decided to vote you out of existence behind your back. But I sort of come to understand the why's behind this. Not sure how true these whys are but between reading and observation I picked up the following.

1. Gender expression is more free to be expressed among those assigned female than those assigned male making the need less strong in cis women.

2. Homophobia is hammered into the minds of men from a young age. Fantasizing on a male form has been associated with disgust.

3. The stoic and Macho nature of male society limits expression of emotional needs so it becomes more likely for those assigned male to tie their emotional needs to their sexual fantasies and form fetishes. Those assigned female get more emotional freedom and tend to be more likely to view fetishes with fear or disgust.

4. Transgender fetishism is strongly linked to the admiration or desire of a female form. Thus tends to attract heterosexual cis men and trans women. The two groups least likely to be drawn to the idea of a FtM change.

5. In general more transition from MtF then from FtM so desire for change seems more common in people assigned male at birth.

It sucks but I have no idea how to change it.

From: guest , 88 months, post #6
People are simply more likely to have a MtF fetish. Nothing wrong with that. You're nobody's victim here.

From: guest (penguinattack) , 88 months, post #7
It's fiction. Not reality.

From: guest (halfharpy) , 88 months, post #8
Ok, some people took offense of my choice of words and I apologise as English is not my first language. After checking I think "imbalance" rather than “inequality” is a better word to convey what I want to say. Maybe admin can help to change the title. However to call me troll is a bit extreme though. Just because you disagree with people doesn't mean they must be troll or something.

From: guest , 88 months, post #9
More people enjoy MtF transformation vs FtM. It's seriously that simple.

From: guest (Harold) , 88 months, post #10
There are a lot of Chinese idol- videos. They also have a lot of the fall down the stairs and bump their head swaps too.

From: guest , 88 months, post #11
The level of ettique is not at calling people trolls but trying to get them fired by telling people that you are something. So sack up and get called names.
And if you were talking about imbalance then make some

From: guest (UnJon) , 88 months, post #12

" things that give a male body female behavioral or physical traits"

Well, there are many crossdressing stories in Fictionmania which seem fit your taste...

From: guest , 70 months, post #13

I don't think he meant crossdressing stories?

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 69 months, post #14
I really like MTF body swaps, transformations, etc.
but I do feel for the people who like FTM. It would
be cool to see more of it.

From: guest , 69 months, post #15
M2F is related to crossdressing, and that is exclusively male since women can wear men's clothes without it being commented on which probably accounts for the lack of F2M content.

From: Regular Visitor , 69 months, post #16
I think it's because most people who enjoy FtM, like myself, are gay (not sure if this is accurate, just a feeling I have). So, it might be about the transformation fetish combined with attraction to the male physique.

Also, I don't think it's unfair, it's just less likely for people to get pleasure from it. I don't find it particularly hard to find FtM or MtM media. Fortunately, this was never was a problem for me.

From: Regular Visitor , 69 months, post #17
My previous answer was somewhat confusing, I tried to imply that it's perfectly understandable that there are less FtM-driven stories because they're not as desired as MtF-driven.

From: guest (MrInternetMan) , 69 months, post #18
Probably because in a lot of situations, it's more about the fantasy than the exploration of identity.

From: guest (Fih) , 8 months, post #19
I personally find FTM stories unappealing...

From: guest , 8 months, post #20
This might be controversial and I don't mean to be rude or start any kind of flame war, but I believe one reason for the disparity is the fact that on this society men are valued more than women so FTM transformations could be considered as trading up in life and less interesting. Also, it is always funny to see someone dominant lose their position and have to deal with things other people have to deal with.

Also, men have it easy in so many ways over women that it is more interesting to write MTF fantasies. Things as simple as going out are so ordinary and easy for men that they are hardly interesting. Men just shave and wear normal clothes while women have to worry about their hairdo, make up, a huge range of clothes to choose from, decide how much leg or cleavage they want to show, to use heels or flats shoes, so many things that make life both more complicated and exciting.

About romance, if a guy doesn't want it he can just do nothing and go on with his life, while women receive all kinds of unasked attention, that makes for more avenues to explore.

Finally, I believe many men long to be able to freely express themselves, be able to show emotion, to cry and laugh freely which are things usually associated with women but shunned in men. Maybe it is just that more men dream of being women than women dream to be men.

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