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Femininity In Women Is On The Decline
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From: guest (Watcher) , 103 months, post #1
Femininity in women is on the decline (at least here in the U.S.) and it makes me sad.

What do you think?

From: guest (wego) , 103 months, post #2
No, it is just changing like it has for at least the last couple of centuries. And the things that make women most special are not changing at all.

From: cj , 103 months, post #3
I cannot say that I've noticed such a shift.

As for my thoughts on such a thing happening... well, my outdated sense of social normality and comfort (hmmm, interesting. I'll have to explore that further) would mourn the loss of women embracing, or at least displaying some femininity. Sadness, indeed.

Part of me, however, is cheering women on. For they should be able to shed their femininity if that is what they desire to do. No person should be shoe-horned into conforming to the mold or role that others dictate for them. Every person should be free to be who they truly are and to engage in whatever endeavor for which they are capable.

In other-words, while I enjoy the idea of being or being with a feminine woman, I can respect and appreciate that she is her own person, and thus has her own goals and pleasures in life, and perhaps doesn't want to spend (or lose) her precious time, energy, and effort in catering to the traditional feminine role.

As long as caring and nurturing and understanding and compassion remain plentiful in human society and our own human nature (no matter the gender), we should be okay.

From: cj , 103 months, post #4
"Every person should be free to be who they truly are and to engage in whatever endeavor for which they are capable."

Okay, perhaps there should be more to that:

Every person should be free to be who they truly are and to engage in whatever endeavor for which they are capable, as long as they are respectful in, and responsible for their words, actions, and inactions.

From: guest (dolphin) , 103 months, post #5
I'm sure they said the same thing when women started voting and opening doors for themselves.

From: Forestier , 103 months, post #6
What do you mean by feminity ? I like women in jeans and t-shirt, wearing no make-up and with a simple hair style. Why would women have to change their real appearance to be seen as real women?

From: guest (TG LOVER) , 103 months, post #7
I wish there was a potion of pure femininity and I turn into a woman in a slow time , you also want this ? :)

From: guest (Wondering) , 103 months, post #8

It is not clothes, make-up, etc that makes a woman feminine, though depending on the woman it can enhance her femininity�..Just being a woman does not make a woman feminine.

From: guest (Watcher) , 103 months, post #9
cj, would have to disagree, I see a decline.

And why is femininity a bad thing that a woman needs to shed that you would be cheering them on?

From: guest (Watcher) , 103 months, post #10
It seems that a few of you view femininity as a negative

From: guest , 103 months, post #11
Women are dressing more androgynous and shifting demographics from the Third World has more women dressing in Islamic dress, including full burqa, which is very alarming to see for anyone who has recently visited Europe. Feminists aren't helping their cause by remaining silent, or worse, showing "solidarity" with these symbols of oppression by donning the niqab. Guess feminists will be pushing a bill through legislatures shortly that declares women's worth to be only half that of a man in order to show support for their Muslim compatriots.

From: guest , 103 months, post #12
I'd argue there wasn't really ever any such thing as femininity, or masculinity for that matter. They are social constructs that shoehorn humans into being stupid zombies that read the sun or the daily mail and watch Fox or sky News.

It's all about brainwashing the masses.

If we take the female and male out of the terms it would be ok. Some people like dolls and caring for people, others like hitting things with a hammer and trying to rebuild them. Some people like wearing a dress and others jeans. Some people like makeup and tatoos and wearing Hewlett other prefer not to decorate themselves like a Christmas tree.

Everyone are different, it isn't defined by their gender but by their society, and society is stupid! More then half of people live in a fantasy where they believe everything they see in papers, on the news, on reality TV, what their dumb friends say or even what's in soap operas and other obviously fictional shows.

What we really need is to teach all children from an early age that there is no such thing as "normal" and that most people will lie to them all their lives in order to make them slaves, be it to the News international corporation or ISIS.

So no, Femininity in women isn't on the decline, it never existed in the first place, women are just choosing to live their lives as they please and not be brainwashed. It's about time men did the same, maybe it would curve the huge rise in suiicide rates among men aged 20 to 40.

From: guest (Kathie) , 103 months, post #13
Ever wonder if the social pressures to behave in a certain way and dress a certain way based on what's between your legs is what actually causes transvestites and transsexuals? I know I sure have wondered that and I'm not so sure that it doesn't cause at least some of the cases (though I'm sure there are lots of causes).

From: guest (Armchair psychologist) , 103 months, post #14
Its really easy to just pretend that all "pressures" for people to act certain ways being caused by society, like a boogyman. Humans are social creatures who've evolved to interect and change to fit into groups for survival. You could say it is "human nature" to be guided by social pressures. Its not a bad thing, its just that really old part of your brain telling you to conform so you can make babies and eat.

From: guest , 103 months, post #15
Maybe it's not about femininity but more about men's preference in how women dress and act. Some men like women to dress girly and act lady like while other men like the tomboy and sporty look. What's wrong with that?

I personally like women that dress girly and act lady like but that's just me. Different strokes for different folks.

From: cj , 103 months, post #16
Watcher - I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was only stating that I had not noticed a decline, so could neither confirm or deny your observation.

Now... please define "femininity" as you relate it to this post. I'm not sure that we are thinking the same thing.

The concept of femininity that I was referring to in my posts, are the characteristic traits that defined "the ideal woman" in western society portrayed in the media while I was growing up and some of what I observed from the girls and women in my own life during those same formative years.

The manner of dress - the ladies could often choose clothing that if not accentuating their female nature, would at least be something that no boy or man would be allowed to wear in public. They were soft-spoken, kind, and polite. They were caring and motherly, and quick to comfort - empathic. They would carry themselves with grace and poise, always seeming to know the proper etiquette for the situation at hand. These are main characteristics that defined a person who was female from one who was male.

I don't think that these are bad traits or characteristics to have, as I still envy them. But for these things to be forced on someone they don't properly fit, is a horrible thing. Especially n a world where we've supposedly become more educated, understanding, and tolerant. The world is constantly changing, as is our role in it. We need to adapt in order to progress. That doesn't mean that we should discard the good things... just that we shouldn't force them upon people.

From: guest , 103 months, post #17
It isn't a bad thing, it is an animalistic thing.

If you feel humans are just animals then let them be animals, as long as they don't have any power over me and keep out of my way.

If you feel humans are more evolved then that, which many are (probably about 40%) then let's try and get the rest of humanity to catch up.

Oddly this is where religion and science seem back to front. Religion is happy for humans to be unevolved and stupid, reading one book and doing as they are told as long as they have unprotected sex, stick to gender "norms" and produce lots more followers. Yet they think God wants this and we are in Gods image... Surely God is extremely evolved?

Where Science wants the betterment of humanity and for us to unshackle ourselves from ignorance and our animalistic nature and pack mentality.

Ok many Scientists are also Religious, but surely a true religion would tell people not to be brainwashed followers, but to be scientists. Surely a true God is better then the best of humanity an Engineer of the highest magnitude, not some angry caveman that complains about the kids of today and how it was all better when women did what they were told and there were no gay people.

It just amazes me how stupid "human nature" is... Well the 60% that make up the ignorant majority.

Sorry a bit angry at the world today lol, here is to a more enlightened tomorrow.

From: cj , 103 months, post #18
"I personally like women that dress girly and act lady like but that's just me."

Me too. But I like her better if she's not always like that... and even more, if she's honest and happy... if she allows herself to be herself, and not pretending to be someone she's not.

I knew a woman once who hated wearing dresses. It disappointed me that she didn't wear them at least once in awhile, she was very beautiful, and she would have looked even more amazing. We discussed the topic once in length, but then never again (it really wasn't that important). It never changed our relationship - I liked her the same whether she chose to embrace tradition feminine or not. She was a real tomboy, but it didn't make her any less of a woman. I never did get to see her in a dress, but she never denied that option to her daughters. I miss her, she was taken too soon - some around town may not agree me, but I thought she was a class-act. She didn't let society tell her who she was / should be.

From: guest , 103 months, post #19
To all the guys that say they are okay being with women that never wear dresses and skirts, you still okay with that on your wedding day?

For me, I can admit that I am somewhat old fashioned when it comes to gender roles. If that makes me a sexist barbarian then guilty as charged. Women can dress however they want to dress and act however they want to act. I wouldn't ever force a woman to act or dress a certain way. With that being said, I prefer women that are lady like and that dress girly. I think it might also because I have a leg and feet fetish so of course I like it when women wear things that show off their legs and feet.

I was born in the early 1980s so maybe I'm not PC.

From: guest , 103 months, post #20
Yes I'd love a woman to not confirm to wearing a wedding dress on our wedding day.

It doesn't make you a barbarian, more of a caveman ;)

You were born in the early 80s for goodness sake you grew up with the space age and the shuttle, you saw computers grow from nothing to running the world, music go from records to the cloud.

You have no excuse at all for being a caveman, where you hiding under a rock your whole life? If you were born in the 70s or earlier or even in the 90s and later I would forgive you, but your literally the pinnacle of human existence, you were born on the cusp of the Information Age and so shouldn't be ignorant at all. You should neither find the modern world scary or take it for granted, so for being born in the early 80s I find your ignorance inexcusable as 80s children are truly the most awesome of any generation ;)

Please don't take it to heart, I'm mostly kidding, we all have fetishes, be they women dressing up in dresses and forced to pluck hairs and paint themselves up, or preferring cyborgs to humans, it's all good :)

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