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finally! an update to the story Body Switched!
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From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #1
As a thank you to all our wonderful fans, After 2 years of thoughtful consideration and days of writing and editing, Eric and I have published another and final part of the series.

You all had great ideas but since you can't please everyone, we went with our own ideas. As it should be, of course.

you can find our epilogue to the Body Switched saga at

(it said it may take several hours to get in the system there so check again later if need be.)

There is a review section at the bottom of the page.
We hope you will like it. If not be kind!

From: guest , 115 months, post #2
"Absolutely the end!"


From: guest , 115 months, post #3
This was pretty much my reaction after reading this "Absolutely the end!"

And by my reaction I just mean what Dr. Loomis is saying without the little girl at the top of the stairs or anything else going on. Just the emotions, haha. I kid I kid. But seriously I am saddened to read those words.

But thank you guys for giving your readers an epilogue and a nice cherry finish to the cake, I only wish there were some words written from Jason and Jennifer's respective perspectives on how their lives had turned out.

Oh and a side question how old would Jason and Jennifer be now?

From: guest , 115 months, post #4
The one thing that confuses me is that in an earlier chapter this fictional dialogue occurred between Jason and Jennifer's father and the government

"Meanwhile, downstairs in the basement laboratory, an overwhelmed yet happy father was selling his mind-swapping invention to the CIA for ten million dollars! Part of his agreement with the town people was that he would get rid of the machine as soon as was feasible. They didn't want anymore accidental mind swaps ever again.
"Remember, Sir, we have exclusive right to the invention. You signed exclusivity contracts! No selling the technology to anyone else or you can be arrested for treason!"
"Of course not! " he said indignantly. "I'm a man of my word!"
"The portable unit and the original model in the basement are your only two units, correct? And you will undertake to build no more, correct?"
The man did not see Jennifer and Jason's dad cross his fingers under the table.""

But in this epilogue they are admitting to the gender psychologists that he broke that agreement pretty much, wasn't that unwise on the father and mother's part? And why did they need a gender psychologist but not their kids Jason and Jennifer?

Also is it implied that someone older switched bodies with Lisa, as she jumped some grades like the new Jason originally had planned but changed his mind due to his popularity with classmates and the chicks?

Otherwise I really love this idea of a Christmas card epilogue, thanks Caleb and Eric for indulging your fans.

And though I'm sure the answer will be no as you said this was the end, but I would love to see Christmas card written from both Jason and Jennifer to their families also detailing us on their perspectives in their new lives. Any chance you might consider this, haha?

Otherwise good job guys!

From: guest , 115 months, post #5
Oh and I forgot to ask are Heather and Michael siblings, or cousins, meaning are they both Jennifer's children or is one Jennifer's child and one Jason's child?

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #6
it is about 10 yrs since the last story and Jennifer has 2 young children so late 20's - early 30's would be likely.

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #7
someone lied to the government. (that never happens ;) He did cross his fingers!

Why the shrinks? Because they wanted to be sure before committing to living each others lives. It seemed a responsible grown up kind of thing to do. The kids didn't need it as they bounced back well after returning to the original bodies but we didn't say that the kids did NOT see a psychologist at some point.

Nice idea about Lisa but no. she is just a genius like her dad.

Thanks to you both for the good thoughts!

From: guest , 115 months, post #8
Can either Caleb or Eric help clarify something for us readers... It is said that
"At the end of Christmas day, one of Jennifer's young twin sons, Michael, age 4, is playing in the basement of his grandfather's house with his equally young niece Heather, five, who lived just down the road."

Is Heather Jason or Jennifer's child? The confusion stems from the fact that Jennifer only has two kids, both of which are twins so they could not be a year apart in ages. But how could Heather be Jason's child since Heather is older than Jennifer's son Michael and at the end of the story Jason had not yet had any kids but his wife was expecting one? That really confused me, or is this Christmases later and Jennifer has had more kids? If you could clear that up for me that would be most appreciated.

Also did Jason and Jennifer stay permanently swapped as each other, or have they switched back in these ten years?

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #9
the niece is either
A an error, I was thinking of one of the 2 children the former father gave birth to as mentioned in the story, which would make her his young aunt, or...
B one of Jason or Jennifer's spouses much younger sibling.

your choice ;)

Did Jason and Jennifer stay permanently swapped?
The father did not know of the swap.
He swapped back everyone he knew of who swapped.
They could have secretly swapped back, of course.
Or chosen not to.

I think we will continue to leave it to the imaginations of each of our wonderful readers to decide their fate as it pleases them.

From: guest , 115 months, post #10
I would like to know if the new Jason or Jennifer will feel more than just an uncle or aunt to their original body's children (now their nieces or nephews), sort of like a second mother or father, since it was the body they spent their youths in, and the body they were born in, I wonder if they will feel almost like that child is theirs. Like does the new Jason look at Jennifer's children as kind of his own since that body was once his, and if they had never switched bodies in the first place those would be his kids... although maybe they would have a different father as who knows if the old Jennifer would have ever dated Richie or even married him for that matter but instead married another dude and had kids with him. Any input from the authors on this thought?

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #11
as a guess, they would probably be very close to each other's children.
But if you choose a new body and identity, you give away a part of your former life.
so their future children would be closer than their future niece or nephew, if only because they would not raise the children of their sibling. Much like an adopted child can be loved as much as the child of your (current) flesh and blood if you have raised them both.

but who knows, their kids might be 'real monsters sometimes' and they might prefer a visiting well behaved niece/nephew more ;)..

From: Eric , 115 months, post #12
Now my thoughts, ( I have nOT discussed this with Caleb) is that eventually Jennifer & Jason would driff a little apart. Jennifer thinking that her BROTHER was a little crude & lacking in refimnment and Jason thinking that Jennifer was too lady like & didn't appreciate sports and beer parties & power tools.

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #13
certainly a possibility, eric! Maybe they got along better with their siblings eventual spouses than their actual sibling. Family get-togethers are probably a bit strained when they all get together ;)

From: guest , 115 months, post #14
"Now my thoughts, ( I have nOT discussed this with Caleb) is that eventually Jennifer & Jason would driff a little apart. Jennifer thinking that her BROTHER was a little crude & lacking in refimnment and Jason thinking that Jennifer was too lady like & didn't appreciate sports and beer parties & power tools"

You mean even though those bodies and personalities are originally their own before they switched bodies? I mean how can you hate a body or personality that used to encompass your entire being? Just curious to ask... :)

From: guest , 115 months, post #15
@ Eric

You all are being a horrible teas talking about the possibilities, like your mention of the new Jason enjoying beer and power tools but the new Jennifer disliking it, even though oddly she would have probably enjoyed such activities had they never switched.

From: guest , 115 months, post #16
Do the new Jennifer and Jason today, now in this epilogue, ever miss their old bodies and lives, or ever miss being attracted to the other sex?

From: Eric , 115 months, post #17
Maybe a little when things are not going very well - like maybe during childbirth, or after agruments with their spoues, or kidney stones ( men have them more than w omen)
As for miss being attracted to the opposite sex - for me - definately NOT. Probably they over compensate to prove that theu really are a mam or a woman.

From: guest , 115 months, post #18
So I'm guessing you guys are having Jason and Jennifer swapped forever, with no switching back to their original bodies?

From: Eric , 115 months, post #19
yep! They now are more comfortable in their new bodies then they were before, besides who wants to admit they made a mmistake?

From: guest (caleb jones) , 115 months, post #20
assuming it is a mistake of course.

The father swapped the whole town back. J & J had plenty of notice and opportunity back then if they wanted to change back, but they really enjoyed their new bodies and the new loves that went with those bodies more than their former bodies and lives as mentioned in the epilogue. So why change back what obviously worked for them so well?

Plus they probably would know about the bodyswapping the parents do on the side with the patients sent from the psychologists in ,

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