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Writing.Com's anti-adblock crusade
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From: Carlsbad , 122 months, post #41
As a general rule, if a site politely asks that I not block their ads, then I will make a reasonable attempt to comply with their request. However, my complaint with's ads is that they are typically flash-based, animated, and frequently advertise offensive or misleading content. Before I installed adblock, I frequently ran into ads for "male enhancement" pills, "adult" dating services, "lose belly fat quick" spam, bogus car insurance offers, and at least one pornographic popup in Czech that appeared to show an elderly man attempting intercourse with a rotisserie chicken. I have no issue with advertisements that are non-intrusive, consume relatively little bandwidth, and are tastefully constructed regardless of their content. But I do not appreciate my browser being hijacked by the virtual equivalent of an alien facehugger.

StoryMaster, I believe that you just want to keep your site running, and turn a fair profit doing so. I suggest that you examine the possibility of more thoroughly screening your advertising services, add the option of purchasing a relatively-cheap membership that disables ads altogether, and generally try to be more understanding of your customers' concerns.

If the bandwidth/storage use of interactive stories is too high, I recommend a few options. First, consider hosting the text of stories offsite, and retrieving it on demand, perhaps using something like Amazon web services. This could reduce the load on your own systems without too much overhead, but it might be tricky to implement.

Another option might be to auto-delete interactives that meet a few specific criteria, such as:
1) Fewer than 20 chapters
2) No updates or additions within 6 months
3) No trees deeper than 3 chapters
4) Bad review scores from an average of at least 5 reviews
I don't know if you already do this or not, but this may eliminate a substantial proportion of the interactives that are created then abandoned by their authors. You could also add a rule than no one may create their own interactives until they have added at least 25 chapters to those of other authors, which would at least slow the exponential growth of these stories.

While we are discussing your site, might I also add a few other suggestions? I would really appreciate a log of what stories have been deleted, so that I don't pull my hair out looking for something I added to. Also, the ability to search within the text of chapters would be nice. It would also be cool if you could tweak the layout a bit in interactive chapters and make them scale better for smaller monitors. Just a suggestion.

I really hope that you do not take your site offline, nor remove the interactives. I have been going to your site for almost 5 years, and I would hate to see it vanish down the memory hole.

From: cj , 122 months, post #42
Carlsbad, I suggest that you post your suggestions on the website forum. I'm not sure that StoryMaster will visit here again - s/he seemed a little off-put by our site here. Besides, the place for suggestions to any website is via the website's own contact / forum.

From: guest (President Obama) , 122 months, post #43
Seriously? You guys really think that some guy puts in a Nickname without any verification and you actually believe you're talking to that person?

Ha ha. Well, this is the President of the USA and I say you shouldn't believe everything you read.

From: guest (Joe Biden) , 122 months, post #44
If you mean Storymaster's post, I don't see any reason to think it's fake.

If you mean someone else's post... well... I'm not sure which other post you would mean.

Anyway, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. President.

From: guest (Jones) , 122 months, post #45
The reality of the situation is that if the ads his site are serving up are unsafe, HE'S THE ONE AT FAULT.

Blaming users for protecting their computers and devices is IDIOTIC.

From: guest (Vlad Putin) , 122 months, post #46
"I don't see any reason to think it's fake"

Dah. But you be better thinking "why this be real?" In my country, we not think things real so easy.

Viva Ukraine.

From: DivineBandit , 122 months, post #47
I'm actually not opposed to paying $20 a year for However, I'm worried that this rest of the WDC interactive community might not stick around, leaving my investment kind of meaningless.

From: guest (Common Sense) , 122 months, post #48
"The reality of the situation is that if the ads his site are serving up are unsafe, HE'S THE ONE AT FAULT.

Blaming users for protecting their computers and devices is IDIOTIC."

Stop saying that, you can repeat it as many times as you want and it won't make it true you CAN'T get a virus from an advertisement IF your computer is properly protected. Which it SHOULD be in the first place.

Saying you got a virus from an ad is like saying you got fat from eating mcdonalds. Yes you can get fat if you eat too much mcdonalds but if you're not over eating and doing the proper amount of physical activity then you will be fine.

The fault doesn't lie with but with you if you get a virus.

From: guest , 122 months, post #49
Common Sense? More like Common Dolt. Of course you're going to defend him. You've already made it perfectly clear you're in bed with the ad companies.

"Stop saying that, you can repeat it as many times as you want and it won't make it true you CAN'T get a virus from an advertisement IF your computer is properly protected. Which it SHOULD be in the first place."

Yeah how about no. I'm sorry but you're completely wrong. People should protect their computers. However if a company hired people to break into your house and steal all of your possessions people would be outraged and the company would be liable. Even if the house doesn't have a security system.

I'm not even sure why you think it's okay for a site to host ads with viruses. I guess you also think it's okay for companies to infect our food with viruses because "Everybody should protect themselves by getting vaccinated".

From: guest (Hey guest) , 122 months, post #50
Do you think they host viruses cause they like viruses or cause they mean people?

I no think coke or Pepsi really want as space like that.

May be it tuf to find better.

From: guest (tsn) , 122 months, post #51
What I find funny about the site is how they're trying to fund it through memberships. The ads weren't that annoying (on mobile at least), but they've put up messages pointing out that premium members have ad-free surfing.
It seemed that didn't work because they've made the text bigger!

From: guest (tsn) , 122 months, post #52
Took a look at the paid memberships. The first tier "allows ad blocker use!" yet the second tier is ad free anyway(and more expensive)...

From: guest , 122 months, post #53
They seem to be further curbing access to site features if one isn't logged in (even compared with a free membership). Or I could be mistaken. I've canceled my free membership as I was spending too much time there, among other reasons, so maybe this will get me to quit entirely.

From: guest (Akira) , 122 months, post #54
I don't know if the allegations regarding malware laden ads is true or not, but as someone who operates a web-based business for a living, you can't knowingly serve malware laden ads to people, there's absolutely no excuse for it.

It's up to the site owner to make sure the content on their site is safe.

From my perspective, its also a mistake to be hostile to a community/free members who add content, because you're going to chase away potential paying members.

From: guest (Common Sense) , 122 months, post #55
"Common Sense? More like Common Dolt. Of course you're going to defend him. You've already made it perfectly clear you're in bed with the ad companies."

I said I work with them on a daily basis I don't work in them or for them.

"Yeah how about no. I'm sorry but you're completely wrong. People should protect their computers. However if a company hired people to break into your house and steal all of your possessions people would be outraged and the company would be liable. Even if the house doesn't have a security system."

Ad companies don't purposefully lace their ad's with malware. Your analogy is also flawed. Of course people would be outraged if anyone tried to break into their but not protecting your computer is like not putting any doors or windows on your home in the first place which is stupid.

Malware is slipped into ad's when a user puts it into the ad that they want to host through the service. It's not something that the ad companies are doing themselves and they remove ads and ban users from their services when they catch this being done.

Simply stated it has nothing to do with Storymaster CAN'T use services like google adsense which would have safer ads because of the content that is being allowed on the website so he is forced to go with less reputable services.

From: guest (Jooce) , 122 months, post #56
I don't really Understand all the fuss here..I get why there is a problem sure...but why haven't you just unblocked the filter that uses as the detector for if you are using an adblock.. I just did what I assume nearly everyone else does when they have an issue.....(Insert generic Search engine Here) Keywords:, Adblock, Problem.....3 mins of searching....solution found

From: D.A.W. , 122 months, post #57
"Stop saying that, you can repeat it as many times as you want and it won't make it true you CAN'T get a virus from an advertisement IF your computer is properly protected. Which it SHOULD be in the first place."

That is blatantly false, these days there isn't a single anti-virus or anti-malware suite comprehensive enough to keep you safe any more, but don't take my word for it. Any, computer expert will tell you the same thing, read this article for more info:

The safest route is sandboxing your browser and other internet-accessible apps and even that isn't fool-proof.

"Ad companies don't purposefully lace their ad's with malware. Your analogy is also flawed. Of course people would be outraged if anyone tried to break into their but not protecting your computer is like not putting any doors or windows on your home in the first place which is stupid."

Uh, that's only half the picture, yes sometimes site owners (or 'hackers') inject viruses into the ads, but there are a lot of disreputable agencies posing as legitimate companies who start out with innocuous ads then attack once their clients have dropped their guard.

From: guest (DudeLove) , 122 months, post #58
Haha, and now a countdown has been added so if you have adblock you actually wait 5 seconds to load each page. I guess the extra click just wasn't annoying enough.

Between all that nonsense, and actually berating and belittling people who use the website, it's as if he just decided to put up a great big sign saying "Please no one come to this site anymore". I mean at this point, might as well just pull the plug.

From: guest (Anon) , 122 months, post #59
As somebody who has a fair few interactives comprising a couple thousand chapters, I'd appreciate it if anybody can suggest an automated means of backing them up. I would be more than gutted if the interactives got taken down.

It's a suprise and shame that a site hasn't come along in all these years that offers the same service as I've always been uneasy regarding the long term viability of the site - despite having one of the most valuable domain names on the internet, it comes across as rather inept and shambolic, as though it is owned by a group of grannies trying to run a book club at their local church.

I got the impression that the fetish aspect of many of the interactives is unwelcome, which makes me think the owner are probably religious. While this doesn't bother me, it wouldn't surprise me if they one day decided to just delete everything un-Christian.

So yeah, if somebody has a program capable of backing up the interactives, I'd appreciate it massively.

From: guest (Anon) , 122 months, post #60
I should add that I do actually have a yearly membership and believe that deserves to be refunded for the hard work they do and the cost of their servers, and I would like to see the site do well out of concern for my own interactives and the time and energy other people have put into them. Knowing that the interactives are still going to be there tomorrow is important if I'm going to continue funding the site though.

I have actually suggested several ways for them to monitize themselves better on their official forums, but was always shot down. First of all, they need to give more function to the GP system, so that it actually has a use.

The sponsoring system also needs revamping. You can stump up GP to sponsor an interactive, so that it is advertised about the other interactives, and every time somebody clicks the sponsored item you pay a set amount of GP. Yet only the top six interactives with the highest GP sponsor get displayed though, so all that happens is that a small number of interactives that nobody cares a fuck about stump up stupidly high GP-per-click amounts (20 cents per click) and get the advertising spots. Since nobody ever clicks on them, they never have to actually pay any GPs, and they can just squat in the advertising section for months and months and months. Items like 'A Day in the Life of...' which has had 140 chapters added to it in TEN YEARS, the last of which was added 9 MONTHS AGO. There is no reason for it to be taking up a valuable advertising slot, since nobody clicks on it, thus the site doesn't benefit from it being there.

Meanwhile, if an actually interesting interactive actually stumps up the vast GP-per-click to match the vast price of the top 6 sponsored items and get inside the advertising bracket, it will get so many clicks that your GP reserves are drained in hours. What the site needs to do is ensure that their is a turnover of sponsored items, so that the 6 of the top 50 or so sponsored items are selected at random to be displayed, so that you don't get this obnoxious overinflation of sponsorship prices.

I would also like the ability to automatically grant a self-defined amount of GP to people who add chapters in the same way that reviews can be rewarded. It would save me so much hassle. I like rewarding people for contributing chapters (even if its just with pointless GP) and even though it only takes a few clicks, those clicks start to add up, until you're spending a load of time and effort trying to keep track of which chapters you have and haven't rewarded.

Other things I would happily spend GP on is the ability to add additional choices to the end of chapters, as I find the 5-5-3-3-2-2-2-etc limitation on choices restictive at times. If I could pay maybe 1000 GP to add an extra choice to a single chapters, so the first chapter could have six choices for example, I'd happily do that and would probably blow loads more money on the site since I've always got more ideas than I know what to do with.

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