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Paradox Alice Review
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In the near future, a team is sent on a dangerous mission to Europa to retrieve and bring water back to a dying Earth. Their operation unexpectedly goes awry, jeopardizing not only the lives of those on board but also on earth, resulting in the possible extinction of the human race. One of the mai ...more
From: guest (me) , 121 months, post #41
Are there additional scenes to the transformation that were taken out?

From: MissMako , 121 months, post #42
There are some outtakes of things that didn't quite work during the whole transformation scene (I think we have some of this on the "making of" videos. We kind of went nuts trying new things here and there - and some of it worked and some of it failed or just didn't look as good as I wanted it to. Trial and error.


From: guest (Guest) , 101 months, post #43
I am a huge fan of transformation stories. (I blame Jack Chalker's early influence!) And I have to say, I cannot recommend this movie to anyone.

It's easy to get sidetracked with all of the scientific and logic flaws this movie has, even by sci-fi standards. I'll just leave it at this: If you started a drinking game based on "that's not how science/a spaceship operates," you'd be in danger of alcohol poisoning by the end.

The reality is, it's just a terrible movie with bad dialogue and gender stereotypes that make the 50s look progressive - but not even in a sexy or fun way.

When Alex transforms to Alice, he doesn't just transform into a woman - he loses his ability to lead, to fight (because girls only slap, run and give in), to strategize, and even to dress appropriately for his job. (The original female member of the crew dressed in identical clothing to the men; Alice dresses appropriate to a workout video, not acting captain of a ship.) He gains an innate ability to do his nails and makeup (which as a woman, let me tell you is in no fucking way innate) and to unintentionally flirt like a cheerleader. And by the end of it, he doesn't want to return to being a man because being a woman is all about love. (Being a man is apparently all about hate, rape and illogical behavior.)

The physical transformation is... meh. Divided out into body parts (close up on the hands as the nails grow, close up on the lips as the lips change, close up on a boob as the boob grows, close up on the spine as the spine... pops out like for a moment you think he might become an alien?) but not particularly inspiring. It was an independent, low-budget film, though, so I imagine their resources were limited and they did the best they could. As for the long nails - they looked ridiculous, but I wouldn't have cared... if they hadn't magically disappeared in the next scene. Continuity?

It's just not a good movie, folks. It's definitely not worth your time or money.

From: guest , 101 months, post #44
It's an awful film, that's true. Also a horrible representation of women.

The author might wish to turn into a woman, that's true, but that doesn't mean he respects them. Indeed, it seems he's a bit masochistic and only wants to be a woman to feel weak and be raped.

Even if you can get pass that, the rest of the film is equally horrid. The transformation is corny and all, but probably the best part for the crowd here. And its aftermath is horribly played.

From: guest (Guest) , 101 months, post #45
loved paradox Alice. One of the best Transgender transformation movies from someone in this community evar. Shown lots of friends who love it too. Highly recommend.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 101 months, post #46
What's funny is that the bad reviews make me want to see it even more.

From: guest (guest1) , 101 months, post #47
I agree it was not great...I disliked it so much it wasn't worth the memory it used to keep on my computer.

Well some will like it for sure I would just advise people it is not worth the effort it takes to acquire

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