John Doe

John's hunting trip isn't going as planned

This picture was intended to have some text, but I left it out because I liked the way it looked without text. And I was told it really didn't need it. But I hate to waste it, so there it.

Boy: I wonder what happened to John.
Man: I don't care. I'm not going back empty handed this year. The next thing I see with hooves is going over my fireplace.
Boy: Guess that explains why you shot Mr. Pelgar's cow last year.
Man: Hope you're this funny when we go home with nothing in the back of the truck.
Boy: Hey, how about we try Doe Lake. John was telling me an old Indian story about it last night.
Man: John knows too many old Indian stories. Besides, everyone knows there aren't any bucks near Doe Lake. Thats why its called Doe Lake.
Boy: Thats not what John said. He said its called Doe Lake, because ...
Man: John makes up half those stories. Besides, if he's so smart why is he lost.
Boy: He's not lost. I bet he's at Doe Lake right now. Infact, he probably so close to a doe that he can feel its fur.