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Category: 'Misc Transformation'
Outsiders vol. 3 #16
Gender, Male
While Metamorpho is (in his own jokey manner) explaining what aspect of Batman each of the various Outsiders represents, he briefly (or a panel each) turns into Robin and a more cartoonish version Katana. When asked what HE represents, he responds by stating that he's Batman's utility belt... and ...more
Pangeran Lutung
Indonesian mini series featuring a boy who can turn half-monkey and his half-goat friend protecting a teenage witch. In episode 1 another ugly teenage witch turns beautiful and loses her nice appearance again in episode 12.
Just to complete the database. A parallel earth. The technology is powered exclusively by magic Detective Sean Nault investigates a baffling series of murders committed by a means he's never seen before: science. The trailer contain the transformation scene(very short)
Phineas and Ferb Episode: Does this Duckbill Make me Look Fat?
Phineas and Ferb: Does this Duckbill Make me Look Fat? has an invention of theirs switch the minds of the sister Candace with the mind of the platypus (and undercover spy) Perry Candace and Perry switch brains when they both fell in Phineas's and Ferb's teleporter invention. It features the ...more
Phineas and Ferb, "Mind Share"
Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet switch bodies with space aliens to go on an intergalactic vacation. Unfortunately, the aliens they switch with are all imprisoned.
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour, episode "Really You" Part 1&2
A live size doll looks like the teenage girl finally took the girl's place and replaced her, and the girl became the doll. But she later turned back when her mother realized the new doll is really her daughter.
R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour, episode "Scary Mary" Part 1&2
A girl taken into the mirror space/dimension of Scary Mary after using Scary Mary's hair brush, where Scary Mary able to take all other trapped girls' face and became their mistress. The girl's face was taken and Scary Mary wore it to try to trick the girl's boyfriend that went inside the mirror di ...more
Resurrecting Jessica
After the death of his mom and sister, a young man does all he can to keep his relationship with his father alive. But little does he know that his father, in deep mourning over the loss of both women, is willing to do ANYTHING to bring one of them back. Strangely, and very slowly, the son becomes ...more
Samurai Jack episode "The Aku infection"
Samurai Jack Has Been infected with Aku's evil and slowly turns into him
Secrets at Echowood College
Far from civilization, tucked away in the mountains, was Echowood College, a private institution that pursued cutting-edge research, development, and new discoveries. But when one of their students accidentally stumbled upon one of their more sensitive and secretive research projects, everything be ...more
A grad student who accidentally turns herself into a six-armed superhero. There is also a drider transformation.
Steve Lowe book Muscle Memory
A Bizarro send-up of 1980s body-switching movies that asks the question: What would Kirk Cameron do? Billy Gillespie wakes up one morning to discover his junk is gone. In its place is his wife's junk. Billy is now Tina, and Tina is dead. That's because Billy's dead. His lifeless body is still in ...more
The Daily Show with John Stewart 6/14/2012
(Spoiler Text) Brief.
The Genie Family (Hakushon Daimaō) - Episode: 32
On this Episode of "The Genie Family", Kanchan, Daimaou, and Akubi went out fishing at the sea. Kanchan thought he got a fish but it turns out to be a clam. He threw on his boat and when it opened, it turned out to be a treasure map. They went under water at the bottom of the sea/ocean, they found ...more
The Land of Many Perfumes (1968)
Asian fantasy movie featuring the famous Monkey King. Furry: A monkey man and a pig man (who is later turned into a turtle man) Animal TF: A snake and a giant scorpion-beetle turn into women and at the end back. A woman turns herself into a parrot, and another woman is turned into a parrot and c ...more
The Sims 3 Store Item
Age, Animal, Gender
If you buy this item and put it in a house, you can contact the Grim Reaper. One of this things you can ask him to do is reincarnate a dead sim. (You'll have to have the Sims tombstone.) The sim will have some of its skills and maybe will remember some prior relationships. It may change some aspec ...more
The Troop, Episode "The Prisoner of Lakewood"
One of the troop members named Hayley switches bodies with a monster when touch it, but each retain their voice in other's body.
Tom and Jerry - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse
It's already in the database. Remove my entry, please :-)
Tournament of Magic
I don't know why, but I was reminded of this book I saw as a little kid. It's from the 1960's. It's a pop-up book about a king, King Awkward, who likes magic but isn't good at it. He decides to let whoever can come up with the best magic trick have his daughter in marriage. There are several transf ...more
Transformation Stories
Age, Animal, Gender, Inanimate
Transformation Stories is a "social content network" based on coRank. It's a place where people submit, share, vote and promote stories with various transformation themes.
A wiki devoted to cataloging "tropes" in media. It has a great deal of tropes related to TG and TF content (each "trope" page consists of a description with a list of examples). Good starting points include; A list of transgender/cross dressing related tropes. Shapeshifting tropes.
Ultimate Spider-Man: "The Spider-Verse"
Spider-man travels to another dimension where everyone's genders are swapped. Goblin uses Electro to power up the siege perilous to collect the DNA of other Spider-Men. Spider-Man follows Goblin and boosts the confidence of Spider-Man 2099 and helps Spider-Girl to defeat Norma Osborn.
Universal Studios Hollywood Me Minion Mayhem Commercial "Find Your Inner Minion"
Promotional commercial for Universal Studios Hollywood's new ride "Minion Mayhem" in which a family (which includes a father, mother, and son) all get transformed into Minions from the movie Despicable Me. Brief near the end of the commercial. (Note: I have listed this as a miscellaneous trans ...more
Witch Girls a Tales Issue 1 vol 2.
Picked up Witch Girls Tales Issue 1 Volume 2 at a convention last weekend. Great art, fun and lots of TF's mostly the poof magic type. Includes size, inanimate, animal.
Animal, Furry, Gender
Yiffstar is a huge furry related website. They have pictures,stories, and a few other media types. They are a free site, and most of the material is adult only. The content there spans many more categories, but they would take all year to post using my psp.